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Simpson Family Lesson Plan

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Course: 2nd grade “B”
Schedule: Mon- Wed 9:00 to 10:30
Date: Wednesday 23rd of August, 2013.
AIM: To identify family members time Content Skill ACTIVITIES Pattern of interaction Resources TEACHER STUDENTS
5m Function:Introducing family members
Naming family members
Vocabulary :famiily members: father, mother, sister, brother-
Structure This is my (father) His name is (Roberto)
Culture: A typical American family Listening for general information I will use the following link to show picture of the Simpson Family.
The video has the theme song of the show.
I will ask the questions “Do you know these people? Who are they? Ss will look at the picture and say: Homero, …show more content…
Writing questions.
Listening to questions and answers
Speaking: answering questions I will write the model questions and answers on the board for Ss to practice.

Oral work
After Ss copy the model questions I will read the questions and answers and I will get Ss repeat after me.
Then I will get ss ask each other the model questions and provide the correct answers
I will monitor Ss productions. Ss will copy the model questions ans answers from the board.

Ss will repeat the model structures after the teacher.

Ss will ask each other the model questions and provide the correct answers. T-S


S-S Large photographs of the Simpson family.
10m Function: asking and answering questions
Identifying people.
Who is he/she?
He’s She’s Homer/ Margery. A game: I will divide the class into two halves for Ss to play a memory game.
I will place the pictures of the Simpson family facing down. I will call ONE student at a time to come to the board to find two pictures matching. When he/she gets both pictures of the same character has to say the sentence: Who is he? He is …show more content…
Ss will be divided into two groups.
The members of each team will come to the board, one in turn, to find two pictures of the same character. When he finds them, he has to say the correct model question and answer.
10m Function: asking and answering questions
Identifying people.
Structure: Is he (Homer)? Yes, he is. Is she (Marge) No, she isn´t. She`s Lisa. Speaking
Colloquial language: well done!, my turn, your turn, wait please!.
Here you are.
Thank you! I will point at the family members and I will ask Ss the model questions.
A game: I will explain Ss the rules of the game. Ss will receive a set of cards with the faces of Marge, Homer, Bart, Liza and Maggie. Each S will pick a card from his pack and answer yes/no questions to help his mate guess the character in the chosen card.
I will monitor Ss performance. Ss will answer teacher`s questions providing the correct information

Ss will play a card game in pairs. Each will choose a card, put it facing down and get the other S guess the hidden character by asking yes/no questions T-S

S-S Pack of cards
10m Function:Introducing family

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