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Managing People


Submitted By anaaansar
Words 495
Pages 2
Joy of Chocolate
Q1. Suzy started the joy of chocolate with the main goal of surviving. Her consumer goals were to create gourmet chocolates to a very high standard. Suzy worked to offer a unique product and high class chocolates for her customers. She soon built up a reputation for dependability through always delivering orders on time. These are her product goals. Suzy’s secondary goals are, offering products with local connections, enhanced with local produce. Suzy’s objective was to seek out fair trade suppliers.
Q2. Formal organization, component of an organization’s social structure designed to guide and constrain the behavior of the organization’s members. They have very strict rules to follow and serious discipline actions. Formal organizations are often places like the army, law firms etc.
An Informal organization is more social and relaxed. Informal is fun and outgoing, like a small working family, this can sometimes cause problems for authority figures.
Q3. The composition of the Open Systems Theory is all the functions and areas of the company that come together to make the end result.

Pest Analysis Political New Employment Laws Government Policies Economic Domestic Growth Interest Rates Tax Rising Competition

Swot Analysis
Q4. Stakeholders are groups of individuals who have an interest in a business. These groups are categorized in to either Internal or External stakeholders, sometimes they can be both internal and external.
Internal stakeholders at Joy of Chocolate start with Suzy Campbell as the owner. The head of chocolate department Leon Houmond and also Chocolate production factory manager Hafiz Shah. Amina Zan who was appointed by the bank for financial support is also classed as an internal stakeholder. Employees are also classed as internal

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