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Mand Training Analysis

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Mand training is derived from B.F. Skinners verbal behavior approach and is a set of teaching procedures that involves arranging naturally occurring or contrived motivating operants (MO's) to aid in the development of the request (mands) repertoire in children with autism and other developmental disabilities (Albert et al, 2012). Skinner identified four elementary operants of verbal behavior that are frequently used in many early language-training programs (Matson, J.L., & Sturmey, P., 2011). These verbal operants consist of mands, tacts, echoics, and intraverbals (Matson, J.L., & Sturmey, P., 2011). In an analysis of language for infants, Drash & Tudor acknowledged that the primary focus and type of language to teach in any language program is manding (Jennet, H., 2008). B.F. Skinner defined mands as a verbal operant where the response is reinforced by a specific consequence that is under the control of an aversive, deprived or satiated stimulus (Albert et al. 2012).
The topography of a mand can have various characteristics; for instances it can include spoken words, making eye contact, using gestures or pointing, using sign language, picture exchange communication (PEC's) or augmentative devices (Albert et …show more content…
According to Albert et al., many prompting procedures have been used to successfully teach manding to children with autism and other developmental disabilities (2012). Prompts are characterized as an extra stimulus that occurs immediately before or after the stimuli is given which cues the learner to demonstrate the requested behavior at the appropriate time. Prompts are defined by Krantz & McClannahan as touches, gestures, demonstrations and instructions that increase the probability of learners making the appropriate response (MacDuff, Krantz & McClannahan, 2001). In other words, prompts are like clues or hints that encourage the desired behavior to occur (MacDuff, Krantz & McClannahan,

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