Premium Essay

Managerial Skill


Submitted By samim616
Words 7600
Pages 31
Employee performance can be developed through career development or talent management | December 9
| Prepared for Jashim Uddin (JDN | |
1.Introduction 4 2. Company Profile 5 3. Mission 6 4. Vision 6 5. Literature Review: 7 6. Research Question: 9 7. Research Methodology: 9 8. Research Findings and Analysis: 14 9. Further Development of Talent Management: 25 10. Talent Management in Developed & Developing Countries: 26 11. Conclusion: 27 12. References: 27


We are over whelmed in all humbleness and gratefulness to acknowledge our debt to all those who have helped us to move these ideas well above the level of simplicity and into something concrete.

We are very thankful to our honorable faculty member Jasim Uddin (Jdn) for his valuable help. He was always there to show us the right track when we needed her help. It is with the help of his valuable suggestions, guidance and encouragement, that we were able to perform this project work.

Along with our faculty member, I would also like to thanks the employees and managers of Grameen Phone IT for providing us valuable Information about the organization. Without them, our project work never would have been completed.

I would also like to thank our group members, whose help, support and time gave us support when we were in critical situation.

Members of the group
Chowdhury Tazrian Ishrat 1110256030
Samira Rahman 1111272030
Navid Redwan Khan 1110516030
Md. Rakib Siddiqui 0920189530
Ilias Arefin 1030037030
Aminul Habib 1110977030

1. Introduction
Grameenphone IT Ltd. is the leading fastest growing IT Company registered with the Registrar of the Joint Stock Companies and Firms of Bangladesh under the Companies Act 1994. It is a 100% subsidiary company of Grameenphone Ltd. which is the largest mobile operator

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