...Social responsibility and managerial ethics You may be wondering, “Why should I care about corporate social responsibility or managerial ethics or whether or not my employees have health care benefits? Aren’t these the types of issues philosophers worry about?” To answer this question, you only need to pick up a recent newspaper or business magazine. Everything from Wall Street trading scandals to accounting frauds at AIG, Lehman Brothers, Enron, Parmalat, Satyam, WorldCom, Tyco, and Global Crossing to corporate cover-ups and massive oil spills from British Petroleum’s offshore drilling rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico seem to be in the press daily. For example, Citicorp lost billions in market value when it was revealed that a group of traders in the firm’s London office had manipulated the bond market: A small set of traders disrupted the European bond market by placing 188 sell orders simultaneously (approximately $20 billion worth of bonds) on August 2, 2004 in about 18 seconds. This drove the price of bonds, in general, down dramatically. The prices continued to drop even after the Citibank traders stopped selling. Just a few minutes later, the same traders then bought the bonds back at much cheaper prices than they had been sold. This new buying triggered buying by other traders, and prices rose. In the process, Citibank traders made about $20 million in profits in under five minutes. Although the employees did not do anything illegal, their behavior...
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...Chapter 5 Social responsibility and Managerial Ethics WHAT IS SOCIAL RESPONISBILITY? Two views of social responsibility The classical View * The classical View says that management’s only social responsibility is to maximize profits. * Management’s only social responsibility is to maximize profits (create a financial return) by operating the business in the best interests of the stockholders (owners of the corporation). * Expanding the firm’s resources on doing “social good” unjustifiably increases costs that lower profits to the owners and raises prices to consumers. The Socioeconomic View * The Socioeconomic View is the view that management’s only social responsibility goes beyond making profits to include protecting and improving society’s welfare. * Management’s social responsibility goes beyond making profits to include protecting and improving society’s welfare * Corporations are not independent entities responsible only to stockholders. * Firms have a moral responsibility to larger society to become involved in social, legal, and political issues. * “To do the right thing” Comparing the Two Views * A stage 1 manager is following the classical view of social responsibility and obeys all laws and regulations while caring for stockholders’ interests. * At stage 2 managers expand their responsibility to another important stakeholder group – employees. Because they want to attract, keep, and motivate good employees, stage 2 managers...
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...Pat James, the purchasing agent for a local plant of the Oakton Electronics Division, was considering purchasing a component from a new supplier. The new component Pat is considering purchasing will result in a trading quality for a reduction in cost. The difference between the price of the possible new component, $1.90, and the standard purchase price of $2.10 will result in a favorable price variance and offset an unfavorable price variance from another component. Should Pat offset the unfavorable variance, his overall performance report will qualify him for the annual bonus. Pat would also stand to receive an impressive performance rating which would help ensure a higher paid position at division headquarters. Although the outcome of the decision to use a cheaper component will benefit Pat's professional growth, the quality and reliability of both the new component and supplier are questionable. By the time the customers and company begin to suffer the repercussions, Pat will be reaping the benefits professionally. Pat’s company has set professional performance goals and a system of rewards that can be obtained by actions that are not in the best interest of the company. The dilemma being, simply, should Pat put his interests over that of his company? The supplier Pat is considering has a reputation of making deliveries on time for the first few months only. Although the new component, reportedly, has only a slightly higher number of defective units, the life of the component...
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...Managerial Influence on Work Ethics Managers in any company have an extremely difficult task and obligation to their firm and the employees. These managers are have to be leaders, teachers, regulators and organizers for the internal structure of the company as well as maintain that same discipline when conducting business for and outside the company. But are the managers of a company influenced by their employees work performance or do they influence the workers? In my experience in the U.S. Marine Corps, like any other organization, there are multiple tasks to be completed as well as an organized hierarchy that’s ensure the right jobs are being conducted by the most qualified individuals. But without the proper training and guidance, these specific individuals would not be able to manage the tasks set for them which would cause a major shift in the output of the company’s products or services. The qualities that the personnel possess sometimes come naturally, do need some polishing in order for them to comply with company regulations and standards. The standards the employees must follow, come from and are modelled after the company’s chief executive officer (CEO). He/ she is the true definition of what that organization represents and without his/ her wisdom, experience and dedication to their firm, every single seat under their control will not be filled properly and will operate outside the standards of the firm. The manager of a firm must possess the characteristics...
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...Research or Interview Paper Instructions You can choose 1 of the following two options for your Research or Interview Paper. Your paper will be 7 double-spaced pages for the main content (not including the cover page and reference page). Your choices include: 1. A research paper Steps for writing the research paper: a) Choose a topic in Managerial Economics. b) Submit the topic and the outline of the paper to the instructor anytime for approval. c) A minimum of 3 references besides the textbook are required. Liberty University library has excellent resources for your search for journals. http://www.liberty.edu/index.cfm?PID=178 OR 2. An interview paper Steps for writing the interview paper: a) Choose a topic in Managerial Economics. b) Design at least 5 questions according to the topic. c) Submit your questions to the instructor for approval. d) Contact a local or non-local company for an interview. e) Conduct the interview for answers to your questions. f) The paper must have 3 parts: • The description of the company; • Interview questions and answers; and • Your comments. *The research paper is to be done individually, not as a group. **Do not wait until the last module/week to work on the paper. Do it as early as possible. ***A paper that was written for other classes would not be accepted for...
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...Case Study: Chapter 8 Aaron Lambert Saint Leo MBA 540 Managerial Economics Analyzing Managerial Decisions: Leaving New York for the Farmlands of Illinois While the co-workers may be rightly supportive of the individual’s aspirations, they are likely not qualified to advise him on this matter. The individual claims to have $800,000.00 saved from bonuses at his current place of employment. Based on that information alone, it appears that he is considering walking away from what seems like a fairly secure and profitable situation at his current job and committing to a new and less certain endeavor. With reports implying that demand for corn will soar the farming proposition may seem like a good idea; however, our potential farmer needs to consider other factors. The costs associated with acquiring the land are known and estimated to be $800,000.00, but there are other costs involved that are considerable and quite fixed. He will need to purchase farming equipment and machinery, which will require much more cash upfront in addition to the land. These fixed costs definitely need to be factored into the decision but are omitted in the text. If he has a lot more of that bonus money remaining, he could purchase the machinery outright. If paying cash is not possible he will need to take up a loan, lease, or rent; either option resulting in additional expenses incurred each period. Based on an article published by the University of Illinois in 2014, corn farmers in Illinois...
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...MID-TERM EXAM - 1st Semester, 2012 |Date |Time |Course Title & Code |Room No. | |29 June, 2012 |11.00 am ~ 12.30 pm |501: Accounting System & Auditing |502 | |(Friday) | | | | |30 June, 2012 |7.00 pm ~ 8.30 pm |502: Managerial Economics |402 | |(Saturday) | | | | |06 July, 2012 |3.00 pm ~ 4.30 pm |503: Business Communication |502 | |(Friday) | | | | |07 July, 2012 |7.00 pm ~ 8.30 pm |504: Advanced Management |502 | |(Saturday) | | | | |13 July, 2012 |3.00 pm ~ 4.30 pm |503: Business Communication...
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...Coach Mike Krzyzewski (Coach K.) and Coach Robert Knight (Coach Knight) were two of the most winning and successful coaches to ever coach basketball. These men are not just known for their record wins, but for their unique leadership. They each had a unique way of leading their teams. Coach Knight was Indiana University’s head basketball coach and became a legend there. Coach K. was the head coach at Duke University since 1980. A fact of interest, both of these two men knew each other in an earlier time. Coach Knight had been Mike Krzyzewski’s basketball coach when he played for the United States Military Academy at West Point. It was there they began to build a relationship of trust and respect that would follow and remain with them throughout both of their careers and beyond, as they were also friends. Each of these men have differing ways in which they lead their teams, but there are leadership styles which they shared when it came to coaching. When taking the model which Robert Katz developed we can see there are skills that did account for their success. Coach Knight held two of the leadership traits that were professed by Katz. Those were technical skills and conceptual skills. He had the ability to know exactly was needed and how to make changes based on each individual situation. According to Katz’s model, Coach Knight did not have human skills. He was known for his roughness (e.g; using high levels of profanity and throwing objects onto the court). He did not have human...
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...tEXECUTIVE SUMMARY The paper identifies different source and causes of different types of conflict in the work place. Analysis of the conflict was done with the aid of Blake and Mouton’s model of conflict management. The paper reflects on a real life observation using brightlands care home. Conflicts observed in the home were analysed and discussed. Manager positions in handling the conflict were also analysed using Blake and Mouton’s conflict management style model. Five conflict management style (competitor, collaborator, compromiser, accommodator and avoider) were used to analysed the conflict were based on the research of Blake and Mouton (1964). Using the conflict scenario, the paper critically discussed various approach towards conflict resolution within and between groups. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Conflict is a normal and natural aspect of life and the working environment hardly do without one form of conflict or the other. Conflict in the workplace is a well known daily phenomenon and it is on the increase. It is worth saying that a conflict free company never existed and will never exist. Tension, cultural differences, aggressions, antagonisms, negative attitude and frustration will usually exists especially wherever men are forced to live and work together. . Burton (1972) said in his book that Conflict, like sex is an essential creative element in human relationships. It is the means to change, the means by which our social values of welfare, security, justice and...
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...Running head: Leadership Styles Leadership Styles Kellie Napper Grand Canyon University LDR 600 Leadership Styles and Development September 18, 2012 Leadership Styles Leaders have many different styles and approaches they take when evolving to becoming a great leader. It takes many years of practice to perfect a craft within certain individuals. Some crafts are more defined than others; never the less these skills are done to win over individuals in work environments and major league football teams. According to Katz (1955) there are three basic administrative needs that should be present for managers to be effective which are conceptual, human, and technical. Coach K’s approach contained both conceptual and human skills. Coach K was able to come up with an approach that was comfortable for both him and the team. He did not want to come with a lot of rules that no one would follow. Growing up Coach K spent a lot of time with his family. As he became an adult his wife and children were very important to him. This is the typed of approach he took with his team. Coach K lacked in my opinion in the technical area. He was not all about a lot of drills and long practices. Coach Knight’s approach contained conceptual and technical skills. Coach Knight had very little room for error. He drilled step by step plays into his players. He believed in practicing long hours and if you could not follow the rules you would be kicked out of practice. Coach Knight taught...
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...1. Main roles of manager is leadership, leading your team, figurehead, people look up to you as a person of authority, liaison, you need to be able to network effectively, monitor, you must be able to monitor your team in both productivity and their wellbeing, spokesperson, you must be able to represent your company, Negotiator, negotiator within your team or department, people development, developing structure, procedures and policies. Hazif’s main role is production manager he is a great team leader and makes sure rules and regulations are met, he monitors his team well with weekly meetings to discuss problems. He has good people development skills giving monthly reviews to his employees on performance helping empower his team. He has introduced job rotation to build employees skills & knowledge. He rewards his team and creates a positive work culture. 2. Meeting Deadlines: Hazif rewards his employees to ensure all orders are completed and delivered in time and targets are met letting us know how Hazif is performing and if he is getting all deliveries out in time. Accidents at work: As part of the quality culture all staff know the importance to health and safety, all accidents should be recorded thus letting us know if Hazif is making sure all employees are sticking to the health and safety guidelines and how he is performing as a manager. 3. The functional or group approach. In 1973 john Adair theorised and developed an action-centred leadership model to...
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...multiple leadership styles from the commanding officers; Colonel Davenport, Brigadier General Savage, and Major General Pritchard of Pine Tree. Through Colonel Davenport, Major General Pritchard, and Brigadier General Savage at the start of the film we can see the distinct difference between their leadership styles. General Davenport shows a high concern for his navigator trying to take blame for a navigation error that was his navigator’s fault. Davenport shows a high concern for his men and a low or medium concern for production lead me to believe middleman management style. General Savage, who seems to have the exact opposite leadership style, is highly task oriented and shows little if any concern for the men of the 918th. Savage has a managerial style mimicking authority compliance. Major General Pritchard shares the same management style as Savage. Shortly after the conversation Davenport is relieved of his duty and Savage is put in control of the 918th. Pritchard and Savage are both men who believe chain of command stemming from the fact that they are in the military. According to them you must adhere to the chain of command at all times no matter the circumstances. They believe in orders and that orders should be followed exactly. Arrival at the 918th After arriving at the 918th Bomber Group, Savage is presented with a group of poorly motivated and disciplined men. He notices the lax of security at...
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...Goleman, D. (1998). The emotional intelligence of leaders. Leader to Leader,(10), 20-26. According to the Goleman, author of “The Emotional Intelligence of Leaders” there is a difference between rational and emotional intelligence. The article detailed that both are essential to success. Studies that were conducted in hundreds of organizations show that that about two-thirds of the abilities that set apart star performers from the rest are based on emotional intelligence, only one-third of the skills that matter relate to raw intelligence and technical expertise. (Goleman 1998) There are some skills that a leader should possess. The author discussed 5 dimensions of emotional intelligence that are a foundation for specific capabilities of leadership. There is self awareness – when we are thinking about something, this helps us in our decision making. Managing emotions- a leader should be able to control his/her emotions. There was a study done at the Stanford University; four year olds were tested using marshmallows; the ones who were able to wait instead of grabbing a marshmallow immediately show self control. It was later determined at the age of 18; the kids who waited are emotional stable versus the ones who did not wait. Another skill that a leader should possess is the ability to motivate others. In order for a leader to be able to successfully motivate others; he or she needs to be optimistic. Optimists are able to handle setbacks and try again. A leader should also...
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...The Leadership Grid Perhaps the best-known model of managerial behavior is the Managerial Grid®, which first appeared in the early 1960s and has been refined and revised several times (Blake & McCanse, 1985). It is a model that has been used extensively in organizational training and development. The Managerial Grid, which has been renamed the Leadership Grid®, was designed to explain how leaders help organizations to reach their purposes through two factors: concern for production and concern for people (Northouse, 2007). Concern for production refers to how a leader is concerned with achieving organizational tasks. It involves a wide range of activities, including attention to policy decisions, new product development, process issues, workload, and sales volume, to name a few. Not limited to things, concern for production can refer to whatever the organization is seeking to accomplish (Blake & Mouton, 1964) (Northouse, 2007). Concern for people refers to how a leader attends to the people in the organization who are trying to achieve its goals. This concern includes building organizational commitment and trust, promoting the personal worth of employees, providing good working conditions, maintaining a fair salary structure, and promoting good social relations (Blake & Mouton,1964) (Northouse, 2007). The grid theory breaks behavior down into seven key elements such as initiative, inquiry, advocacy, decision making, conflict resolution, resilience, and critique. Initiative...
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...Managerial Ethics: First Take-home Exam – Group Project June 16, 2013 Instructor: Fr. Ozzie Mascarenhas SJ Terms and Conditions: 1. Form groups of 5 or 6 batch-mates with wide disciplinary coverage. This is a take-home group exam carrying 15% marks. 2. Do either Project 1 OR Project 2, in less than 15 pages each. Or, formulate and frame your own Project with equivalent structure, challenge, content and questions as long as it reflects an ethical-moral-legal violation (e.g., Satyam, 2G-3G, CWG, Coalgate, Game-fixing, etc.). 3. Document all references used by last name of author(s) and year of publication in the text, and by full name of authors, year of publication, full title, medium (journal) of publication, publisher, page numbers etc. under References at the end. 4. All questions within a Project carry equal marks. Answer each question in the order presented in the take-home exam. 5. Be concise, precise and incisive in your presentation. Hence, matrix presentations using tables are preferred. 6. Submit ONE assignment in both hard and soft copies (mascao37@gmail.com) to Mary P. Verghese, Room 18, Landline # 3214, Faculty Block, TMDC, or to me (Room # 100, MDP Block; call 7100) by 5:00 pm, Friday, June 28, 2013. 7. The front sheet of your group assignment should carry all names in full, Reg. #, batch name, and indicate, when applicable, who took major responsibility for each question. Project 1: No Business like Politics in India (Hindustan...
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