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Management Aspect


Submitted By Andee
Words 479
Pages 2

The mission of Ch[pic]-karoke is to provide….. Quezon City-Regalado residents, students and with an …..


✓ To obtain necessary funding(Php.________ investment per partner)

✓ To operate a successful beverage store, specifically milk tea in Quezon City-Regalado, employing three to four employees in our first year.

✓ To be recognized and obtain a minimum of 200 regular customers in QC market for our first year of operation.

✓ To provide an income for the founders by the end of the second year with income growth possibilities.


✓ Reputation: Every customer visiting our store will want to return and will recommend us to their friends and family. Word of mouth marketing will be a powerful ally for our business.

✓ Superior Customer Service: Knowledgeable, friendly service will be of the utmost importance.

✓ Location: Provide an easily accessible location for customer convenience, including walk-by And drive-by traffic.

✓ Product/Environment: Offer a variety of high quality foods with domestic and international themes, sold at a fair price in a clean, authentic, comfortable environment.

✓ Convenience: Our customers will know that they can get what they need at our market for fair price.

✓ No direct competition: We are the only milktea store/ tea house along Regalado Highway.


Form of Business Ownership

The Cha-karaoke is a privately help partnership. These partners, Lyka Benaro, John Gelano, Pam Lopez, Kat Napao, and Rica Reyes, each control 20% of the business. The Partnership is grouping of two or more…….( Definition)

Start-up summary

Equipment and Inventory will make up 75% of start-up requirements. Leasehold improvements ans general expenses comprise the remaining 25%. The owners are contributing

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