...Writing is a major part of any career. As a Health Science major, I did not realize how big of a role reading, writing and communicating plays in the health sciences field until I start taking my degree specific classes. All of the writing thus far has helped me realize how important being a good writer is, and helped me to see some of my strengths and weaknesses. I have never truly liked writing especially in the academic setting, but I know how important it is. Writing is a good way of expressing yourself and reflecting and analyzing your thoughts. I have never been confident in my writing skills, but I have seen major improvement over the year and hope to continue to grow as a reader and a writer. Improvements in My Writing I have saw...
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...Final Project- My Writing Portfolio English Comp. 101 Prof. Cody June 27, 2015 I have decided to enter writing assignments 1, 2, and 5 into my writing portfolio as a part of my final project. I chose these three specific essays because each essay relates to me in a unique way regarding my life experiences. I feel that I capture my audience’s attention in such a personal way that they desire to hear more. My personal writing comes from a vantage point about a particular subject in an expressive aim. The content of my writings are equipped for people who are more advanced in life; compared to those who haven’t had experience to support a family, finances, or particular employment. My writings apply to the expressive aim of writing and have comparable lacks. In my future writing processes, I plan to sum up my essays with less redundancy and more content. I learned to touch on the major points of my writings without presenting new information into my conclusions. While reviewing my essays, I realized that I continued to repeat the same errors but made the effort to not double speak when creating my words and thoughts. Given the corrections, I was able to make improvements to my writings so that they will have a continuous, but steady flow avoiding lessening the value of the subject at hand. Throughout the review process of my writing assignment 1, I was able to learn how to conduct APA Style within in my essays. Although my professor gave...
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...As my junior year winds down, the final chapter of my book is about to unravel: senior year. However, before I start exploring my horizons, which is going to be filled with new opportunities and memories to be made, it’s best to reflect on my experience in AP Language and Composition with Mrs.Miles throughout junior year. These past 8 months were filled with enlightening experiences. From the discussions and articles of the week to the countless essays we had to write. I believe that Mrs.Miles really focused on our writing skills, which I am awfully grateful that she did. Mrs.Miles has assisted in my growth in writing; as my grammar has improved, including the use of commas, colons, and semicolons. In fact, I am now knowledgeable of the fact...
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...matter the topic or form of paper I had to write. Certain factors were able to better assist me when writing, however nothing was ever enough to perfect my writing, or at least, diminish the hardships I experienced. Throughout this first semester of literature I have, of course, experienced problems with my writing, however I have learned to identify my own mistakes and am beginning to better comprehend how to fix these mistakes. During the beginning of this past Fall’s semester, I had lost my confidence in my writing abilities. With my loss of confidence as a writer, came a strong desire to never write again. Still, the consequences of my loss of confidence further extended into my life and effected my overall perception of all things literary. I had no desire to read, and if I somehow felt forced to read, I would pay hardly any attention to the content. This influenced my writing in negative ways. However, I was still unable to recognize or identify the exact mistakes or flaws within my writing. Initially I had sought out the mistakes, but eventually lost hope and felt that there was no way to correct my writing. My horrendous writing skills were set in stone…or at least I believed so at the time. It was not up until I received the shameful grade of a “D+” on my paper, “Following Faith”, that I could fully identify my problems as a writer. I had not been expecting an “A” on my paper- in which I argued that although many turn to God for comfort in desperate times, the wanderer...
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...My observations of this course and the assignments given have shown me a huge difference in how I started to where I currently am. I have improved my style of writing and the way that I edit my papers. I also noticed that my thesis statements have become more impactful, straight to the point, and easily convey the topic of my entire paper. In my WRT 101 class, my professor said he noticed that my thesis statements have gotten better and I have more supporting details for my argument. I received an A on my last two papers in his class and my overall grade has increased since then. This class is also really helpful to the World Civilization class, however, I think it would be even more beneficial to the class if the study sessions were more organized for the midterm and the final. Despite this, I do not believe it is the staff's fault but more the students because they don’t realize the importance of the help until it is too late....
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...Writing 101: My Trials and Tribulations Writing 101 As my first English college course nears its end, I can’t help but be proud of the minor yet significant improvements I have made throughout the last eight weeks. I enrolled in WRTG 101S to meet my general education requirements, but also to refresh my reading and writing skills, as it provides the foundation for most other college courses. When I began WRTG 101S, I was uneasy with the quality of my research, formatting, and writing; now I am confident in my ability to produce well-written literature. Over the past eight weeks, I have learned much about the writing process and the importance of prewriting, writing, and revising to ensure a quality end product. Since being introduced to college writing and the writing process during a conference assignment in week one, I have applied these skills to all of my writing projects, which have yielded successful results. These steps allow me to progress through any writing assignment in an organized and efficient manner. This process was especially helpful in the cause and effect essay. This was the first essay I had completed in 10 years, since graduating high school. I was very anxious and nervous about the assignment since I had not written academic pieces in quite some time. Honestly, I still become anxious when approached with any type of writing assignment. This is due to my desire to excel in all that I encounter. I now, however, feel more at ease in knowing that I have specific...
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...I face a lot of challenges when it comes to creating an acceptable paper. I have a negative outlook on my writing, I write a lot of cliche things, fragment sentences are my weakness, my vocabulary is poor, and I over think what is wanted from what I write. Struggling with this introduction, for instance, is one of my major weaknesses. A lot more work goes into it than there seems. I have to think “Did I capture the attention? Does my audience know where I’m going with this paper? Is it enough to make them curious to read more?” In the beginning of the semester, my introduction basically went straight into the paper like it was the first body paragraph. It was a confusing surprise. I’ve since worked on my introductions so they give more explanation toward the overall reason for the paper. Even if it’s not the best you’ve ever read, I’m more aware of why it’s not and that there are ways to strengthen it. I’d like to believe because of how self-aware I...
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...First is vocabulary, I always use simple words which are not proper for my education. Now I know a lot of vocabularies and use them in my writing. Second, my writing always has some errors such as forgeting to add s and wrong tense. I pay more attention to this work and prove it carefully. So, my paper3 is better than the previous one. However, there are 2 areas I still need improvement. First is difficult words which I do not explain it clearly. I afraid that audiences may feel bored and do not understand what I want to tell them. Second is the most important area that I need improvement. It is Tinglish which I often use in my writing. Thai audiences may understand...
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...opinion and thoughts through talking, writing, hand gestures, and even body language. The purpose of communication is so that we can understand one another either as one or in a group. It can help strengthen relationships of any type, having understanding one another, to be understood, or even to get the job done. Here is a quote from a blog that I agree with and makes understanding communication better or from another perspective. “Communication is important in our lives. In a way, communications is something like breathing. You can't live very long without breathing and you cannot survive very long without communicating. Communication is the thread by which you tie yourself to the world and the world to you” (Better Interpersonal Communication, 2008). A good way of communicating could be to express your feelings or opinions when they arise, not leave them bottled up. I am terrible at that because I don’t want to offend anyone if I disagree with them or hurt others feelings; when in a professional atmosphere such as my job. If you are angry or upset about a situation address it but do it in a professional manner when dealing with a job, school, business, etc. In personal relationships you want to consider others feeling but your own as well and expressing your opinions or feelings can help improve your communication skills. My understanding of verbal and nonverbal communication is that verbal is spoken out loud expressed not through writing, hand gestures or body...
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... Writing is a mastery that may take years to develop. As one matures from childhood, they develop diverse communication skills, such as talking, listening, and writing. Writing is an integral skill that enables a person articulate their ideas in a commonsensical manner. Although I am not a good writer, as I would like to be, I have made tremendous improvements over the years. Several factors have influenced my writing ability to the level I have reached currently. My family background and school experience presented me with an opportunity to become an exceptional writer, while social influences had an insignificant effect in bettering my skills. Primarily, my family background has a significant effect in my mastery of writing. I saw people writing at home, as my parents read and wrote frequently. My parents have an inherent respect and value for writing. They regularly expressed a love for writing and implored us to read and write as much as possible. We had a small book library at our home, comprising of newspapers, novels, and research books. Home libraries have a significant influence on development of an interest in reading and writing (Bonci, 2010). Initially, I only read magazines, but it was only after I started reading longer books with chapters, that I developed the skill to organize ideas. For that reason, my family background has had a significant effect in the writing skills. In addition, my school experience was prominent in making me...
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...My experiences in high school are my most vivid of memories when it comes to reading, writing, and communicating. My freshman year of high school I had an English teacher that had a big personality and made English class interesting and often unpredictable. She would break out into a song or dance in order to explain things such as a hyperbole. She was the first teacher to peak my interest in reading and writing. Sophomore year was also a turning point for my writing because I had to write a lengthy research paper on Macbeth by William Shakespeare. I learned that I have trouble staying focused on my thesis at times and my wording can often be awkward. I was thankful that quite a bit of drafting was involved and my final paper was a huge improvement. Junior year was a great year for my interest in reading because I read East of Eden by John Steinbeck, which was a great book. Reading East of Eden made me realize how important annotating is and that rereading the text may be necessary if you did not pick up a good understanding the first time around. Senior year was an interesting one because of my expository reading and writing class. One of the hardest things I did was writing a group essay. We were in a group before we started the essay then when we started to draft we discovered we had different opinions on the topic. Communication was key and we had to figure out a compromise so that we could all get our point across. High school had a huge contribution to my literacy narrative...
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...I Assignment – Final Project My personal writing style is invention. When I generate information about a particular subject, I like to leave the reader wanting more. Most often, I write from the vantage point of expressive aim; indeed, I write about personal issues that affect all people on a daily basis. I usually map my rhetorical situation according to the subject matter; interestingly enough, from the perspectives of knowledge by observation and participation. My core audience ranges from high school and college graduates to both, male and female older adults of all persuasions. The content of my writings are geared towards individuals who are further advanced in life than others who haven’t experienced working to support a family, being responsible for one’s family’s expenses, or career specific employment. I have chosen written assignments 2, 3 and 4 as the essays I want entered into my writing portfolio. I chose these essays because they stem from my life’s experiences, and are all addressed to my core audience. They utilize the expressive aim of writing, and for the most part, have similar deficiencies. My writings need stronger sentence structure at times, in addition to, crafting more concise conclusions. When I frame my conclusions, I need to sum things up with less verbiage and more content. I have to learn to touch the major points of my writings without introducing new information into my conclusions. As I reviewed my essays, I recognized where I kept repeating...
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...Christopher Munson Professor Nick Beishline English 202 1 September 2014 As a college student, I walk into classes striving to gain the most possible out of each and every one of my classes. This is simply a subconscious duty that I believe most college students have. However, as we know, there are some students that walk into class on the first day trying to figure out what the least possible amount of work in their course can be, and still be able to slide by with a passing grade. My question to this is—why? As a student we all should be committed to doing the best that we possibly can. This is about the only negative feeling that I have when in any class on a regular basis. I believe that I need to improve in all areas of my writing, there is always room for improvement. Improvement in sentence structure specifically would be something I need to work on. Additionally, I am excited to learn how to write research papers by the end of the semester. This is something that I have not done since the eighth grade, and I do not remember much about it. In my past college English classes, 101 and 121, we mostly participated in short readings and then a paper to follow the reading. This was very annoying, doing the same thing every class. However, I did enjoy the discussion portions of these classes; seeing the viewpoints from many different people was very thought provoking at times. I had the same professor for both of these classes, she was excellent and fun...
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...assignment I chose the first question, which was “One of the over-arching themes in Franklin’s Autobiography is that of self-improvement. Franklin intends for his own experience to serve as a model for others. Discuss key ways that Franklin presents his story as an illustration of self-improvement. Is he successful in the attempt? What motivates him toward this attempt? Does he strike you as a self-promoter or a genuinely benevolent man desirous of helping others? In your answer, use specific examples from the book to illustrate your points.” First off, Benjamin Franklin was an amazing man whose kindness, compassion, and love for his fellow man knew no bounds. He was and is the embodiment of self-improvement. History is filled with great men and women that have done amazing and remarkable feats to better mankind. In my personal opinion, Benjamin Franklin is up there with the best of them. This man spent the majority of his life being a model of self –improvement, so that others would emulate his actions. I know one would think that Benjamin Franklin had an easy life after reading my first paragraph, but thinking that is far from the truth. Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 in Boston, Ma. Everyone knows that life in Colonial Times wasn’t the easiest of living. The early settlers had no idea how to survive in the wilderness, and they had no experiences in preparing for the bitter winters that lye ahead. They didn’t know how to hunt, fish, or farm the land in order to...
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...My first year of university has proved to be a large platform for apprenticeship and progress. Through various projects and presentations, individual or group ones, and even more through feedback on my work, I managed to develop my academic and personal skills both as an independent learner, but also as a member of formal or informal groups. Having been assigned tasks such as literature reviews, research essays or reflective essays, all of them involving either an oral or written presentation, I employed a range of skills that could not have found a better environment to develop in; critical thinking, working with others and time management are just few examples. Aside from measuring our ability and understanding of the assigned task, evaluation allows us to progress on things we are performing well on and adjust our weaknesses. According to Marshall and Rowland (1998), evaluation can be performed by ourselves, assessing and judging our work in a subjective manner or by others. However, the drawback of being our own assessors is the risk of being accused of bias. Therefore, acknowledging the feedback received on my work has been a significant factor for the development of my skills. It not only helped me better identify my strengths and weaknesses, but also gave me self-confidence and enthusiasm, two key factors for a continual improvement of one's self. The module I have undertaken in the second term, Personal Skills for Business Management Students, has undoubtedly drawn my...
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