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Mandatory Prison Education Program Analysis

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As a warden if I had to make the chose of saving six programs, I would be saving the following programs. The first program would be Mandatory Prison Education, were all prisoners will have to have some type of education before they leave the facility of prison, if they are going to be serving more than three year in prison. I always say an educated person sometimes make better choices in life. Knowledge is a powerful tool in life to make better choices and gives you better opportunities in life. The article Obama Is Reinstating Pell Grants for Prisoners we have a senator by the name Claiborne Pell saying “Diplomas are crime stoppers.” Also In 1994 the senate floor said “It costs much less to educate a prisoner than it does to keep one behind bars.” On this subject I can only say I do agree with this comment that education is a powerful instrument, weapon or tool for a convict. There is another article …show more content…
Also helps the correctional system in fixing and helping the community with his new ability that the inmate has been prepared. This article a federal guide lines call Directory of National Program and they state that “The Occupational Education Program is designed to help inmates acquire marketable skills in a wide variety of trades." This makes a person more desirable for the job market; he is more makeable for the labor industry. There is a saying “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him how to fish and he will eat for the rest of his life.” Also this document or guide line book indicates “Program content focuses on developing the skills necessary for entry-level employment in a given trade.” Also the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) indicates that educating an inmate “encourages inmates to use their time in a constructive

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