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Scientist Trope Analysis

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How do you explain the widespread villainous scientist trope?

The global scientistic trope is something humans enjoy to create in films or in literature because the tragedies allow for humankind to evaluate the worst possible case scenario and fears of the future. Society uses these stereotypes of AI to show the frightening unknown future, however, the future is normally not going to end up the way we think it will. Similarly, the movie ¨Back to the Future¨ from 1985 depicted that in 2015, 30 years later, humans would have advanced technology to the point where we would have flying cars, various types of hovercrafts and self-lacing shoes, unfortunately we have none of the aforementioned technologies and it has been 3 years since 2015. These …show more content…
AI will benefit society because the mechanism will eventually be able to improve itself on its own and as you mentioned would ¨have a much deeper understanding of its own parts than any human could hope to have.¨ Moreover expressing the benefits of the sentient AI because it will be able to control itself with humans having to worry about fixing broken codes or parts, the computer can fix itself. Furthermore, the sentient AI could allow societies to have technology that can access all information throughout the entire internet and could be able to answer questions simply especially after it is able to control itself. This sounds scary to society because it implies that eventually a species smarter than humankind will dominate, however, this proves useful because currently humans are struggling to answer extremely difficult and trying questions but with help from the supposedly superior technological lifeform, humans can answer them and our knowledge will only increase with the help of AI. Likewise, the AI will extend the lifetime of human beings on earth since the supercomputers will develop and discover ways to fix society's biggest problems. As stated in your essay, eventually earth will be almost completely populated with sentient AI marking the Galactic Civilization. Lastly, with the never ending advancement of technology, it is very possible and almost inevitable that human beings will reach this

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