...Maddie and Her Second Language In schools around the world many young children have the opportunity to learn a second language. Some languages taught are: Spanish, French, German, Latin, and English. Even I studied Spanish in grades fourth through twelfth and it turn out to be a fun experience for me. But not every child enjoys learning a second language. Some kids may find it hard and confusing. There are many advantages and disadvantages for children who grow up learning a second language from a young age. If successful, learning a second language can lead to increased job opportunities when the children are older, or they can see it as a wasted of time if the child grew up learning the language, but never fully grasped it. This was the case with my little sister, Maddie, who’s older now but has been studying Spanish since she was in the first grade. She has faced many ups and downs when trying to learn this foreign language. This is her experience of studying Spanish as a second language. When Maddie started learning Spanish in the first grade it immediately affected how she performed in the rest of her subjects in school and in her other activities. The first disadvantage is that children may start to mix languages and get confused with the language structures. Children may start to use their native language and incorporate it into their second language. It seemed like for the longest Maddie had this problem, mixing up her languages especially when she talked. While she...
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...Lucky In Love- Companion Book Chapter One: Lucky in Love is an example to all of us that money can’t buy happiness. Kasie West, the author, was trying to explain that what we have is enough. Maddie, the protagonist, once said that if she won the lottery all of her problems would be solved and she would be able to live her life as a fairy tale. She would finally have her happily ever after, but she’s convinced that never will she play. Since she says that the probability of being struck like lightning are greater than the chances of winning the lottery. Besides, she wasn’t eighteen, yet. When Maddie’s birthday arrives, it’s a total disaster. Her parents fight, her brother eats her sugar cereal (-that she gets once a year), her father’s credit card is declined at her birthday breakfast (-so she pays her birthday bill instead), and nobody shows up to her birthday party. All is down, so she runs to the store to get a bag of candy. So much for a great eighteenth birthday. Once there she decides to buy a lottery ticket instead of the candy, because she doesn’t have enough money to pay for both. Due to having to pay for her...
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...I cannot guarantee this one does. July 4th, 2011: It started out as any other normal day, flags flying through the wind, children laughing and playing, fireworks booming through the air. It was almost as if it had started out being the perfect 4th of July. Carson cried, " Marco, get off of me!" "Relax, he's just playing with you," explained Maddie. "Whatever. Hey Maddie do you want to go to the dock to watch the fireworks?" Carson asked. "Sure," she replied. "Me too, I want to come too!" screamed Marco. "Oh no, you're NOT coming!" they yelled back at the same time, as if they had read each others minds....
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...When her cousin, Maddie comes to live with them Ethan becomes infatuated with her. When Maddie has to leave, Ethan and Maddie decide to kill themselves so they never would have to leave one another. In the novella of Edith Wharton, Ethan Frome, Ethan is a unique character who suffers a downfall due to character flaws, and errors in judgment, and most important forces beyond human control to in which he gains wisdom. Ethan Frome is a unique character who suffers a downfall in the tragedy of Ethan Frome for several reasons. Ethan is unique because he stands out in society. Ethan was a very tall, big man, but, “It was not so much his great height that marked him…it was the careless powerful look he had, in spite of a lameness checking each step like the jerk of a chain” (3). Ethan, because of his downfall looks tired and old. “There was something bleak and unapproachable in his face, and he was so stiffened and grizzled that [the reader] took him for an old man and was surprised to hear that he was not more than fifty-two” (3). Ethan Frome is unique compared to the rest of society. Ethan truly suffered at the end of the novella. Ethan tried to kill himself with Maddie so they could be together forever and not have to be with Zeena and her constant nagging. However, after the accident Maddie becomes the person who is constantly “complaining in a high thin voice” (173), and Zeena is the caretaker of them both. Ethan is now suffering in this situation because Maddie became what he was...
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...At the beginning of Wh3n, Mrs. Duncan is characterized as a sweet, caring and giving person. Her main motivation is to care for people she doesn’t have to because she misses her husband. Mrs. Duncan is very sweet to Maddie as she goes though the murders of people she “knew”. “She set that down next to the plate of cookies, and pulled a chair next to me and held my hand, repeating over and over again that I’d be alright.”(141). Mrs. Duncan is showing how sweet she is by calming Maddie down after the FBI searches her house. Mrs. Duncan is also very sweet to Maddie when she gets hurt. “My kindly neighbor got to work, and in no time I was patched up and feeling a little better.”(49). This shows how sweet and kind Mrs. Duncan is to her neighbor....
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...opening it without a sound. She let out a quiet sigh- she was half way there. Liz’s spider-like crept out the window. The cleanly cut grass tickled her bare feet as she slowly lowered them onto the lawn. She looked both ways then ran as fast as she could to the oak tree that stood halfway between her room and the vine covered brick wall. Peeking around the tree she could see a single guard that stood tall at the main gate. This was the tough part. Just as she was about to make a run for the wall, she heard, “Liz! Elizabeth is that you?” Liz froze. Her heart stopped for a split second. She whipped her head around to see her maid and best friend, Miss Maddie. Miss Maddie had been Liz’s nanny since birth and had practically raised her. Liz’s mother had been very busy when she was growing up and had little involvement in her life. Miss Maddie was one of the only people in the palace Liz could...
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...entire family acted differently with Maddie Brown announced that she was getting married to Caleb Brush. Mykelti Brown is just 19 and is getting married to Antonio Padron, who is 22. These two have been dating for less than a year but say that they are the perfect match. Tony hasn't even been on the show at all yet, so fans don't know who he is at all. In a clip from this week's Sister Wives, Christine Brown admits that she isn't sure if her daughter is ready to tie the knot. "I don't even know Tony. Mykelti's just so young ... I didn't imagine growing up so fast, because marriage is a huge, grownup step. I'm like, 'You're a baby.'" Christine Brown goes on to explain that Kody was totally shocked to hear about the engagement. Mykelti had shared that her boyfriend had plans to ask her dad before asking for her hand in marriage. He must have said yes, but it doesn't sound like Kody is overly excited about it all. Christine went on to explain. "I didn't know they were that much of a couple. I...
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...honor. Romeo thinks it is a passion that stirs inside, and Juliet sees love as destiny. All these different perspectives can also be applied into a modern sense in NIcola Yoon's Everything, Everything. The characters mimic the idea of many viewpoints when it comes to love. Olly sees love as something to escape to, Maddie is afraid and yet exhilarated with the thought of intimacy. The nurse, Carla, thinks of love as the adventure of a lifetime, Maddie's mother thinks of love as something to lose. The angles of which characters recognize love and affection are infinite. William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is usually boxed into just the one angle of love that the two famous lovers embody, passionate and irrational affection. But the truly brilliant part of Shakespeare's love story is that he reminds us of the...
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...I heart them all. Let’s talk about what’s on the inside then! Always the Bridesmaid follows the story of Maddie, a party planner, who is asked to be a Bridesmaid and given a promotion after a long, long time. All is good. So, what can possibly go wrong when everything is just fine? Almost everything. Her bestie, Lauren is getting married and her ‘crazy bride’ switch is definitely switched on. On the other side, Sarah, is getting divorced and she is asked to be a bridesmaid as well. Bad timing. Maddie jots down every event that follows in her journal and there, the story slowly...
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...walked over and sat down in the sandbox. She began to dig in the sand with a shovel. Avery is developing her arm and hand (small and large) motor skills. Toddlers play in sand differently than other age groups. They are amazed at how sand pours through a sieve and often use their senses to explore! This type of play is known as functional play. Toddlers play in sand differently than other age groups. They are amazed at how sand pours through a sieve and often use their senses to explore! This type of play is known as functional play. While Avery begans to dig and discover, three of her friends, Cadeon,Maddie, and Scarlett walked over to the sandbox and began to dig in the sand with shovels. Maddie is filling cups with sand and then she pours them out. Maddie is learning about concepts like full and empty. Cadeon reaches over to help Maddie with her container but Maddie protests and says, “NO!” Caedon turns away to hunt for his own container. Scarlett looks around at everyone in the sandbox with what appears to be a curious look on her face. She is enhancing her learning process to become more intelligent. Sand play is a great way for toddlers to develop arm and hand motor skills, explore textures and consistency, and begin to understand the properties...
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...It is no secret that junior elite team member JoJo Siwa has been recently missing from dance competitions, causing people to speculate that she is not going to participate in Season 7. Many think she has given up on "Dance Moms" to pursue other projects and although it looks this way, others hope she will not go down the same road as her former team member, Maddie Ziegler, and end up staying on the show. Last season, Maddie was noticeably absent in many of the episodes, causing people to spread rumors that she was quitting "Dance Moms". Although she said time and time again that these rumors were not true, the season ultimately ended with Maddie leaving the junior elite team alongside her younger sister, Mackenzie Ziegler. But now people are wondering, will Maddie make a comeback in order to save the show? As it seems very unlikely, if she did return to the show, she very well could save it considering views started dropping as soon as her and her sister, Mackenzie,...
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...Proceeding down the line, each man is given a chance for a few final words, the first grubby looking and untamed, shouts words of condemnation into the crowd, claiming “there are many out there worse than I”. Beside the angry convict, the next man is blubbering his innocence as tears roll down his exhausted face, while the final man whom is an indian is revoked the ability to speak as his head is brutally shoved into a brown sack, seconds before released to their death. Witnessing this, it is clear that the town is not as sound and stable as it once appeared. Colonel Stonehills little shop is just a tiny stop along the journey of 14 year old Maddie. Waltzing into the confines of the property, an astute outside light shines throughout, as she approaches Stonehill, portraying that this moment is going to be a win on her account. Maddie plants herself firmly in front of the man, as he...
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...Making It in America Summary In the article “Making It in America,” Adam Davidson interviewed employees at Standard Motor Products. According to Davidson “The industrial shift from workers to machines have created high opportunities for some and limited jobs for others.” Adam received a tour of the plant from Toni Scalzitti, manager. He interviewed Maddie Parlier, an unskilled worker. She had little education and no experience. Since Maddie was quick and effective, this job was perfect for her. If Maddie had a higher education, she would have had a better job and higher wage. However, during her senior year of high school, she ended up pregnant which forced her to take a local job. Her job was to run the laser-welding machine which only required her to place parts in the machine and press a button to make sure it welded correctly, then pass it to the next machine. Since this is an unskilled job there is a chance she will get replaced by a new machine. In the last thirty years computers or machinery have replaced many of the workers because they are less cost effective, and produce more products at a faster rate. In this case, Maddie held her job because she saved the company money by less product damage. Luke Hutchins, another worker, is considered one of the highest skilled machine operators because he has six full semesters of experience, not only computer language but, machine tooling. By the time he was hired, he already obtained “two years of technical schoolwork and five...
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...America Adam Davidson, broadcast and print journalist, and a specialist in major economic trends argues in his essay “Making It In America”, first published in 2012, that the industrial shift has created opportunities for some workers while eliminating opportunities for many others. Davidson has pieced together an emotionally compelling article however he does not use any form of citation he instead bases his argument solely off of opinions and stories, particularly the story of Madelyn, and the organization of the article is long winded and could sidetrack the reader. Davidson introduces his main point by means of means of discussing, Madelyn “Maddie” Parlier, a young adult single mom of two kids who finds herself struggling with economic issues while working at the Greenville Standard Motor Products’. While conversing with Maddie she states she's “noticed that robotic arms and other machines seem to keep replacing people on the factory floor and is worried that this could happen to her” (Davidson 318). From here Davidson gives us a “statistic”: Depending on which stats you believe, the United States is either the No. 1 or No. 2 manufacturer in the world. Whatever the country’s current rank, its manufacturing output continues to grow strongly, in the past decade alone, output from American factories, adjusted for inflation, has risen by means of a third. Yet the success of American manufacturers has come at a cost. Factories have replaced millions of workers with machines...
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...We already had four, Sabrina, Cara, Gianna, and I, and then we had two more that just needed to be cleaned up Maddie, and Almound. They both would always touch down and not set. So when they go to do their tuck they are really low to the ground and can’t get high enough to get around completely. Maddie was upset that I already had my standing tuck and was focusing more on that then getting her standing tuck by herself. “She isn’t setting. She is so close to the ground,” Maddie whispered in Sarah’s ear hoping that I would hear her so that I’d get scared and wouldn’t throw...
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