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Mandatory Tutoring Research Paper

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If you are a college or university student, you might be looking for opportunities to volunteer in your community. While reading to local elementary school children, adopting a grandparent, or participating in Habitat for Humanity can be an enjoyable experience, some college students are looking for ways to give back to their school by helping their fellow students. There are several ways you can do this, and here are just four suggestions.


While some schools will offer you the opportunity to make money tutoring, offering your services for free can be a rewarding experience, especially if you get to work with students who might otherwise be unable to afford tutoring services. If your school has a volunteer tutoring program, find out how you can join. If there is not a volunteer tutoring program, you may want to find out what you would need to do to start one. …show more content…
You can start out with something as simple as tutoring your roommate who is struggling in the class you aced or letting people know that you are willing to offer free tutoring services. You could even contact professors who teach the courses where you plan to offer tutoring services. They can let their students know that you are willing to offer free tutoring.


Some schools offering mentoring opportunities for upperclassmen. Often, you will mentor freshmen students who are going into your program or into a similar program. You may need to be available to answer questions and help students succeed. If your school has Freshmen Orientation or another activity where freshmen come to campus a few days before school starts, you may need to act as a tour guide for a group of students. Once you have graduated and established yourself in your field, you can also want to act as a mentor for students who are trying to succeed in your chosen profession.

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