...VERSANT Dattabase Fundamenttalls Manuall VERSANT Da abase Fundamen a s Manua June 2003 VERSANT Dattabase Fundamenttalls Manuall VERSANT Da abase Fundamen a s Manua June 2003 VERSANT Database Fundamentals Manual This page is intentionally blank. 2 VERSANT Database Fundamentals Manual Table of Contents Chapter 1: System Description ..............................................................................................................8 Versant Developer Suite 6.0: An Overview..........................................................................................9 VERSANT Features ........................................................................................................................12 Storage Architecture ......................................................................................................................22 Software Structure .........................................................................................................................24 Language Interfaces .......................................................................................................................25 System Usage Notes.......................................................................................................................28 Chapter 2: Objects.............................................................................................................................34 Object Types.................................
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...Case Study: Emirates Airline English Language Proficiency Prevents Air Disasters Emirates Airlines Certifies Crews with Test that Simulates Radiotelephonic Communication In 1996, 349 passengers and crew were killed when two planes collided mid-air over New Dehli. This accident was attributed in part to language barriers that retarded radiotelephony communication between the flight and ground crew. According to aviation experts Jason Park and Tyler Kong, “…the lack of ability for all parties involved to understand crucial directions via common English may have been the most important contributing factor leading to [this tragedy]. Without agreed upon standards for English proficiency and common phraseology, the aviation industry continues to be at risk for future language-related accidents. Air traffic communications often deviate from standard phraseology in emergency situations towards a more conversational style. English proficiency beyond the basic understanding of aviation phraseology may be necessary.” In order to address this threat, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) passed a resolution that stated, “The air-ground radiotelephony communications shall be conducted in the language normally used by the station on the ground or in the English language.” Furthermore, “the English language shall be available, on request from any aircraft station, at all stations on the ground serving designated airports and routes used by international air services.” The ICAO...
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...Video on Demand (Multimedia databases). - -Video on Demand (Multimedia Databases Introduction Video on Demand (VoD ) is an interactive multimedia system . The fundamental process of its working is same as that of cable television In this , the customer has the option of selecting a movie from a large video database and can watch different programs as and when required . It seems that the video rental shop is present at home . Research is going on to improve the quality of VoD-related services . Some of the VoD-related applications are providing Video Films on Demand , Local news and Weather Forecasting , Games , music and Leisure , Education and Remote Learning Facilities , Home Shopping and Other Consumer Services , Banking etc . This system has three main components . These are Video server : it stores and provides access to programs Data delivery network : it is the linking source for subscriber Set-top box : It is the interface between TV equipments and VoD services MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group ) is a group of people who work for ISO (International Standards Organization ) to generate digital video standards i .e producing sequences of images in time and to generate audio compression . Various kind of MPEG are ranked on the basis of the speed (in CD-ROM data rates ) at which they deliver video to consumer devices . For example , the speed of MPEG-1 was 1 .5 Mbit /s , MPEG-2 with improved resolution deliver broadcast and HDTV quality video . Over...
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...Roche, Novartis and UBS Syngenta which the Financial Times includes in its FT Global 500 Index as one of the most important companies worldwide Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences 4-Antibody Acino Actelion Aerosol-Service AG Bachem Basilea Beiersdorf Bühlmann Laboratories Carbogen AMCIS Cimex CIS Pharma DSM Nutritional Products AG Evolva Gaba Genedata Inotech Karger Lonza Mepha MondoBIOTECH Novartis Pentapharm Permamed Polyphor Proreo Pharma RCC Ltd. Roche Santhera S.L.A. Pharma SwissCo Services Swiss Pharma Contract Syngenta Synosia Tillots Pharma AG Triplan Vivendy Therapeutics Weleda Xenometrix ------------------------------------------------- Chemicals & Nanotechnology Acino Bachem Clariant Concentris Lonza Nanosurf Rohner Chem Rolic Solvias Swiss Nanoscience Institute Zeptosens ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Agribusiness & Food Bell AG Bio.inspecta AG DSM Nutritional Products Feldschlösschen Jungbunzlauer Louis Ditzler AG Ricola Syngenta Medical Technology * Camlog * Medartis * NaviSwiss * SIC invent AG Switzerland * Straumann * Synthes * Thommen Medical ------------------------------------------------- Commerce & Logistics ...
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...Relational Database Management Systems Object Oriented Databases The database world is in a constant change! New techniques for concurrency control, cloud platforms, object databases, and service platforms are all being changed and talked about in the industrial and academic world. OODB has been around since the seventies when object oriented programming was first being developed. That being said; companies have only started using object oriented databases in the last ten to fifteen years. In the early 1980’s a Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation employee begins ORION. ORION is able to handle schema evolution and complex object looking. During the late 1980’s the first wave of commercial OODMS hits. In this time period we get the beginning of Graphael, which later becomes Matisse. Designed to benefit all perspectives of object oriented databases, Matisse combines native support for SQL, Object and XML all in a single database. Next we get the GemStone Systems, the earliest OODB that supports object identity, inheritance and encapsulation. On into the late 1980’s France starts the development of O2. It is C++ compatible and supports multiple inheritances. Later on Vbase was produced, which use the language COP. COP is changed into a C++ based system that supports encapsulation, ability to construct complex objects, and inheritance. (“Short History”, 2005) Once we get into the 1990’s the first standard is released, ODMG 1.0. During this time frame a common query...
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...Voyons pour commencer les arguments que les partisans de la publicité avancent. Tout d'abord la publicité serait une bonne et indispensable source d'information pour le consommateur. Celui-ci apprend quels produits sont sur le marché, lesquels sont nouveaux, et la connaissance de ces éléments lui permettrait de mieux choisir entre différents articles. Par contre ils font le reproche que la publicité ment parce qu'elle ne dit jamais toute la vérité, parce qu'elle est partielle et partiale. Il est vrai que la publicité loue en général uniquement les côtés positifs d'un produit et laisse délibérément de côté ses aspects négatifs. De même elle exagère souvent la qualité et la performance d'un produit. Elle ferait donc de fausses promesses. . Ensuite la publicité contribuerait à embellir nos cités ternes en apportant avec ses affiches de la couleur et de l'imagination sur les murailles grisâtres et les façades uniformes de nos logements en béton. Mais, la publicité se servirait fréquemment de techniques répréhensibles pour inciter les gens à la consommation. Ainsi elle exploite souvent les faiblesses humaines, par exemple le désir de paraître plus viril, le désir d'être jeune, dynamique et beau (voir la publicité pour des produits de beauté ou certains aliments soi-disant „light"...). Sans parler de cette fâcheuse technique publicitaire qui consiste à se servir des enfants pour allécher les parents dans les magasins (p.ex. jouets, images ou autres gadgets dans la poudre à lessiver...
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...An Unexplored Option for the Biology Majors Lester Relyea B.S. Professor George Taylor Keller Graduate School of Management September 14, 2010 This paper is on a recent change I made to my occupational search. After finally obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in Molecular Biology, I turned my aspirations to a graduate program with the hopes of obtaining a teaching or technical research position at a University of government office. Both government and higher educational institutions have a wide variety of opportunities for biological research and education. Most of these positions are secure and high paying. Especially since the adaptations of the human genome project, many genetic studies have arises from some of the recent discoveries in that field. Biology majors also have the option of becoming medical professionals. Graduates in the fields of molecular and cellular biology often end up in medical careers in nursing and medicine. After receiving my degree in molecular cellular biology I set myself on a similar career path. However, recently a new subject area has caught my attention and has change my outlook on the world of science. There is a growing business aspect to biology that is providing jobs to millions of Americans and individuals worldwide. "Biotechnological research and development should continue to drive much faster than average employment growth." The company remains a sole proprietorship at the present...
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...Pour obtenir un tissu , il faut passer par différentes étapes de fabrication qui vont de la récolte ou création de la fibre, jusqu' à l'étoffe que l'on va acheter en rouleau, au mètre, chez le marchand de tissus. Le point de départ de tout tissu est donc la fibre. Celle ci est déterminante car c est elle qui va imposer au tissu ses principales caractéristiques. Selon les fibres qui vont le composer le tissu sera en effet lourd ou léger, plus ou moins chaud , brillant ou mat, mou ou raide , lisse ou avec un grain, etc. Afin de passer de la fibre au tissu manufacturé, il faut passer par l'étape du filage , c'est à dire la transformation de la fibre en fil. Le filage est le fait de produire des fils textiles à partir de divers matériaux bruts. Cette opération peut se faire à la main, à l'aide d'outils appelés un fuseau ou un rouet. Mais avec la Révolution industrielle, le filage a commencé à se réaliser dans des usines : les filatures. Une fibre seule n'a souvent que peu de solidité, il faut donc en prendre plusieurs et les tordre ensemble afin d'obtenir un fil continu et résistant, c' est la définition même du filage. Le résultat varie selon le matériau utilisé, sa préparation et le degré de torsion du fil. Les fils ainsi obtenus seront utilisés pour broder, coudre , tricoter, et bien sûr pour fabriquer les tissus. Une fois que l on a obtenu les fils textile , il est nécessaire de les lier entre eux pour fabriquer les tissus. Il existe pour cela trois principales...
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...HAZARDE NATURALE Autor : Gabriela Militaru , Anul II I.S.B.E. Conducător ştiinţific : Prof. dr. ing. Aurel Ciurea Facultatea de Inginerie din Brăila, Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos din Galaţi” Rezumat : Articolul işi propune să facă o analiză asupra hazardelor naturale,fenomene ce se produc frecvent pe întreaga suprafaţă a Terrei,şi să ofere anumite indicii asupra apariţiei lor.De asemenea,un studiu de caz despre fenomenele din Japonia din martie 2011 ajută mai bine la înţelegerea hazardelor. Cuvinte cheie: hazard , cutremur, vulcan, incendii , inundaţii 1. INTRODUCERE Încă din cele mai vechi timpuri omenirea a încercat să stabilească o cauzalitate a fenomenelor ce se petrec în lumea înconjurătoare, să găsească soluţii şi răspunsuri. În antichitatea romană sau greacă totul era pus pe seama zeilor, iar tot ce nu putea fi explicat era considerat a proveni de la zei şi a fi un hazard.În zilele noastre cauzalitatea fenomenelor nu mai este considerată un parametru de referinţă în definirea hazardelor, ci accentul s-a mutat pe incertitudinea momentului de apariţie şi a modului de manifestare a unui fenomen. Aceste evenimente (cutremure, erupţii vulcanice, tsunami, alunecări de teren, furtuni, inundaţii, secete, incendii, accidente tehnologice, situaţii conflictuale etc.) se produc de regulă pe neaşteptate şi pot provoca numeroase victime în rândul oamenilor şi animalelor, un volum mare de pagube materiale, dezechilibre ecologice şi chiar grave tulburări ale...
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...sMaalox 60 ml – 104.77 180 ml – 265.37 355 ml – 383.08 Maalox plus 180 ml – 326.43 355ml – 477.95 Maalox plus Tablet – 11.26 Ambrolex 3mg tablet - 11.55 75 mg cap – 32.45 Drops 10 ml – 96.53 15 mg 60 ml – 105.33 15 mg 120 ml – 156.75 30 mg 60 ml – 145.2 30 mg 120 ml – 226.05 Mucosulvan tab. 30mg – 15.13 Cap. 75 mg – 43.45 Drops 10 ml – 114.4 15 mg 60 ml – 116.88 15 mg 120 ml – 175.73 30 mg 60 ml – 167.48 30 mg 120 ml – 256.58 Ambroxol Ritemed tab. 30 mg – 5.78 30 mg 60 ml – 78.65 30 mg 120 ml – 135.3 15 mg 60 ml – 64.07 25 mg 120 ml ...
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...Cuprins Scurt istoric al stațiunii Băile Herculane 3 Așezare geografică, căi de acces 3 Nivel de dezvoltare economico-social: industrii, servicii 4 Resurse naturale 5 Resurse antropice 5 Analiza bazei tehnico-materiale și a ofertei de servicii: structuri de cazare turistică, clasificare 6 Analiza SWOT 9 Obiectivele planului de marketing 9 Profilul consumatorului 10 Promovarea 10 Bibliografie : 12 Scurt istoric al stațiunii Băile Herculane Originea Băilor Herculane se întinde pe o durata de aproape două milenii. Atestarea documentară a stațiunii datează din anii 153 e.n., fapt consemnat într-o tabulă votivă din băi : « Zeilor și divinitătilor apelor, Ulpius Secundinus, Marius Valens, Pomponius Haemus, lui Carus, Val, Valens, trimiși ca delegați români să asiste la alegerea în calitate de consul a fostului lor coleg Severianus, întorcîndu-se nevătamați, au ridicat acest prinos de recunoștiintă… ». În perioada civilizației romane, stațiunea de pe Valea Cernei a constituit un important punct de atracție pentru aristrocația Romei antice. Împresionați de excepționala putere tămăduitoare a apelor sacre de pe Valea Cernei, românii sosiți în Dacia le-au închinat un adevărat cult balnear sub semnul tutelar al lui Hercules. Statțunea Băile Herculane are un patrimoniu istoric de excepție, memoria vie a 1848 de ani de existență (153 – 2001) neîntreruptă a stațiunii. Din timpul romanilor au ramas numeroase vestigii : apeducte, bai, statui, monede, tabule votive...
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...Gabrielle Ramirez 3° Année GC Stage Adjoint Ingénieur, été 2011 Assistante Ingénieur Méthodes sur le chantier du Barrage du Rizzanèse (Corse-du-Sud) Société Bec Frères 1111, avenue Justin Bec 34 680 St Georges d’Orques Tuteur de stage : Mr BOUSQUET Ingénieur Méthodes Remerciements En premier lieu, je me dois de remercier mon tuteur, Mr Michel BOUSQUET, ingénieur Méthodes sur le chantier du Barrage du Rizzanèse. Il a su être présent pour moi, pour me faire découvrir le métier des Méthodes sur un chantier. Je tiens également { le remercier pour les responsabilités qu’il a pu me confier, me permettant ainsi d’être réellement active tout au long de cette expérience professionnelle. Je tiens également à remercier l’ensemble de l’équipe encadrante du chantier. Chacun a su être disponible lorsque j’avais des questions pour la réalisation de mes missions. Aussi bien le chef de mission, que le directeur technique, les ingénieurs travaux, les chefs d’équipes, etc. tous ont su être à l’écoute et je leur en suis grandement reconnaissante. Je remercie tout particulièrement, Mr Didier AVELINE, projeteur de la société Ecartip, prestataire pour le groupement, avec qui je partageais un bureau. Sans lui, je n’aurais jamais pu apprendre à utiliser le logiciel Autocad, outil très utile pour une carrière d’ingénieur génie-civiliste. Finalement, mes remerciements vont à l’ensemble des compagnons du chantier. Malgré la pénibilité de leur travail, ils savent rester souriants et garder leur...
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...1:38 Part II TIio Opportumtv Case Jim P Preparation Questions 1. 2. 3. Apply the Timmons entrepreneurship framework (entrepreneur—opportunity—resources) to analyze this case. Pay particular attention to the entrepre neur’s traits and how he gathered resources for his venture. Discuss Jim’s fund-raising strategies. What other options might be considered for raising the funds SPC needs? Is this a good investment? Discuss the growth strategy. What additional mar ket(s) would you recommend pursuing as they move ahead? On his way through Logan Airport, Jim Poss stopped at a newsstand to flip through the June 2004 Notional Ge ographic cover story that declared, “The End of Cheap Oil.” Inside was a two-page spread of an American family sitting among a vast array of household posses sions that were derived, at least in part, from petroleumbased products: laptops, cell phones, clothing, footwear, sports equipment, cookware, and containers of all shapes and sizes. Without oil, the world will be a very different place. Jim shook his head. and here we are burning this finite, imported, irreplace able resource to power three-ton suburban gas guzzlers with “these colors don’t run” bumper stickers! Jim s enterprise Seahorse Power Company {SPC) was an engineering start-up that encouraged the adop tion of environmentally friendly methods of power gen eration by designing products that were cheaper and more efficient than 20th-century technologies...
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...1:38 Part II TIio Opportumtv Case Jim P Preparation Questions 1. 2. 3. Apply the Timmons entrepreneurship framework (entrepreneur—opportunity—resources) to analyze this case. Pay particular attention to the entrepre neur’s traits and how he gathered resources for his venture. Discuss Jim’s fund-raising strategies. What other options might be considered for raising the funds SPC needs? Is this a good investment? Discuss the growth strategy. What additional mar ket(s) would you recommend pursuing as they move ahead? On his way through Logan Airport, Jim Poss stopped at a newsstand to flip through the June 2004 Notional Ge ographic cover story that declared, “The End of Cheap Oil.” Inside was a two-page spread of an American family sitting among a vast array of household posses sions that were derived, at least in part, from petroleumbased products: laptops, cell phones, clothing, footwear, sports equipment, cookware, and containers of all shapes and sizes. Without oil, the world will be a very different place. Jim shook his head. and here we are burning this finite, imported, irreplace able resource to power three-ton suburban gas guzzlers with “these colors don’t run” bumper stickers! Jim s enterprise Seahorse Power Company {SPC) was an engineering start-up that encouraged the adop tion of environmentally friendly methods of power gen eration by designing products that were cheaper and more efficient than 20th-century technologies...
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...9-604-080 REV: SEPTEMBER 11, 2006 ANDREW MCAFEE ALISON BERKLEY WAGONFELD Business Intelligence Software at SYSCO Introduction Twila Day left the meeting excited, but also a little nervous. Her Technology and Applications Group had just been given approval by the Director’s Council of SYSCO to proceed with a companywide deployment of business intelligence (BI) software. The effort was intended to help SYSCO, the largest food distributor in North America, make better use of the information generated by its operations and serve its customers better. The Director’s Council, a group of senior managers with substantial power and influence, had been impressed enough by the results of a prototype to recommend full-scale adoption. Day’s IT group would provide the bulk of the required technical support, as well as consulting and training on the use of BI. They would be assisted in this work by the professional services group of Business Objects, the BI software vendor chosen by SYSCO as the new corporate standard. While there was a great deal of development and configuration work to do on the BI software, Day was hoping that deployments within SYSCO’s operating companies could start as early as July 2003, just six months away. Day was not concerned about the magnitude of the effort—she had been involved in two recent successful IT projects that were both larger in scale and scope—but she did intend to watch progress closely, especially in the early stages. She felt that BI was...
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