...Managers Job in Context Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 2 2.0 Organizational Background – Al-Rajhi Bank 2 3.0 Requirements and Job Description of Branch Manager 3 4.0 Mr. Anasari’s key people – internal and external interactions 4 4.1 Internal Interactions 4 Human Resource Manager 4 Loan Officer 5 Credit Manager 5 Bank Operational Manager 7 Customer Service Manager 7 4.2 External Interactions 8 Saudi Arabian chambers of commerce 8 Customers 8 5.0 Nature and evaluation of interdependencies 8 6.0 Recommendations 11 7.0 References 12 1.0 Introduction The role of managers nowadays has evolved greatly over the past years and it has changed significantly in different industries. One thing that remains the same is that managers are always held responsible by their supervisors, to make sure the employees achieve their objectives with expectations. The key to a success and profitable business are neither the systems nor the strategies of the firm. It is the character and skill of individual managers, who practice what they preach are what counts, that is why hiring the right manager is essential in supervising and managing the overall performance of staff in their department (Robbins, 2001). ‘People in the organisation are your most important asset’ is an incorrect statement; because I believe the right people are the organisation’s most important asset. Therefore, companies should hire based on the correct individual’s attitude and behaviour for the company...
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...Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Observable Aspects Organizational culture defines the characteristics of an organizations operation. It involves the analyzing of the roles of management and the staff in context to their ethical standards, productivity, and motivation. In agreement, Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn (2008), state that “Organizational culture is the system of shared actions, values, and beliefs that develops within an organization and guides the behavior of its members” (p. 364). In conclusion, organizational culture provides a look into what is working or not working for employees in reference to motivation, productivity, and ethical standards. Organizational behavior is an ongoing analysis tool for organizations. It allows revelation of information on the company’s effectiveness brought about by their actions. It analyzes “individuals, groups, and structure to find ways for the organization to perform more effectively” (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p. 11). Analysis is performed through assessment of each entities evidence and management’s intuition. The evidentiary material comes in the form of physiological, sociological, socio-psychological, and anthropological factors in context to the organizations behavior model (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p. 3). Exploration of those factors within an organization teamed with managements’ intuition provides ideas that improve functionality. Diversity within an organization refers to the multiple characteristics...
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...important it is to understand the behaviors within an organization, because each person will have a different background, culture and biographical characteristics. Because of the globalization, a crisis in one country, will quickly influence other countries. As we saw with the economic crisis in 2008 – the worst recession since the Wall Street crash in ’29 – a crisis in the US very quickly spread to the rest of the world. This crisis put a huge strain on both big and small businesses all over the world; challenging managers to still keep focused and engaged. Because with the recession, the reality presents two discrete leadership challenges: Keeping a company on track while the global economy is falling apart and keeping it functional until the economy recovers (Robison). The book “Managing people in a downturn” written by the psychologist Adrian Furnham, is a collection of 74 essays, diatribes and thought pieces. He addresses the issues that every manager faces at...
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...PA R T 1 The role of human resource management Part contents 1 Introduction to human resource management 2 Human resource planning and resourcing 3 Work and job design 1 41 74 Chapter 1 Introduction to human resource management LEARNING OUTCOMES After studying this chapter, you should be able to: identify the historical developments and their impact on HRM outline the development and functions of HRM understand the differences between HRM and personnel management evaluate ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ approaches to HRM understand how diversity is an issue in HR practice consider the HRM as an international issue. The opening vignette gives a somewhat pessimistic view of the role of people in the workplace. Often it is the job of the human resource manager to develop policies and practices that serve the organisation, but she or he also needs to think about the people. If the people are nurtured then the organisation can develop. As can be seen below, this was not the case with Enron. Enron: something’s got to give Human beings are not governed purely by their own self-interest, so our management and HR systems should not assume they are. For more than a year, Andrew Fastow – the erstwhile chief financial officer of Enron and the key architect of the off-balance-sheet entities that caused Enron’s sudden death – ran rings around the prosecutors investigating the collapse of the energy giant. 3 4 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Suddenly, he...
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...PA R T 1 The role of human resource management Part contents 1 Introduction to human resource management 1 2 Human resource planning and resourcing 41 3 Work and job design 74 Chapter 1 Introduction to human resource management LEARNING OUTCOMES After studying this chapter, you should be able to: identify the historical developments and their impact on HRM outline the development and functions of HRM understand the differences between HRM and personnel management evaluate ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ approaches to HRM understand how diversity is an issue in HR practice consider the HRM as an international issue. The opening vignette gives a somewhat pessimistic view of the role of people in the workplace. Often it is the job of the human resource manager to develop policies and practices that serve the organisation, but she or he also needs to think about the people. If the people are nurtured then the organisation can develop. As can be seen below, this was not the case with Enron. Enron: something’s got to give Human beings are not governed purely by their own self-interest, so our management and HR systems should not assume they are. For more than a year, Andrew Fastow – the erstwhile chief financial officer of Enron and the key architect of the off-balance-sheet entities that caused Enron’s sudden death – ran rings around the prosecutors investigating the collapse of the energy giant. 3 4 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCE...
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...3.0 Consideration of Issues with Repatriation 5 3.1 Financial 6 3.2 Family Problems 6 3.3 Organizational issues 7 3.4 Future Career Issues 7 4.0 Three Face Model of Repatriation Training 8 4.1 Pre Departure Training 8 4.2 Expatriation Phase 9 4.3 Repatriation Phase 10 5.0 Recommendation 10 6.0 Conclusion of report 10 7.0 List of Reference 11 Repatriation of Expatriates: overcoming barriers and understanding issues for the HR Practitioner 1.0 Introduction An increasing trend of MNC’s is taking part in an International context. According to a recent survey of MNC’s, there are over 850.000 subsidiaries of MNC’s operating worldwide, currently managing over 150.000 expatriates (Colakoglu & Caligiuri, 2008). According to Harvey & Moeller (2009), MNC’s must develop a pool of managers that has an increasing global mindset to cater for the increase of competition in an International context. Desired outcomes of expatriation can vary. One of the outcomes is the transfer of knowledge. Lazarova and Cerdin (2007) stresses that transfer of knowledge can assist the MNC to determine how their business unit is performing in the host country and identify needs associated with increasing performance and transfer of knowledge therein. This “transfer of knowledge may fail if the repatriation process is not being considered before; during and after the International assignment has taken place. The purpose of the following report is to discuss and contrast...
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...Seoul Upper Saddle River Munich Paris Montreal Taipei Toronto Amsterdam Delhi Cape Town Mexico City Sao Paulo Singapore Tokyo G O N T E N TS Preface 23 Acknowledgments PART ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 27 28 28 30 Introduction to Human Resource Management What Is Human Resource Management? 30 Why Is Human Resource Management Important to All Managers? Line and Staff Aspects of Human Resource Management 32 Line Managers' Human Resource Duties 33 Human Resource Manager's Duties 33 New Approaches to Organizing HR 35 Cooperative Line and Staff HR Management: An Example Globalization and Competition Trends 37 Indebtedness ("Leverage") and Deregulation Technological Trends 38 Trends in the Nature of Work 39 35 WHAT IS HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? 31 THE TRENDS SHAPING HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 38 36 • HR AS A PROFIT CENTER: Boosting Customer Service Workforce and Demographic Trends 40 Economic Challenges and Trends 42 40 THE NEW HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGERS 43 Human Resource Management Yesterday and Today 43 They Focus More on Strategic, Big Picture Issues 43 • THE STRATEGIC CONTEXT: Building LL.Bean 43 44 They Use New Ways to Provide Transactional Services They Take an Integrated, "Talent Management" Approach to Managing Human Resources 45 They Manage Ethics 45 They Manage Employee Engagement 45 They Measure HR Performance and Results 45 They Use Evidence-Based Human Resource Management They Add Value 46 They Have New...
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...1. Describe the three components of and attitude and explain the four job-related attitudes. Cognitive: Our thoughts, beliefs, and ideas about something. When a human being is the object of an attitude, the cognitive component is frequently a stereotype. Affective: Feelings or emotions that something evokes. The person's emotions and affect towards the object. Behavioral: This component of attitude consists of a tendency of an individual to behave in a particular way towards and object. Only this component of attitude is visible as the other two can only be inferred. The behavioral component refers to that part of attitude which reflects the intension of a person in short run or in long run. •Employee Productivity: A performance measure of both efficiency and effectiveness Absenteeism: The failure to report to work when expected Turnover: The voluntary and involuntary permanent withdrawal from an organization Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Discretionary behavior that is not a part of an employee’s formal job requirements, but which promotes the effective functioning of the organization. Job Satisfaction: The individual’s general attitude toward his or her job 2. Explain how an understanding of perception can help managers better understand individual behavior. Name three shortcuts used in judging others. Our perceptions in the workplace are biased by our experience, the culture, our education, and socialization. We tend to make assumptions and act on our...
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...Seoul Upper Saddle River Munich Paris Montreal Taipei Toronto Amsterdam Delhi Cape Town Mexico City Sao Paulo Singapore Tokyo G O N T E N TS Preface 23 Acknowledgments PART ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 27 28 28 30 Introduction to Human Resource Management What Is Human Resource Management? 30 Why Is Human Resource Management Important to All Managers? Line and Staff Aspects of Human Resource Management 32 Line Managers' Human Resource Duties 33 Human Resource Manager's Duties 33 New Approaches to Organizing HR 35 Cooperative Line and Staff HR Management: An Example Globalization and Competition Trends 37 Indebtedness ("Leverage") and Deregulation Technological Trends 38 Trends in the Nature of Work 39 35 WHAT IS HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? 31 THE TRENDS SHAPING HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 38 36 • HR AS A PROFIT CENTER: Boosting Customer Service Workforce and Demographic Trends 40 Economic Challenges and Trends 42 40 THE NEW HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGERS 43 Human Resource Management Yesterday and Today 43 They Focus More on Strategic, Big Picture Issues 43 • THE STRATEGIC CONTEXT: Building LL.Bean 43 44 They Use New Ways to Provide Transactional Services They Take an Integrated, "Talent Management" Approach to Managing Human Resources 45 They Manage Ethics 45 They Manage Employee Engagement 45 They Measure HR Performance and Results 45 They Use Evidence-Based Human Resource Management They Add Value 46 They Have New...
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...All good managers need leadership skills, but not all effective leaders need management skills. To be good mangers need leadership skills as well as managerial skills both skills are necessarily for the organizational management. What is leadership? When people think of leaders, mostly mean politic leader like Churchill, Hitler, Morgan, Nikson and so on but now in the 2010; leaders concern and involve in the business and organization roles rather than the politician who tend to be at the top of the country or militaries owing to presently it is said that we are in the globalization era which technology and communication such as iphone, facebook, twister etc. become socially involved in life, more necessary and affordable. So the leaders play roles differently, however, much more important in the business world in the manager’s roles. Shackleton (1996) described about leadership definitions involves three components: influence, group and goal. First, leaders are who influence the behavior of others. Secondly examine in the context of a group, work group such as managers and their terms or foremen and their subordinates. Last, leadership stresses a group goal that has to be accomplished. Leadership is the process in which influences other group members towards the attainment of group or organizational goals. Leaders may influence followers, but followers influence leaders to lead in one way rather than other. Leadership and management It is mentioned that Leadership...
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...The Developing Manager [Writer Name] [Institute Name] [Date] The Developing Manager Introduction The efficient management of any organization is the central driver of the constant achievement of the business and it is influenced by both the internal and external factors of the organization. It is vital that the Top Management aims to display successful leadership & management in organisation concurrently and in view of other duties & responsibilities. The Report aims to enhance the understanding regarding leadership & Managerial skills. This report will discuss the practices and management principles, will perform the review regarding potential as prospective manager, display managerial skills in the business & services context, and will develop a Career development plan for employment in the Business and services context. Discussion The diverse forms of Management styles are vital to the success or failure of any Business. The following are few of the Management Styles: Autocratic Management style: This form of Management style permits the Businesses to sustain a blue print if we require and how the company functions. This is due to the base of an Autocratic type of Management comes from concept of a nation which is govern by the dictator or the king. This type of management style permits the individual to make the final decisions regarding the business without the staff having any input but usually base the decision with staff in mind and what they assume is...
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...they can be utilized in best manner. 6) It helps the organization to realize the importance of manpower management which ultimately helps in the stability of a concern. Objectives of manpower planning Assessing manpower needs for future & making plans for recruitments & selection. Assessing skill requirement in future. Determining training & development needs of the organisation. Anticipating surplus or shortage of staff & avoiding unnecessary detention or dismissal. Controlling wages & salary casts. Staffing Levels Staffing levels can change based on company growth, losses due to layoff or temporary and seasonal employment needs. The objective of manpower planning is to forecast staffing level needs and work with company managers to make sure each department...
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...Empowered Employees: Taking the reigns from management John Fiegenbaum Operations Management BUS 453A Ty Bettis Warner Pacific College December 12, 2013 Abstract Though there are many challenges, trends, and ever-changing issues facing operations managers these days, we simply cannot cover all of them adequately; so this paper will focus primarily on the topic of empowered employees in the work force; who, by throwing off the yokes and taking the reigns from management to take care of the customer on the front line help to increase the bottom line. Empowered Employees: Taking the reigns from management Empowered employees are the first line of continuous quality improvement that can determine how well or how dissatisfied a customer’s experience can be. By definition, empowered employees generally “means the process of allowing employees to have input and control over their work, and the ability to openly share suggestions and ideas about their work and the organization as a whole. Empowered employees are committed, loyal and conscientious” (Richards, 2013). As global expansion and local availability combine and require the need for knowledge and competence in a more technically demanding workplace; operations managers are answering this need by moving more of the decision-making ability to the individual worker. This means giving up some of the power traditionally held by management, through a restructuring of an organization’s hierarchy to provide a more customer-focused...
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...The Developing Manager [Writer Name] [Institute Name] [Date] The Developing Manager Introduction The efficient management of any organization is the central driver of the constant achievement of the business and it is influenced by both the internal and external factors of the organization. It is vital that the Top Management aims to display successful leadership & management in organisation concurrently and in view of other duties & responsibilities. The Report aims to enhance the understanding regarding leadership & Managerial skills. This report will discuss the practices and management principles, will perform the review regarding potential as prospective manager, display managerial skills in the business & services context, and will develop a Career development plan for employment in the Business and services context. Discussion The diverse forms of Management styles are vital to the success or failure of any Business. The following are few of the Management Styles: Autocratic Management style: This form of Management style permits the Businesses to sustain a blue print if we require and how the company functions. This is due to the base of an Autocratic type of Management comes from concept of a nation which is govern by the dictator or the king. This type of management style permits the individual to make the final decisions regarding the business without the staff having any input but usually base the decision with staff in mind and what...
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...that manifest, and their causes. Then systematically present the solutions that you recommend, and the steps that must be taken accordingly. Strategise and prioritise. (60) B. Case Study 2: The CEO of ABC Corporation hires you to advise on how ABC will be placed in the best position to maximise its performance and to maintain long-term competitive edge. Read the following facts, and give her comprehensive advice. (50) ABC Corporation The CEO of ABC is clearly a highly motivated individual who has worked hard to build her business and values hard work from those in the organisation. She takes pride in “leading by example” by working long hours and still getting involved on the technical side of the business, making sure that they “get the job done right the first time”. She clearly values productivity and profit. She maintains that she would not have built the business if she had not pushed herself and those around her to achieve progressively greater levels of these. Profits are still looking good, but some comments on the part of two of her fourteen senior staff members have led her to suspect that all is not well within the organisation, and that it is hence perhaps nevertheless underperforming. Recently, she received a letter from a leaving employee in their Operations division. This letter finally convinced her that she should approach you (an expert in project and programme management) for advice. Part of it reads as follows: “My experience is only from being part of Operations...
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