Premium Essay

Management Principles


Submitted By ghadyfaraj
Words 522
Pages 3
Shifting Direction
1. What role do you think goals would play in planning the change in direction for the company? List some goals you think might be important. Goals play a substantial role in an organization’s planning for situations requiring coordination of resources. In this case, the goals for Garmin are driving its direction to form new partnerships in order to remain active in the GPS market. Garmin’s planning should follow the SMART format introduced by Drucker. In addition to being written, have students suggest ways that the goal can meet the qualities of S (specific), M (measurable), A (attainable), R (relevant), and T (time bound). 2. What types of plans would be needed in an industry such as this one? (For instance, long-term or short-term, or both?) Explain why you think these plans would be important. Planning involves defining the organization’s goals, establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals, and developing a comprehensive set of plans to integrate and coordinate organizational work. Determining a direction for Garmin considering that most cell phones now have GPS function, involves both a long-term and short-term goal. Have students think of short term plans involved relationships with car manufacturers and then long-term plans on product development in other areas. In addressing the importance of these plans, have students think of the possibility of Garmin competing in other markets 3. What contingency factors might affect the planning Garmin executives have to do? How might those contingency factors affect the planning? Three contingency factors affect the choice of plans: organizational level, degree of environmental uncertainty, and length of future commitments. A decision this important will ultimately be managed by the top executives at Garmin. Therefore, at the top organizational

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