...Critically discuss the importance of reflection in the practice of management Student ID:20583416 Course: The reflective manager (MD4046) Lecturer: Dr. Elias Hadjielias Fall 2012 Assignment no. 1 Table of Contents Introduction Page 1.1 General Introduction to Reflection 3 1.2 Objectives and Purpose of the essay 3 Main Body 1.3-1.6 Review of Literature 3-4 1.7 Personal opinion of the writer 4 1.8 A practical example of Reflection in a certain case 4 1.9 Recommendations from the writer 5 Conclusion 2.0 Summary pg.3 5 2.1 References ...
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...Home Examples and samples Personal development plan final reflection essay Personal Development Plan Final Reflection Essay In my previous personal development plan, I had made several initiatives through which I hoped to achieve certain goals both in academics and in social life. In the previous personal development plan, I had embarked more on the process that I believe would help me to think about my own learning, performance and achievements as well as to plan my personal, educational, social and career development. Since I made the plan within the PDP, there are certain changes that I have witnessed happening in my career, social and learning areas. For example, I have noted that for the last one semester, I have improved in a number of areas that I had pointed in my last PDP. In academics, I have achieved a lot, as my average grades have improved from the previous B+ to an A. This is primarily because I was able to develop clear SWOT analysis, in which I recognized my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats not only in academics, but also in my social life, extra-curricular activities and any other activity I took. With this plan, I worked hard to perfect my strengths, correct the weaknesses and make them my strong points, utilize the opportunities placed within my abilities and finally recognize and avoid any negative effect that was posed by the threats in the SWOT analysis (Bolton 2010). From these considerations, I recognized that some...
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...Introduction: Personal and professional development of an individual depends on his/her interpersonal skills. Every profession has particular challenge which a person find difficult to overcome unless he/she fail to make due progress within the job perspectives. In the past few decades profession the roles and responsibilities of a manager have changed extensively. This trend is mainly due to major change in organization policies and greater impact of globalization. However, it is never that much easy to define overall roles and responsibilities of a managerial position precisely. But there are some roles and responsibilities that are common to all professionals throughout the various organizations. It is also hard to know where the roles and responsibilities of a manager should pause and I feel it is every individual’s responsibility to know the boundaries as well as the limitations. Even though there still exists a misconception that the only skill required to be a successful is the ability to manage people, but it goes far beyond this. This is because, some challenge may occur within the organization which really test the temperaments and skill of the individual. It is also a traditional belief that a manager needs to be highly experienced no matter how much knowledge he/she has on managing perspective. A manager must be multi faceted adapting to ever changing circumstance (WALKLIN, 1990). Personal skill management: How a manager deals with others, his/her art of speaking...
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...Unit 6.7 Personal Leadership and Management Development Level 6 10 Credits SUMMARY |Unit Level |Level 6 | |Unit Code |A/503/5350 | |Credit Value |10 | |Assessment Guidance |Assignments in accordance with awarding organisation guidance | ASSESSMENT Context Your existing qualifications, past employment and personal experiences and current level of study mean that you intend to apply for leadership and management positions in organisations. In preparation for this you wish to enhance your prospects for success by further development of your leadership and management skills. You plan to do this by undertaking some research on leadership and management. You will then undertake a personal assessment of your skills and construct and implement a personal development plan. You must file all of this information for future reference, either as an electronic or hard copy. As this information is important and will be accessed, as your future career progresses it must be carefully and systematically organised. Task 1 You must begin the file by...
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...Reflection can be described as the process of thinking whereby one tries to analyze situations and experiences and make judgments about them. It can be briefly termed as turning ones experience into a learning process. Reflection is helpful at a personal because the modern society is changing rapidly than ever and therefore creating a need to constantly make decisions and re-evaluate our choices. It provides individuals with tools that enable them make proper decisions in life. Reflective insight enables the learners to have better thinking and problem solving skills that help them apply the acquired knowledge in solving new tasks. Body The daily hustle and bustle has exerted too much pressure on our daily lives that quite often develop a distorted view of our surrounding. We tend to forget how well we are doing, our failures and the effect of our action on the people around us. By developing reflective skills we gain an accurate picture of who we are, become aware of our hidden motivations and thinking styles, how we appear to other people. We also develop a better understanding of what motivates our performance and develop our insight and judgment(Bulman,2004).It also helps us have control of our thought process ,our emotions and responses to our sorroundings.Reflection therefore furnishes us with tools that enable us to achieve what we want in life. Learning in the health field is usually a challenge as there is usually a big gap between the ‘Know how and the do how’. Students...
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...objectives. Since the main focus of the study is on the importance of guided reflection and reflective training to promote student teachers’ critical reflective thinking, it therefore, seeks to address the underlying premise of reflective practice, the defining terms as well as the related studies so far in the area of interest. 2.1 A Perspective of Effective Teaching The concept of effective teaching underpins the goal of this research study. According to Arends (1994, p. 9), effective teaching is defined by four sets of attributes namely knowledge-base, repertoire, reflection and life-long learning. These four attributes of an effective teacher are illustrated as follows: * Effective teachers have control of knowledge bases on teaching and learning and use this knowledge to guide the science and art of their practice. * Effective teachers command a repertoire of best teaching practices (models, strategies, procedures) and can use these to instruct children in classrooms and to work with adults in the school setting. * Effective teachers have the dispositions and skills to approach all aspects of their work in a reflective, collegial, and problem-solving manner. * Effective teachers view learning to teach as a lifelong process and have dispositions and skills for working toward improving their own teaching as well as improving schools. (Arends , 1998, p. 9) Repertoire Reflection Lifelong learning Knowledge base ...
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...Management Skills: Reflective Journal Assessment Vo Hoang Bac Management Skills September 13th, 2014 Professor Nigel Barrett Management Skills: Reflective Journal Assessment This reflective report will focus in five different assessments to figure out the differences between individual responses with group opinions. Then, reflection for each topic will be also discussed to see what individual can learn from these processes. The purpose of this paper is to display the personal reflection after comparing individual responses and group responses with five objectives. The first objective is reflection 1 analyzes organizational ethics and the influence of Eastern cultures on choosing the best candidate; the second is reflection 2 describes culture differences, self – awareness, and the techniques to match, and to manage the cross – cultures; third is reflection 3 discusses about work and life balance that might help each manager manage well both in work places and at home; the forth is determining the approach to foster the creative problem solving which bases on the preserving problems in the library; and the last is reflection 5 applies the assessment model to solve the conflict in construction engineering company. These five assessments are surely very important for every manager. According to Rockefeller (2003), there are two most important aspects which CEO must care are creativity and social norms. He also mentioned, “It is very important to operate the firms within...
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...Discuss how self-assessment, goal setting, models of reflection and the use of feedback can help you in your own learning development. Illustrate your own points by using examples drawn from your own university experience so far including portfolio activities. This paper is going to discuss my own personal learning development on my journey through university so far. This will be done by assessing myself through different portfolio activities I have undertaken as part of the academic study skills module, namely activities one, two, three, four and seven. I will also review goals I set myself as well as reflecting upon my learning experiences. I will do this by using the Kolb’s Cycle of Experimental Learning (McLeod, 2013) finally concluding on what I have learnt through this process. According to Heidi Andrade and Anna Valtcheva (2009) self-assessment is crucial in order for our learning to develop. They believe that this is so we can identify our strengths and weaknesses and to determine which areas we may need to improve upon. One of the portfolio activities I had to complete was a self-assessment audit (portfolio activity one) which consisted of a series of questions that related to different skills I possess. Such as my information technology skills or how I handle any problems I may encounter and I had to rate myself on how well I thought my skills were. At the end of the audit I received a score of ninety-six out of a possible one hundred and thirty-nine...
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...Learning through reflection 2 Reflection is an active process whereby the professional can gain an understanding of how historical, social, cultural and personal experiences have contributed to professional knowledge and practice (Wilkinson, 1996). Duffy (2007) believes that reflective practice is an active deliberate process of critically examining practice where an individual is challenged and enabled to undertake the process of self-enquiry to empower the practitioner to realize desirable and effective practice within a reflexive spiral of personal transformation. Learning is derived from experience but it doesn’t just happen. For it to take place you not only need to engage in reflection you must also record it. By thinking about what you are doing and why you are doing it is what turns your experiences into meaningful learning. If you are to become a reflective practitioner you have to use that learning to increase your professional knowledge and skills to the benefit of not only yourself but also to your patients / clients. Why Reflect Reflection is really a process that begins with looking back on a situation, pondering over it, learning from it and then using the new knowledge to help you in future similar situations. Reflection, which is learning through experience, is not a new concept. As humans, we naturally reflect on our surroundings and experiences. However, the conscious, deliberate and ordered process of using reflection as a learning tool...
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...They can be cited as follows: 1. Self-learning methodology that is available in the nature of the development files depends on the maturity and motivation of the student. For this reason it may not be convenient for the all types of learning styles. 2. If the teachers do not direct the students enough about reflection and not support them, students cannot be sure about how to make reflections and this can cause shyness. 3. Development files consist of both process and product. If necessary time is not spent on the process of development files, the resulting product (outcome) will be poor. In this respect, development files are time consuming. 4. If the necessary software, hardware and devices are easily obtained to create electronic development files, it can be costly for a person to obtain them by himself/herself. 5. Creating electronic development files requires technological knowledge and skills. Some pupils might not have the technical know-how and consequently feel overchallenged. 6. Preparation process of electronic development files can sometimes be and annoying. 7. Creating electronic development files takes time....
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...(BSBWOR501) MANAGE PERSONAL WORK PRIORITIES AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT DOCUMENT (Please print your name) ____________________________________ (BSB50215) DIPLOMA OF BUSINES ------------------------------------------------- ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET CANDIDATES - Please submit this entire document (do not separate or remove pages) – with this page completed as required – and place at the top of your assessment document CANDIDATE TO COMPLETE THE SECTION BELOW | Name | | Address | | Phone | Daytime | | Evening/Mobile | | Email address | | Company name | | Training date(s) | | Training location | | Trainer’s name | | Assessment due date | | Date submitted | | Submission Date | | Resubmit 1 | | Resubmit 2 | | Purpose of the assessment The purpose of this assessment task is to assess evidence for part of a unit/s of competency which in full will lead towards a nationally-accredited qualification I acknowledge the following (all boxes need to be ticked) ❏ The assessment process has been explained to me ❏ I am ready to commence the assessment process. I have been advised of the assessment requirements, my rights and responsibilities as an assessment candidate, and I choose to be assessed at this time ❏ I understand which unit/s to complete, evidence I need to provide, and how to complete this document ❏ I understand...
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...provide examples of critical thinking when evaluating arguments by using the different dimensional levels of reflective processes. Critical thinking in evaluating arguments is stated as an essential skill for student at university level, but can only be used to its best when it grouped with the tool of reflection. Most do believe, reflection and critical thinking go hand in hand as a process, just like a personal experience cannot be truly acknowledged within if you don’t ask the question, analyse, understand or action. The fundamental role that critical thinking plays in university arguments is that it allows the student to analyse, evaluate and draw conclusion by using their own mind and not be persuaded by other external or biased opinions. Pavlovich’s reading “The development of reflective practise through student journals” (Pavlovich 2007) refers to the four dimensional levels that she believes is the summary of reflective practise. The four dimensions of reflective method are, describing the experience, analysis of the experience, creation of new meanings and understanding and actions for change (Pavlovich 2007, 284). Most of the time people would rather follow the norm, rather than think on their own. But being able to adapt the skill of critical thinking and reflection in everyday life can improve inner self awareness and confidence, plus the ability to teach you to have an open mind, clear logic so it is...
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...This paper will explore the importance of personal reflection in nursing practice and how it is a fundamental skill in the field. It also looks into how personal reflection moulds a nurse though reflection on experience and development in the preforming of tasks and skills that provide the best possible patient care. The next section analyses and explains the skill of taking a blood glucose level reading; known as a BGL that was preformed during an intensive workshop. It further looks into a personal reflection of how I felt I preformed the skill. The following paragraph identifies how I know that I preformed the skill well during the intensive workshop with rationales to support my performance. The paper then goes to conclude how I know that...
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...of the Book: Human Resource Development Review (Jamie L. Callahan, Editor) Title of the Article: The Role of Self-Reflection, Emotional Management of Feedback and Self- Regulation Processes in Self-Directed Leadership Development Author: Paul L. Nesbit No. of Pages: 18 pages SUMMARY The self- directed leadership development is conceptualized within a framework of emphasizing a self understanding phase and self-change phase that are dependent on the integrated operation of three skills concerning one’s ability to manage emotional reactions to feedback, to carry out effectively the practice of self-reflection, and to enact self regulatory processes for development. It is suggested that the accomplished operation of these skills enable more refined and effective self development efforts allowing leaders to respond to changing work environments in a continuous and productive fashion. However, once learned and incorporated into ones behavioral repertoire, the operation of self development strategies would become self guiding. Given that self-development can be considered as metaskills- skills that allow for the development of other skills. It requires developing self awareness of competency strengths and deficits as a primary focus in leaders self development. This process requires self initiated obtainment of performance feedback and self-reflective analysis of this feedback in terms of its implications for one’s self-development (Day, 2001: Moon, 2004). It’s...
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...Self-reflection ppd plan This is a personal and professional development that shows a self-reflection of me using the skills audit discussed in the PPD sessions in the class room. This also provides insights of various strengths and weakness I possess and the various things which I want to develop during the course of my HND programme both in respect to my personal and professional development. It also gives out steps of how to achieve the same. Introduction I believe in the philosophy of improving myself as much as I can and in whatever way possible. I believe as surroundings change the challenge is to adjust to the change surrounding and try to adapt and learn what the new environment has in store for you. I believe each day bring a lot of opportunities for growth. My biggest strength I believe is that I believe in power of positive thinking and my utmost faith is in the fact that whatever happens, happens for good reason, so no matter how hard times I see, I take it as means for me to learning new things out of the whole experience and this make the journey of life more easy. Self-Reflection In my course or HND Hospitality Management and various PPD sessions which included the skills audit, time management questionnaire had helped me to do a self-analysis, of my own personality. Though there are various traits that I came across while answering the questions to the Kolb’s learning cycle and vak/vark learning styles self-assessment questionnaire, there were...
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