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Mapping Out Important Goals


Submitted By santos2626
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Map Out an Important Goal
1. Short-Term Educational Goal
a. Your specific goal: A specific goal for me would be to fined effective strategies to help me be more efficient and in my everyday learning.

b. Actions you plan to take to achieve your goal. What will you do to support your goal . . .
1) Today? Go through the syllabus and complete any assignment for this week. To support it, I will be consistent.

2) This week? Read chapter 1 and find the different strategies that are recommended.

3) This month? Apply what I have learned from my reading.

4) This year? I will concentrate on my schooling.

2. Long-Term Educational Goal
a. Your specific goal: I hope to get my bachelors degree by December 2011.

b. Actions you plan to take to achieve your goal. What will you do to support your goal . . .
1) Today? I will take one class at a time. To support it I will pass each class.

2) This week? I need to get familiar with the school’s overall policies.

3) This month? Set aside at leas 15-20 hours a week to study and complete any assignment that is due.

4) This year? Pass my first class. GEN200.

3. Goal Development Analysis
Please respond to the following questions. Your response should be at least 100-words in length.
a. What types of techniques did you use to set your educational goals? I will use the skill to accomplish my goals by studying effectively and learning strategies for reading, note taking, and writing. I will also use my critical thinking and use resources and technology to help me in achieving my goal. I will set a time table as to when I would like to be done with my goal as well as monitoring my progress, which will be passing each class as I’m taking them to stay on track per my time table. I will be accountable and responsible for my progress and not blame anyone else. And last but not least, I will try my best to anticipate any potential problems or obstacles that might lie ahead.

b. What kind of techniques will you use to manage your time so that you can achieve your goals? I will use some of the techniques that I learned while reading the book. I myself am aware that I need to plan more regularly. Also I have many to-do lists, but I never seem to find my way and make good use of them. I will commit myself not to procrastinate by analyzing effects and setting reasonable goals. I will have to break time into a pie and divide it into smaller time tables. I will have plan time accordingly for Family, work school, and leisure. I know that it will be difficult a challenge, but at the end I will reap its rewards.

c. What kind of techniques will you use to manage the stress that you may encounter in achieving your goals? In this case, finishing school will be stressful, and will at some point in time drag everything else along and then your whole life will be stressful. This is why I will try to apply what I have learned from my reading, to manage my goal, progress, and time and come up with effective plans to reduce the pressure. I will set a schedule that will work and execute to it; therefore hope to reduce pressure and stress. I will use resources, maintain mental health, and last but not least to maintain physical health and hoe that this will be the key to keep stress to a minimal.

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