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Personal Narrative: Improving My Writing Skills

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With every passing school year the quality of my writing skills improve immensely over the course of the school year, and this year does not differ (4). As always, jumping back into the school year after the summer requires an adjustment period. Due to readjusting to school and the acquirement of higher level writing techniques over the year, the overall quality of my writing increased throughout the school year. Over the course of the school year, I have learned many new and valuable ways that help improve my writing skills (3). One of these skills I learned was the ability to now identify passive voice, which I have learned most consider as poor writing because it allows the verb to become the subject of the sentence. Being able to identify passive voice allows makes me monitor how I am writing my sentences, and be able to correct passive sentences when editing my papers (4). Another extremely important skill I picked up this year was the knowledge of “to be” verbs and how to eradicate them from my writing/ learn to write …show more content…
One strength that I had throughout all of my papers was this year was that I was able to keep my essay’s very focused on the topic that was at hand (1). In addition, I always organized my papers in a logical way that flowed and followed my thesis statement. Moreover, I also consistently transitioned well between sentences, paragraphs, and ideas. Unfortunately, my writing skills still need some fine tuning. One weakness of mine was going back to the prompt and answering all parts of the question. Often, I would address the entire prompt in my thesis statement, but when I was writing my paragraphs forget to analyze tone and diction for each of the different texts (2). Also, at the beginning of the year before I figured out “to be” verbs and active vs. passive voice, I struggled with style and how to improve the quality of my

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