...Sambo Fisher Jayne Santos English 101 May 22, 2008 Many Faces There is no good if there is no evil. In the early 1900s, a time of change brought many prosperous beginnings, a time for capitalism, a time for opportunities. However, with them came a time of conflict and turmoil for the poor, the immigrants, and the ostracized—women. In society a woman was classified as the maiden, the nurturer, the Madonna, the sex goddess, the witch, or the whore. In the novel Ragtime, E.L. Doctorow portrays these different types of women as Mameh, Mother, Evelyn Nesbit, and Emma Goldman. Doctorow uses fictional characters along with real historical characters to paint a colorful and vivid picture of these times, to portray the social class distinctions, the morality of women, and the many undergoing changes of this era. Like an hour glass figure the social classes were very distinct among women; there were the rich, the poor, and a few in between. The women of higher social status, the wealthy were embedded with the idea that sexual purity was a must in order to get married. It was considered a stain in a family’s reputation for a woman to have premarital sex and worse promiscuous sex. The importance of reputation is clearly illustrated in Ragtime. “Runaway women died in the rigors of ecstasy. Stories were hushed up and reporters paid off by rich families” (Doctorow 4). To women of wealth marriage was their goal, and their reputation was the only thing they had. In contrast to the wealthy...
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...of schools in each country give their pupils the subject, the big companies offer job only to english-speakers, in big cities there are all advertisements with translation to English and so on. Today every language has some word from English and also there some of them that became an international. Today more than 15% of the Earth`s population can speak English, so it`s not hard question from wich language the most popular word came. Of course you know this word, it`s "okay". When somebody asks you about your feelings you may say "i`m OK!", when somebody agree with something you may say "He`s okeys" and there`re a lot of examples more. How many times per day do we use word "okay"? 5? 10? Or even more? But do we know anything of it except of the meaning (or only one of them)? I made this project to show you how it`s deep, how many faces it has and just to teach you how to use it in a correct way. Also i want to tell you about it`s history or rather histories, because linguists now days don`t know which of them is true. All it started when my teacher had offered me and some of my schoolmates to take participation in contest about English language and after that i found some interesting information about word "okay". It was really informative to me to read some stories about it's formation so I`ve decided to search the Web to learn more: I read some articles about it`s formation, using, grammar and so on. When it became in the big deal, in full project, I asked my schoolmates...
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...teacher leadership. Why Teacher Leadership? Today more than ever, a number of interconnected factors argue for the necessity of teacher leadership in schools. Teaching is a flat profession. In most professions, as the practitioner gains experience, he or she has the opportunity to exercise greater responsibility and assume more significant challenges. This is not true of teaching. The 20-year veteran's responsibilities are essentially the same as those of the newly licensed novice. In many settings, the only way for a teacher to extend his or her influence is to become an administrator. Many teachers recognize that this is not the right avenue for them. The job of an administrator entails work that does not interest them, but they still have the urge to exercise wider influence in their schools and in the profession. This desire for greater responsibility, if left unfulfilled, can lead to frustration and even cynicism. Teachers' tenure in schools is longer than that of administrators. In many settings, administrators remain in their positions for only three to four years, whereas teachers stay far longer. Teachers...
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...incredible place in which we live. There are so many places and cultures of people around the world. We are so different in many ways yet so much alike because we are all living breathing human beings. Diversity is what sets us apart from each other. The differences are what set us apart and make us unique. The problems we have with being different are that not all people accept it. This is where prejudice, hatred, and discrimination begin to affect people of different cultures and ethnicities. One group of people avoiding another group of people just because they look different or speak different is one of many reasons of discrimination. We live in a society where not everyone believes we are created equal and deserve equal rights. That bigger is always better and money is power. My grandpa used to always tell me there were two classes of people. One class were the (haves) and the other class were the (have nots). The class of (haves) has everything they need or ever wanted. The (have nots) have very little and struggle just to survive. Today that seems true by looking at what is happening in the world around us. There is a growing separation between the rich and poor. The numbers of people that live in poverty seem to be growing around the world. There are wars, global warming, and natural disasters happening in different parts of the world. We seem to be living in a fast changing world out of control. Our past has seen many horrible travesties against people. Some have...
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...The Many Faces of Start-Up Financing All entrepreneurs face a similar challenge in the infant stage of their new venture: raising capital. While successful companies in their adolescent years can display steady cash flows and solid customer bases to potential investors, companies in their initial stages often cannot. This poses the challenge of obtaining capital sources from entities that may or may not have many reasons to believe in a new company’s ability to perform. However, despite the extensive challenges, there are multiple potential sources of capital that entrepreneurs can strive to obtain. Whether relying on smaller players like friends and family or crowd funding, or reaching out to larger, institutional investors such as angel investor networks or venture capital firms, business owners do have options when it comes to finding the capital they need to get their business off the ground. However, some routes make more sense than others depending on the specific company’s situation and objectives. Typically, a new business begins with something very simple: an idea. Sometime the individual spends years developing and tweaking the idea, and other times it simply comes to them in an instant. However it comes, once it does the entrepreneur needs to begin turning that idea into a more tangible concept. This almost always requires capital, whether for manufacturing a product, developing software, or hiring outside consultants to help develop the idea. There are many ways...
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...There are currently forty-nine dictatorships in the world, a dictator uses many types of oppression to keep control of his citizens. In these forty-nine countries, the different faces of oppression are more easily seen, but that does not mean in countries considered “free” nobody is oppressed. Whether it’s 1800s America or modern day American the many faces of oppression can still be found. Frederick Douglass, an escaped slave, and author lived through many of this oppression his entire life. Barbara Ehrenreich, a successful journalist, discovered many of these oppressions while doing an experiment for an article. Being seen as a country in the “free-world” does not make our society immune to the powers of oppression. Douglass recognized how powerlessness he felt while being a slave from at very young age. He feelt it was unfair that the white kids knew their birthdays while he wasn’t even allowed to ask about his (Frederick Douglass 1). He could not ask his master because his master deemed the questions as a sign of a restless spirit. This was not the last time Douglass would have his right to knowledge denied. When Douglass was sent to live with Mr. and Mrs. Auld, she began to teach him but when Mr. Auld found out about the...
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...The Many Faces of Dissociative Identity Disorder Abstract This research paper aims to explore the mental disease known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder. I explore the meaning, symptoms, and effects of DID. My research describes those diagnosed with DID and the probable reasons of why they have the disorder. This study also explains the many different treatments and the effects those treatments might have on a person that has the disorder. I include a research study done on someone diagnosed with DID, the method used to help treat her, and the results of her treatment. Lastly, I state my opinion on DID and the methods I believe with help people prevent, treat, and cope with Dissociative Identity Disorder. The Many Faces of Dissociative Identity Disorder Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder, is a mental condition where a person possesses two or more different personalities which may alternate within the individual’s conscious awareness. A person living with DID many have as little as two personalities, referred to as alters, or as many as 100, though the average is about ten. Alters may exhibit differences in speech, behaviors, attitudes, thoughts, and gender orientation. They may even have physical differences, such as allergies, right-or-left handedness, or the need for eyeglass prescriptions. At least two of these personalities assert themselves repeatedly to...
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...were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic. Tweedledee in Lewis Carolls Through the Looking Glass. If the above line confused you, trust me you are not alone. Even God can vanish in a puff of logic. To know how, you can probably jump to the end of this post. To those who choose not to skip let us discuss a few common types of Logical Reasoning problems. Type 1: Cube problems A cube is given with an edge of unit N. It is painted on all faces. It is cut into smaller cubes of edge of unit n. How many cubes will have x faces painted? In these types of questions, the first thing that we need to figure out is the number of smaller cubes. For this, we look at one particular edge of the big cube and figure out how many smaller cubes can fit into this. It will be N/n. So, the number of smaller cubes will be (N/n)3 A cube has 6 faces and none of the smaller cubes will have all faces painted. As a matter of fact, none of the smaller cubes will have even 5 or 4 faces painted. The maximum number of faces, which will be painted on a smaller cube, will be www.pagalguy.com/news/cubes-matchsticks-logical-reasoning-tricks-cat-2011-a-8786850 1/6 10/15/13 Of Cubes and Matchsticks - Logical Reasoning Tricks for CAT 2011 : PaGaLGuY News & Channels 3. This...
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...senses, he cannot be called mad. He also points out his mental disorder actually caused his senses to become more acute. When he claims that he has heard things from heaven and hell, it gives away that his super human sensory is an illusion. He seems insane, he talks about an old man who he loves, but he can’t stand his eye or his heart beat. Before the end of the story he kills the old man. In the film there are characteristics that add to this story. The visualization, since you don’t have to imagine it, gives a greater impact. Film has the ability to add a lot of emphasis that make certain scenes stick out from the rest. This grabs attention. Some elements in film can’t be put into literature, an obvious one is actual sound. There are many different similarities in film and literature adaptions, but film brings unique qualities to a story that literature cannot. Film adaptation provides a physical visual for the events in the story. The film begins with a scene of the killer standing in a dark room while in a straightjacket. It's an erie start for the film. The killer is breathing heavily and opens his eyes slowly. This scene gives evidence that he is mad mentally and emotionally. This also makes it seem like the killer has objective. The killer arrives at his brothers house at night time. They make a toast. They continue to talk while sitting in their father's library. They talk about their parents noting that their mother was more intelligent than their father with all...
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...country faces many different disaster threats. Over half of the country’s population is under the age of fifteen. Kava’s economy has a strong production of natural resources, as well as specific foods, such as bananas, coffee, cocoa, sugars and fish. Kava’s economy offers inexpensive, quality labor. Kava has support from the local, state and national government, community based organizations, faith-based groups and businesses in order to grow the economy in the significant island country. The island has a wide variety of ethnicities, creating language barriers because of all the different ethnicities Bluegrass Construction Company, Inc. (BCC) hired me, Nik, to study, synthesize, analyze, and prescribe the best business decisions in order to establish a greater presence of our company in Kava. I have decided to implement a decision-making technique to create an appropriate solution for BCC to overcome challenges in our overall goal of establishing a greater presence of our business in Kava. After visiting the island, seeing the problems our company is facing, and knowing where we want to go with our business in Kava, I think the best course of action is to implement brainstorming as our decision-making technique in order to strengthen our presence in Kava. Analysis of Specific Steps in Applying Brainstorming Through my analysis of the island, the disasters and threats it faces and the potential the island has I think the first step and the greatest challenge we face is finding...
Words: 318 - Pages: 2
...that were listed above may cause serious harm which includes cancer, lung impairment, diseases or could result in death. OSHA has specific guidelines you must follow when working with hazardous material. They require that the employer provides the employee with a certain type of respirator depending on the type of work the employee may be doing. There are many types of respirators but the two main types are the air-purifying respirators which use filters, cartridges, or canisters to remove contaminants from the air you breathe. Another is atmosphere-supplying respirators, which provide you with clean air from an uncontaminated source. They also can be classified as tight or loose fitting. The Tight-fitting respirators need a tight seal between the respirator and the face and neck of the respirator user in order to work properly. If the respirator's seal leaks contaminated air will be pulled into the face piece and can be breathed in. Loose-fitting respirators do not depend on a tight seal with the face to provide protection. Fit test are required for the tight-fitted respirators to ensure it is sealed to the workers face properly. An employer must measure the level of airborne contaminant present in your workplace; they use this information to determine the type of respirator which is called the Assigned Protection Factor also known as APF. There are certain numbers assigned to each class of respirator to...
Words: 569 - Pages: 3
...Trustworthiness is Beautiful to Behold Introduction First impressions are of critical importance when two individuals interact. Within seconds, judgments have been made and opinions formed about each other even though neither person has any previous information regarding the other. Often, these perceptions are the results of past experiences and the information from other sources, formulated based on similarities between the person and these sources of information. For instance, many categorizations and stereotypes are created over a period of years from the information we receive from music, television, families, social media, and our peers. One of the most critical factors involved in this decision-making process, physical appearance, greatly influences how we view other people; individuals perceived as more attractive are assigned more positive characteristics. On the opposite end of the spectrum, unattractive people are greatly associated with more negative attributes such as untrustworthiness and incompetence. As Aronson suggests “since we have categorized a person as good-looking or homely, we tend to attribute other qualities to that person; for example, good looking people are likely to strike us as being warmer, sexier, more exciting, and more delightful than homely people.” (376). This is commonly referred to as the Physical Attractiveness Stereotype or the “beauty is good” stereotype. For the purposes of this paper, the relationship between attractiveness...
Words: 1952 - Pages: 8
...yellow light, which gave it a divine appearance. Complimented with the solemn silence at the time and other Buddhist deities on pedestals nearby, the experience was similar to that of a sacred temple. Shukongojin is composed of shapes and direction of the lines that give the sculpture a menacing appearance. The sculpture has three distinct shapes: the head, right arm, and base. The head’s primary noticeable feature is the hair. The hair has a general angular shape that appears like a cone composed of smaller cones. Also the hair has a wavy style which gives it a flame like image. The heads’ secondary feature is the face. Shukongojin has a human like face except it has a third eye on the forehead. These three eyes have a downward gaze supported with furrowed brows, which gives it, at the very least, an angry demeanor. The last feature of its face is the mouth. The sculpture has a smile like appearance, but its teeth slightly spaced give it a ghoulish look. The right arm is placed near the...
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...Daniela Lovato Chapter 9: Is Anybody in Control here? Study Case October 28, 2014 1. I do think I could handle the stress that air controllers face every day on the job. I wouldn’t be able to face it right now of course, but if I was trained, why not? They wouldn’t allow just anyone to be able to be an air controller without the proper knowledge and education/training. If you are properly trained for this particular job then you know what you are up against and should have no problem in doing the job. Although I am sure that this job isn’t for everybody and I am not sure it would be for me. It is a lot of pressure and you have a lot of lives that you are responsible for. 2. I think the overall stress that air controllers are faced with everyday is the fact that they have so many people’s lives in their control. One minor setback or something so little, or any decision or mistake can cost a major tragedy. That would be my biggest worry if I were an air controller. 3. I don’t understand what Pete Rogers means by “almost like a mini convention of type A personalities” but I am guessing he means that it is a reunion where they can come together and share ideas. They all perform the same job so they understand each other as opposed to someone who is not an air controller. To me this is a good thing because they can all come together and share their stresses and experiences and give each other support. 4. Yes, there are times I am faced with circumstances that...
Words: 471 - Pages: 2
...1 In memory of Skip and Mary Dickinson For Quintin and Griffin And for Louise Dennys, with thanks ‘Most of you, I am sure, remember the tragic circumstances of the death of Geoffrey Clifton at Gilf Kebir, followed later by the disappearance of his wife, Katharine Clifton, which took place during the 1939 desert expedition in search of Zerzura. “I cannot begin this meeting tonight without referring very sympathetically to those tragic occurrences. “The lecture this evening ...” From the minutes of the Geographical Society meeting of November 194-, London I The Villa SHE STANDS UP in the garden where she has been working and looks into the distance. She has sensed a shift in the weather. There is another gust of wind, a buckle of noise in the air, and the tall cypresses sway. She turns and moves uphill towards the house, climbing over a low wall, feeling the first drops of rain on her bare arms. She crosses the loggia and quickly enters the house. In the kitchen she doesn’t pause but goes through it and climbs the stairs which are in darkness and then continues along the long hall, at the end of which is a wedge of light from an open door. She turns into the room which is another garden—this one made up of trees and bowers painted over its walls and ceiling. The man lies on the bed, his body exposed to the breeze, and he turns his head slowly towards her as she enters. Every four days she washes his black body, beginning at the destroyed feet. She wets a washcloth...
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