... Jonner, MA 02198 ▪ 291-555-9454 ▪ Web Address: www.jpl.net March 10, 2012 Mr. Brent Jackson 5153 Anlyn Drive Jonner, MA 02198 Dear Mr. Jackson: Thank you for registering online for our spring classes. As a library patron, you are aware that we offer a great deal more than books and magazines. The table below outlines the classes for which you have registered, along with the dates and locations: Class | Date | Location | Intro to Windows 7 | April 10 | Room 10B | eBay Basics | April 18 | Room 24C | Genealogy Searches | April 24 | Room 10B | Overview of Office 2010 | April 28 | Room 22A | Note that all classes, regardless of date, begin at 10:00 a.m. and last four hours. Although no materials or textbooks are required for the classes, you are strongly encouraged to bring the following items: * Pens, pencils, or other writing implements * Blank CD or DVD to store documents and notes created during class * Notebook or loose-leaf binder for handwritten notes * Your valid library card to verify enrollment eligibility Please note that no food or drinks are allowed in any of our computer facilities. If you have any questions or would like to register for additional courses, please contact me at (291) 555-9454 or via e-mail at mtlawrence@jpl.net. Again, thank you for your interest in and continued patronage of Jonner Public Library. We look forward to seeing you when your first class begins. ...
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...raft Manuscript Draft Ma VLSM and CIDR cript Draft Manuscript Dra Manuscript Draft Manuscri raft Manuscript Draft Ma uscript Draft Manuscript raft Manuscript Draft Ma script Draft Manuscript D ft Manuscript Draft Manu ript Draft Manuscript Dra Manuscript Draft Manuscri t Draft Manuscript Draft M nuscript Draft Manuscript CHAPTER 6 Objectives ■ Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions: What are the differences between classful and classless IP addressing? What is VLSM, and what are the benefits of classless IP addressing? ■ ■ What is the role of the classless interdomain routing (CIDR) standard in making efficient use of scarce IPv4 addresses? Key Terms This chapter uses the following key terms. You can find the definitions in the Glossary at the end of the book. classful IP addressing page 280 prefix aggregation page 285 network prefix page 286 contiguous page 294 discontiguous address assignment page 280 supernet page 280 private addressing page 281 high-order bits page 282 supernetting page 294 This is a prepublication draft of the manuscript. The final book will publish in December and will be available for purchase at http://www.ciscopress.com/title/9781587132063. raft Manuscript Draft Ma cript Draft Manuscript Dra Manuscript Draft Manuscri raft Manuscript Draft Ma uscript Draft Manuscript raft Manuscript Draft Ma script Draft Manuscript D ft Manuscript Draft Manu ript Draft Manuscript Dra Manuscript...
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...Class D or M Road Test Application GENERAL INFORMATION MA Assigned License/ID/Permit Number License Class S 8 6 2 7 3 4 4 5 First Name #D #M Middle Name Note: Applicants under the age of 18 who wish to obtain a class M (motorcycle) license or endorsement must complete the Massachusetts Rider Education Program (MREP) and may not book a road test with the RMV. For additional information, please refer to the MassDOT RMV Division's website at mass.gov/rmv. Month Last Name Date of Birth Zhang Qing Day Year Sex 9 City/State 2 1990 #M #F 6 Zip Code Feet Height Inches 7 Mailing Address (Where you want us to send your Driver's License and future notices from the RMV) U.S. Post Office MAY NOT deliver if your name is NOT on the mailbox. 926 Main ST Room 702 Residential Address (Where you actually reside) ! Same as above Worcester / MA City/State 01610 Zip Code 926 Main ST Room 702 Worcester / MA 01610 PARENTAL CONSENT FOR MINOR; Information & Certification of Person Providing Consent This section must be completed by a parent of the applicant, the legal guardian, the Massachusetts Child Guardian Division, or the Headmaster of the Boarding School the applicant is attending. To the Registrar: I hereby certify I am: (check one) ! parent ! legal guardian ! Massachusetts Child Guardian Division ! boarding school headmaster of the above-named applicant who is less than 18 years...
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... Meeting my Goals: Better Note-taking/Studying Techniques To be a more successful college student and in turn a more productive employee, I have found I need to learn more effective note taking/studying techniques. As I started my research for this project, I found there are a million-and-one ways to better study and take good notes. Some are actual studies completed by renowned universities and others are merely guides written by persons based off of their personal experience. The first source I selected “Taking Notes: 5 College Success Tips” was posted by Dennis G. Jerz as submitted to him by one his Technical Writing Students Vivinette K. Dietsche. In her paper, Dietsche outlines five basic principles that are beneficial when it comes to taking notes: go to class prepared, improve your listening skills, develop a note taking method that works for you, pay close attention to content and review and edit your notes. Going to class prepared can be as simple as ensuring you have all the supplies i.e., paper, binders and writing instruments necessary to complete assignments. Also covering the course material before showing up to class will give you a better idea what is going on in the day’s lesson plan. Improving your listening skills is crucial in understanding what is being taught. Dietsche talks about having what we called in the military a PMA or Positive Mental Attitude. If you start the class thinking negatively you will not be of...
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...Jasmine Hsu Faculty Contact Details jhsu@jgu.edu.in Class Time and Venue as per the programme time table Course Description The goal of this course is to help you understand the role and application of accounting information in business and learn how managers can use external and internal accounting information for decision-making. This course aims to provide an overview of key principles and concepts in financial accounting and managerial accounting. Specific topics include: components of financial statements; financial statements analysis; product costing; costvolume-profit analysis; and budgeting. Course Objectives After completion of the course, you should be able to: Understand the roles of financial accounting (external) and managerial accounting (internal) Analyze financial reports, specifically the balance sheet, statement of profit and loss and statement of cash flow. Identify and apply key financial ratios to financial statement analysis. Identify and apply basic elements of cost concepts, product costing and cost-volumeprofit (CVP) analysis to management decision-making process. Understand key considerations during the budgeting process and budgetary control. Course Materials Narayanswami (2014): “Financial Accounting: A Managerial Perspective”, Prentice-Hall Pvt Ltd., 5th edition, New Delhi (FA) Jiambalvo (2013):” Managerial Accounting”, Wiley India, 5th edition, New Delhi (MA) Supplemental materials will be distributed via...
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...____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Notes: 1. Practice safety at all times. Anyone not following safety rules and practices will NOT be permitted to continue with the lab and a “Zero” grade will be applied to the affected student(s). 2. Read and follow ALL lab instructions provided. 3. Answer all questions, neatly, clearly and concisely, on supplied forms. 4. If additional space is required for any work, it must be typed and included as attachments to the main lab report. Make sure all attachments are titled and serially labeled as Attachment A, B, C, etc. 5. Labs are only conducted during scheduled lab times and cannot be made up. A grade of “Zero” will be assigned for missed labs. 6. Complete lab reports are to be submitted at the very next lab class on an alternating week basis. Students assigned an odd number will hand in a complete lab report for all odd numbered labs (LABS 1, 3, 5, 7, 9). Students assigned an even number will hand in a complete lab report for all even numbered labs (LABS 2, 4, 6, 8, 10). 7. Upon completion of lab, make sure that the professor reviews and signs off on the lab cover page. If the lab is not signed by the professor or lab supervisor, a grade of “Zero” will be assigned. Professor’s Ack. ________________________________________________ Professor: L. Forte; MA Ed., P. Eng. EMNG 1001 – Circuit Analysis Lab Page 1 Objectives 1. Develop familiarity with Multisim...
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...Package ‘quantmod’ July 24, 2015 Type Package Title Quantitative Financial Modelling Framework Version 0.4-5 Date 2015-07-23 Depends xts(>= 0.9-0), zoo, TTR(>= 0.2), methods Suggests DBI,RMySQL,RSQLite,timeSeries,its,XML,downloader Description Specify, build, trade, and analyse quantitative financial trading strategies. LazyLoad yes License GPL-3 URL http://www.quantmod.com https://github.com/joshuaulrich/quantmod BugReports https://github.com/joshuaulrich/quantmod/issues NeedsCompilation yes Author Jeffrey A. Ryan [aut, cph], Joshua M. Ulrich [cre, ctb], Wouter Thielen [ctb] Maintainer Joshua M. Ulrich Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2015-07-24 21:10:42 R topics documented: quantmod-package addADX . . . . . . addBBands . . . . addCCI . . . . . . addExpiry . . . . . addMA . . . . . . addMACD . . . . . addROC . . . . . . addRSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
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...Driving Licences in DMW Org. Boston RMV Office Location 630 Washington St. Boston, MA 02111 Contact Information: (857) 368-8000 Website: http://local.dmv.org Hours of Operation Sunday Closed Monday 9:00am - 5:00pm Tuesday 9:00am - 5:00pm Wednesday 9:00am - 5:00pm Thursday 10:00am - 6:00pm Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday Closed More Information: Driver's Notes: Written tests for Class D or M given 9 a.m. for 4 p.m. (10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursdays). CDL Notes: Written tests for Class A, B, or C given 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursdays). Vehicle Notes: Only cash, Check and money orders accepted for registration transactions. Required Driver License Documents: Though exact driver license requirements and forms vary by state, you’ll need to provide all or some of the following * Proof of your full legal name. Most states will accept some form of photo ID bearing your signature. * Proof of state residence. Depending on your state, you will need to provide one or two forms of proof, confirming a physical address. PO (post office) boxes will not be accepted. * Proof of legal presence, identity, and date of birth. A birth certificate issued in the United States will suffice. Otherwise, your state will issue a list other acceptable documents. * Proof of your Social Security number. If you don’t have a Social Security number, you will need to provide evidence why you’re ineligible to own one. Required Documents for the...
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...of Business & Economics) September 30, 2014 October 2, 2014 October 3 - 4, 2014 October 5 - 10, 2014 October 15, 2014 October 25. 2014 Tuesday Thursday Friday - Saturday Sunday - Friday Wednesday Saturday Course Advising & Registration without Fine: All Programs of School of Business & Economics Last day to drop course(s) with 100% adjustable refund only (All Undergraduate and Graduate Programs) Holiday: *Durgapuja Holiday: *Eid-ul-Azha Last day of course advising & registration with a fine of Tk. 500/(For all students) Note: There will be no advising & registration after October 15, 2014. Make-up class: Regular Sunday Classes Last day for payment of Total Tuition Fee & Trimester Fee (For the students admitted in Summer 2008 Trimester and onwards) Note: Fine will be imposed for late payment as per UIU rules. Last day of 1st installment (40% of Tuition Fee + Trimester Fee): (For the students admitted before Summer 2008 Trimester) Note: A fine of Tk. 500/- will be imposed for payment made after the deadline....
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...L - Us Lab sing IOS CLI wit Switch MAC A S th Address Tables s s T Topology A Addressing Table g Device R1 S1 S2 2 PC C-A PC C-B Interface G0/1 G VLAN 1 V VLAN 1 V NIC N NIC N IP Ad ddress 192.168 8.1.1 192.168 8.1.11 192.168 8.1.12 192.168 8.1.3 192.168 8.1.2 Subnet Mas sk 25 0 25 0 25 0 25 0 25 0 Default Gateway N/A O Objectives Part 1: Bu and Con uild nfigure the Network Cable the network according to the topology diagram. e Config gure the netw work devices according to the Addressin Table. a t ng Part 2: Ex xamine the Switch MAC Address Tab S A ble the Use show commands to observ the proces of building t switch MA address ta s ve ss AC able. B Backgroun / Scenar nd rio The purpo of a Layer 2 LAN switc is to deliver Ethernet fra ose ch ames to host d devices on th local netwo The he ork. switch rec cords host MA addresses that are visible on the ne twork, and m AC s maps those MA addresses to its AC s own Ethernet switch po orts. This proc cess is called building the MAC address table. When a switch rec d n ceives a m amines the fra ame’s source and destinat tion MAC add dresses. The s source MAC address frame from a PC, it exa © 2013 Cisco and its affiliates. All rights reserve This docume is Cisco Publiic. d/or ed. ent Page 1 of 5 Lab - Using IOS CLI with Switch MAC Address Tables is recorded and mapped to the switch port from which...
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...hospitable one was generous. In Beowulf, for instance, King Hrothgar invites Beowulf and his men to stay and feast in his hall. The mistreatment of a guest would have been considered a crime (Caesar 22). The concept of fate was also very important to the heroic code (see question #3 for more information on fate). 2) How does the physical environment contribute to the development of a heroic society? Germanic tribes usually established themselves in meadows and woods, which were places in which the Romans would have never imagined living (documentary seen in class). This gave the Germans a big advantage when in battle. Nevertheless, living in the woods was not always easy. Resources were hard to come by. Warriers had to hunt and gather in order to provide food for their families. Very little agriculture was practiced. The physical environment also presented many challenges: it was unstable and dangerous (class notes). 3) Why is fate important in heroic culture? Fate is an important part...
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...town called Knick. She lived with her mom and her little sister, Leigh. the girl's name was Mallory.She had been very stressed lately because of a huge final she had in Mr. Wilcox's’ class. Mallory came home from work and her mother had gone missing. Leigh was crying and freaking out. “they took her!” Leigh sobbed. “Who? Leigh, calm down and please tell me what happened.” Twenty minutes later Leigh had calmed down enough to explain to Mallory that the local gang, The Westside Wolves, broke in and took their mother. “What do we do?” mallory asked. She folded her arms and let out a stressful sigh. “What about Nate?” Leigh popped. “What about him?” Mallory was confused why Leigh was bringing up Nate at a time like this “Didn’t he used to be with the Wolves?” Leigh explained. “Oh! That’s right! I’ll call him right now!” Mallory stood up and walked into the kitchen to call Nate. “Hello?” Nate seemed surprised to be getting a call from Mallory, he hadn't heard...
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... philosophy, and social movements reflecting the developments of the information age as it moves to the communication age. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Fiero, G. K. (2011). The humanistic tradition: Modernism, postmodernism, and the global perspective (6th ed., Book 6). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. All electronic materials are available on the student website. Week One: Philosophy, Arts, and Architecture in the 20th Century Details Due Points Objectives 1.1 Identify the major philosophical perspectives at work during the 20th century. 1.2 Explain how the prominent philosophies of the 20th century reflected the changes in industry and the individual. 1.3 Identify notable artists and works—in art, music, dance, and architecture—that defined the 20th century. 1.4 Analyze how a notable work of 20th-century art, music, dance, and architecture...
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...BENEFITS OF ACTIVE AND COOPERATIVE LEARNING 1. Provides opportunities for higher order thinking as opposed to passive listening. Reinforces listening to others and gives opportunity for immediate feedback and adjustment of thought. Students talking together provide for input and listening. Students often have to assess the thoughts/ideas of peers, determine whether they “fit” their own, whether they disagree, or partially agree. Students have an opportunity to speak their ideas/thoughts for better formulation. Some often say, “I didn’t think of that” or “That’s a different slant.” 2. Promotes greater student-faculty and student-student interaction. Students assist each other in understanding material/content. This may even help students broaden their perspectives on issues or problems. Professors have an opportunity to move from group to group, listen and if appropriate add comments. For some students this is the only personalization with a professor that ever occurs. Professors may answer questions that might never be asked without the closer interaction. Problems or misunderstandings can quickly and quietly be handled. 3. Increases student retention and limits anxiety. Students are not overloaded with information. Students actually get time to think about, to talk about, and process information. Improves interaction and “talk” (Vygotskian Constructivism) and provides opportunities for students to think about and process the...
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...SanMlguel Pure Foods June 13, 2011 ~ Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. Disclosure Department Philippine Stock Exchange Plaza Ayala Triangle, Ayala Avenue Makati City Attention: Ms. Janet A. Encarnacion Head - Disclosure Department Ladies and Gentlemen: Please be informed that San Miguel Pure Foods Company, Inc. filed the attached Amended General Information Sheet with the Securities and Exchange Commission this afternoon. Very truly yours, AL~T~ Corporate Secretary A Company of San Miguel Pure Foods Company, Inc. 23rd Fir., The JMT Corporate Condominium, ADS Avenue , 605 Ortigas Center, Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines Tel. No.: 16321 702-5000 Webslte: www.sanmiguelpurefoods.com.ph SANMlGUEl CORPORATION Sa Mlguel PureFoo 5 June 13,2011 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE EDSA, Mandaluyong City COMMISSION Ladies and Gentlemen: Please see attached Amended General Information Sheet (GrS) of San Miguel Pure Foods Company, Inc. following the 2011 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the corporation on May 13,2011, with the following changes: 1. Information on Number of Shares in the Hands of the Public, as broken down under Subscribed Capital, in page 2 ofthe GIS. Tax Identification No. of Mr. Jorge Ramos in page 4 of the GIS. 2. 11 Thank you. Very truly yours, A Company of ' San Miguel Pure Foods Company, Inc. 23rd Fir.. The JMT Corporate Condominium. ADS Avenue , 605 Ortigas Center. Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines Tel...
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