...Critical social theorists have a desire to influence and change social problems occurring in society and inform disciplines including human services practice, and guide practitioners through critical social theories to explain and understand social phenomenon (Chenoweth & McAuliffe, 2015, p. 130). Past sociological theories were created in a different era where Eurocentric ideologies were favoured to explain social issues and inform human services practice. However, since progression of evolution, globalisation and racial activism, theorists are presenting new social theories to inform disciplines of new developments and applying these theories to social problems. Critical race theory (CRT), acts to provoke change from macro structures by advocating...
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...Social workers must have a vast skill set to successfully work in all the different branches of Social Work. When assessing and working with clients a social worker must be sensitive and understanding of clients cultural and religious beliefs. Mental illness goes often untreated which is worsened if culturally you do not believe in it. The following case study is of a 21 year old male Abdul of Arab descent who is reportedly exhibiting erratic violent behavior towards his family. While working with Abdul and his family the social worker must always be ready to educate the clients on possible issues, which will not be an easy task when working with people from different cultures, whom will have different costumes. It is vital to understand that...
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...INTRODUCTION **** marketing definition Macro economics is the study of the behaviour and trends in the economy as a whole involving the analysis of six major forces to identify possible opportunities and threats available to the organisation. To illustrate these forces, the hypothetical “Bamboo Company” (located in Sydney New South Wales) will be used. This organisation has prided itself on the use of recyclable and renewable resources where possible and as a result, has developed the Bambicycle. This entry level hybrid bicycle combines the best attributes of a road bike and a mountain bike in one as well as being constructed by bamboo which is one of the world’s fastest growing renewable resources. An analysis of the six macroeconomic influences with reference to the Bamboo Company are as follows: THE DEMOGRAPHIC ENVIRONMENT Demographics is the statistical study of the population as a whole, consisting of the following variables and how they will affect the bicycle marketing environment: – The changing age structure of population “Australia's population, like that of most developed countries, is ageing as a result of sustained low fertility and increasing life expectancy” (Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS], 2010a para 7). The proportion of the population aged 65 years and over is projected to increase from 13% in 2007 to between 23% and 25% in 2056, and 25% and 28% in 2101 (ABS, 2010c para 15) with the first...
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...Name: Patrick Amara Essay #4: Research Paper Pro. Murray March 28, 2013 Human Trafficking INTRODUCTION The social issue of human trafficking has garnered the attention of the United Nations, as a report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. A global problem exists reaching every developed, developing, and undeveloped country on the planet. The first ever global forum to fight human trafficking was held February 13-15, 2008 in Vienna. One of the major issues addressed was the lack of information and varied responses from countries and their agencies formed to combat the growing crime. In attendance were delegates from more than 100 countries, law enforcement teams, business leaders, legislators, and recognized experts on human trafficking (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UNODC, n.d). The Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Antonio Maria Costa, described the problem as "a monster whose shape, size and ferocity we can only guess" (UNODC, n.d). Throughout this paper the researchers will examine the nature of the population and social issues confronting them and explore the macro practice interventions. First, look at human trafficking and what defines it. DEFINITION Human Trafficking is the modern day practice of slavery, according to the Polaris Project (Polaris Project, n.d.). Human trafficking has a basis of the recruitment, harboring, and transportation of people solely for the purpose of exploitation...
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...Assignment Number Philip De Kock Tutor’s Name Nelspruit Examination Venue Date Submitted 15/04/2016 x Submission (√) First Submission .resubmission PO Box 1014 Postal Address E-Mail Lydenburg 1120 Knaidoo6@oldmutual.com (Work) 013 759 1772 (Home) Contact Numbers Course/Intake (Cell) 076 728 7268 PGDBM January 2016 Intake Declaration: I hereby declare that the assignment submitted is an original piece of work produced by myself. Signature: K.Naidoo Date: 15/04/2016 3 Table of contents 1. Assignment questions 2. Answers 3. Bibliography 4 QUESTION 1 (50) Individuals and organisations are entering an era where adapting to a developing learning society and a knowledge economy forge the way for many organisations. In the case above, Finland has realised the benefits of a knowledge-based economy. Bearing this in mind: 1.1 Critically discuss how effective HRD practices and an effective HRD strategy in the workplace can provide the levers of control for the future of a growing knowledge-economy in countries like South Africa, Russia and the country in which you reside. (30) 1.2 Discuss the impact of linking HRD to the key strategic drivers of an organisation’s macro- and micro-environment in order to deliver the advantageous returns of HRD. (20) QUESTION 2 (50) In the case of South Africa, which is a developing African country, skills development legislation has fundamentally changed the face of education and...
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...so called “Tiger” economies followed by China, has given rise to the spectrum of a distinctly East Asian economic development model. The pioneering economic success of in particular, Singapore, South Korea and Japan since the 1970’s has highlighted the need to evaluate and distinguish how such economies achieved such successive growth. A variety of possible factors can explain or highlight possibilities for the successive development of East Asia. A particularly unique factor that has to be taken into account is Confucianism. The interplay between culture and development can help explain how in particular Japan and South Korea, which were relatively closed societies, have risen to attain the status of newly industrialized countries. This essay will investigate and evaluate, through the presentation of arguments and examples, the extent to which Confucianism has influenced modern economic development in East Asia. This will be achieved by firstly providing a working definition of Confucianism; then locating its positive impact within a broader debate concerning a distinctly Asian development model; investigating and analyzing the challenges presented by Confucianism in the economic development of East Asia; evaluating both the negative and positive implications of Confucianism in East Asian economies and finally assessing to what extent Confucianism has played a role in the development of East Asia’s economies. Confucianism attained its name from Confucius, who was a scholar...
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...working environment and improve efficiency in all aspects. Nevertheless, the human resource policies also differ with different corporate cultures in different organizations. Such situation also poses competitive challenge to the human resource policies. There is no fixed pattern for the human resource policies in the organization. In different organizations, different social circumstances human resource policies also in different patterns. The role of human resource policies should be give full play in the corporate development process. Human resource managers need to bring the initiative into play in order to enable enterprises face a high growth stable development trend in the future. Therefore this essay argues that the human resource policies are designed to assist organization achieve corporate strategy. This essay aims to explore and discuss how the human resources policies are designed in order to assist organization achieve their strategy. Literature review In terms of the literature review on the human resource, most of the scholars pay more attention on the human resource management in different social and economic environment or different companies, even the international human resource management. Others also explore the strategic human resource management, and the foundations...
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...BUSINESS FACULTY Course Handbook 2015–16 BUSI1314 - Business Ethics Level 5: 15 Credits Contents 1. WELCOME .......................................................................................................... 3 2. INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE ............................................................................... 4 1.1. AIMS .............................................................................................................. 4 1.2. LEARNING OUTCOMES ............................................................................................. 4 2.3 LEARNING AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES .............................................................................. 4 2.4 EXPECTED STUDY TIME ............................................................................................ 4 2.5 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................... 4 3. CONTACT DETAILS................................................................................................ 5 3.1 EXTERNAL EXAMINING OF YOUR COURSE AND PROGRAMMES OF STUDY ............................................ 5 4. COURSE CONTENT AND DESIGN ................................................................................ 7 4.1 PLANNED TERM DATES: ........................................................................................... 7 4.2 SESSION PLAN................................................................
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...a difficult and amorphous concept to grapple with. This essay will consider the various aspects of Scott's definition of what "Everyday life" is and to what extent I agree with it. In its most simplistic and stripped down form, Scott's suggests that it's a study of 'people doing little things in local places' or more succinctly 'the wider picture' (Scott, 2009, p1). Everyday life can also be viewed as a person seeking solace in the familiarity of repetitive and rhythmic routines (Scott, 2009). Scott's final assertion is that everyday life exists in the realm of a person's individual and private choices, which have a bearing on that person's patterns of behaviour (Scott, 2009). Scott specifically touches on seven ways in which a person engages in everyday life in a small and local way; emotions can be viewed as a relationship between self and society, Scott makes a correlation between home and familiarity or a place to derive comfort and privacy, time is a rhythmic and cyclic repetition of experiences, eating a ritualised and rule-governed social practice, health issues which delve into social processes and stigmatization, shopping is seen as vacuous and trivial with sexist overtones and leisure in its most simplistic form is escapism from the everyday (Scott, 2009). In comparison Moran supports this view with his work on "quotidian spaces" and break's everyday life down slightly differently into categories of; work spaces, living spaces, getting around and societal spaces...
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...classrooms examining English language learners (ELLs). I first present common features of qualitative research and review debates regarding research paradigms in the social sciences and humanities. I also discuss the role of triangulation and capturing participants’ insider or emic perspectives in qualitative research and highlight various data collection methods and ways of combining macro-level and micro-level analyses, particularly in ethnographic research. Ethical issues, difficulties obtaining informed consent in classroom research, and criteria for evaluating qualitative research are then considered. Three qualitative studies that have been deemed exemplary and meritorious by scholars in English language education are then presented and some common themes in current qualitative classroom research with ELLs are identified. The chapter concludes with directions for future qualitative research. Introduction Over the past 2 decades, research in language education, as in other academic disciplines, has witnessed a major shift in the types and methods of research that are accepted as valid, important, and useful. Whereas quantitative studies of a psychometric nature or involving (quasi-) experimental designs might previously have been viewed as more legitimate forms of research within education and the social sciences, rigorous...
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...Introduction The purpose of this essay is to analyse the macro environment of the new washing machine which is being developed for launch in 2008 by Smart Wash Company. An organization's marketing environment can be defined as: the actors and forces external to the marketing management function of the firm that impinge on the marketing management's ability to develop and maintain successful transactions with its customers (Kotler, 1997). Virtually all introductory textbooks in marketing reserve a section for an analysis of the macro environment (McCarthy, 1996). Thus, we aim to analyse the relevant macro environment for Smart Wash Company, so that we plan our marketing strategy and target the market in 2008. External environment The macro environment is generally categorized into demographic, political/legal, economic, cultural, technological and natural environments. The basic tenet is that what happens in the broader environment has significant implications for organizational functions (Mavondo, 1999). For example, McKee et al. (1989) found environmental turbulence to have a significant impact on marketing variables. The macro environment introduces a degree of homogeneity in a given industry through similarities in regulatory pressures, strategic alliances, human capital transfers, social and professional relationships and competency blueprints (Oliver, 1997). Environmental variation has been shown to impact on strategy (Hrebiniak & Joyce, 1985) and...
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...UKESSAYS * Skip to content * United Kingdom * My Account * 0115 966 7955 ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form * UK Essays * Services * Instant Price * Order Now * Essays * Dissertations * Guarantees * Contact * ECONOMICS The economics essay below has been submitted to us by a student in order to help you with your studies. ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form Back to Subject Index 1. UKEssays 2. Essays 3. Economics 4. Analysis Of The Emerging Country South Africa Economics Essay Print Reference This Reddit This Tweet Analysis Of The Emerging Country South Africa Economics Essay In the following pages we will analyze the place of South Africa in International Trade. In order to do so we will analyze the background of the country, develop PESTLE analysis, look at the balance of payments as well as trade balance, examine exchange trade policy and growth rate of the economy. In conclusion we will provide forecast for country's development. Today South Africa's trade and industrial policy is moving away from a highly protected, inward looking economy towards an internationally competitive economy, capitalizing on its competitive and comparative advantages. From the period of apartheid, it has made great progress in dismantling its old economic system, which was based on import substitution, high tariffs and...
Words: 7363 - Pages: 30
...from announcement bulletins in ancient Rome to partisan papers in early nineteenth century and to the neutral papers in mid 1980s with a circulation of 62.5 million (NAA, 2009), newspaper bred journalism and upheld public sphere. However, recent decades witnessed large job cutting and numerous shutting down in newspaper industry. It remains debatable that whether the shockwave would spread to the entire journalism as a profession and to democracy which newspapers have always claimed to serve. This essay is going argue that the crisis confronted by newspapers does not necessarily entail a declining of journalism since democracy is carried out in a multidimensional way in new media environment. This essay will firstly look at the manifestation of the crisis confronted by newspaper industry in recent decades, the structural change it brought, and the nature of the crisis. After that, this essay would look at how the crisis encountered by the industry transformed journalistic practices and argues that journalism still has the capacity to carry out its civil function. Newspapers industry have been experiencing the decline of market share and revenue margin since the late twentieth century across markets such as U.S., UK, European, and Australia. (Beecher, 2005; Carson, 2013; Franklin, 2008; O’Donnell, 2012). The drop of circulation and the accelerated disappearing of afternoon newspapers in countries like UK and Australia (Carson, 2012) are the manifestation of the current news consumption...
Words: 1924 - Pages: 8
...Course Title Diploma in Business Administration Module Title Management Project Title The Stress of Caring Group Members Nazima Binte Shiek Rahim Jeevasankari D/o Vararaja Felicia Chua Min Yi Kelvin Teo Meng Hwee Derrick Wang Hua Kai Dilini Kanchana Munasinghe Batch No. DBA (AF) 5/13, DBA (HRM) 5/13 Table of Contents Page 1. Introduction 1 2. Purpose of Plan 1 3. Background Information 1 4. Management Environment 1 - 3 5. Managerial Issues 3 - 5 6. Organizational Behaviour 5 - 7 7. Conflict and Stress 7 - 9 8. Recommendations 9 - 10 9. Conclusions 10 10. References 10 - 11 1. Introduction Management is guiding human and human physical resources into dynamic organization units that attain their objective to the satisfaction of those served and with a high degree of morale and sense of attainment on the part of those rendering the service. 2. Purpose of Plan This swot aims to review the management problem faced by Parkway Nursing Care and recommend possible solutions. The objectives of this swot are: * To categorize through various theories the issues faced by the management. * To recommend ways to improve the management system. 3. Background Information Parkway Nursing Care, founded in 1972 in Phoenix, Arizona is a nursing...
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...recommendation for improvement. 1. Critique a current HR policy or issue in a specific company and make recommendations for improvement. Examples of policies are: recruiting, hiring, orientation, training, succession planning, career planning, team development, performance review, equal employment opportunity, pay incentives, a specific type of employee benefit or perk, corrective/disciplinary action, OSHA compliance, and safety recognition. 2. Describe a current HR strategy in a specific company and how it enhances their competitive advantage in business. Discuss strengths and weaknesses of the strategy. Examples are: HR employment planning, performance management system, organization design/development, compensation planning, quality of work life (QWL), promotion of diversity, and team building. 3. Interview a HR Manager in a specific company and identify the major issues facing him/her and how they plan to address them. Generally, this is a three...
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