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Mama J Observation

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Mama J came and spoke about leading learning for diverse student populations. She is an amazing speaker and I can tell she is passionate about what she does. Throughout the entire presentation I tried to keep an open mind, but at times I was frustrated with what Mama J was saying.
Mama J so heavily focused on how to teach minorities and student of poverty, but to me it's the same way I teach any student in my classroom. When a student walks through my doors, I don't see them as black, white, asian, or purple, I see them as the individual that they are. Just because as soon as black doesn't mean they are stupid or poor. The expectations that I have for my students aren’t established from the color of their skin. In order to set appropriate expectations for my students I need to know …show more content…
I need to know how they think, what motivates them, what irritates them. Knowing your students is the best way to teach them. Building a relationship of trust and compassion is how you teach students of poverty, students of wealth, students who come from one parent, and students who are one of twelve siblings. In order to teach you have to know who you are teaching.
Mama J ask the question of what do you know about reaching and teaching children of poverty and children of color. The question I asked myself, who is the person I’m teaching, what do I know about them, beyond the fact that they are of color and poor? Student needs to be taught individually based on what works for them. There is no written procedure on how to teach a student of color or of poverty. So when Mama J asked us to respond to that question in our packet, I crossed out children of poverty and children of color and put in its place all children. What do I know about reaching and teaching all children? First you have to build a relationship with that student. You have to make them feel like they are

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