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Manifest Sociological Analysis

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The first woman sociologist is Harriet Martineau she was from England and introduced sociology where she lived. She claimed that if someone studies a society they must focus on every detail that there is about the topic including political, religious, and social institutions. She wanted sociologist to do more than just observe and that they need to be beneficial to society. W.E.B. Du Bois was the very first African American to earn a doctor degree from Harvard University. He claimed that one's self and identity are influenced by historical experiences and social situations such as slavery that deals with segregation and prejudice. He mostly focused on race relations in the United States because of the color line. W.E.B one member of the National Association …show more content…
When we all talk to each other, we look for clues that shows us what type of behavior is right when interacting with an individual. Symbolic interactionism deals with sense and what others say or do. Functionalism falls into play it's the thought of sociology and how we analyze society as a whole. There are two types of functions, Manifest and Latent. Manifest functions are those known to, and intended by the participants in a social activity. Latent functions are consequences of that activity of which participants are unaware. Merton believed looking into the aspects of social behavior and the features of life. There are many types of theories such as the Feminism and Feminist Theory which is one of the most prominent areas of contemporary sociology. The feminist theorists’ experiences in the women’s movement of the 1960s and the 1970s influenced their work. Rational Choice Theory posits that if you could have only a single variable to explain society. The theorist find few irrational mysteries in life, such as love and self interests. Postmodern theory claims that the classical social thinkers idea has a shape and it leads somewhere such as being

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