...really understand what it is asking us. I think what is asking could be summed up with: Should governments stop food from being used to produce biofuel. The main starting point has to be the structure of the essay. Here the acronym DIC ED S P A C applies: Definition In Context Explained Diagram Solutions Problems Alternatives Conclusion The obvious definition from the question is probably Government Intervention. Government Intervention occurs when a governing body decides to manipulate a market, usually to prevent a market failure. In this case the market failure could be seen to be poverty and inequality as there is evidence in the text that, due to rising food prices, more and more people are unable to afford food, one of the basic needs for survival. Clearly, as I am referring back to the text, this is in context. Next up I need an explained diagram. I need this diagram to explain why there is a problem in this market, so I will show that as more crops are being demanded for biofuels, this leaves less available for food. It is clear that as the amount of fossil fuels reduces, but the world population increases, there is more of a demand for energy sources. This is shown in diagram 1: Diagram 1: From this diagram we can see that as the demand for crops such as sugar and wheat (making sure I’m sticking to this particular question and not going off on a tangent) for biofuel production increases, this causes an extension of supply...
Words: 2089 - Pages: 9
...unpredictable and largely unpreventable tragedy. Other tragedies are less visible, monotonously predictable and readily preventable. Every hour more than 1,200 children die away from the glare of media attention. This is equivalent to three tsunamis a month, every month, hitting the world’s most vulnerable citizens—its children. The causes of death will vary, but the overwhelming majority can be traced to a single pathology: poverty. Unlike the tsunami, that pathology is preventable. With today’s technology, financial resources and accumulated knowledge, the world has the capacity to overcome extreme deprivation. Yet as an international community we allow poverty to destroy lives on a scale that dwarfs the impact of the tsunami. Five years ago, at the start of the new millennium, the world’s governments united to make a remarkable promise to the victims of global poverty. Meeting at the United Nations, they signed the Millennium Declaration—a solemn pledge “to free our fellow men, women and children from the abject and dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty”. The declaration provides a bold vision rooted in a shared commitment to universal...
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Words: 8026 - Pages: 33
...Introduction In my final paper I will be discussing the health inequality in the social stratification in Canada and how our socioeconomic status can affect our health to be good or poor. Our health is determined by society and what level of power, authority and accomplishment that people achieve in the social hierarchy. In my essay I will be addressing and comparing the health inequalities people in different scale in the social economic face when it comes to income, education, housing, transportation, employment and health service. These are just the few things that effect our ability of achieve good health. I will also explain how race and immigrants can also determines inequalities, when it comes to their health, especially people of color...
Words: 1523 - Pages: 7
...INEQUALITY IN KENYA INTRODUCTION After independence, the few educated Kenyans easily acquired wealth, without competition, and major changes since then has spawned few rich people because this group perfected ways of ensuring that wealth does not leak out, including marrying among themselves. Distribution of benefits of economic growth has been one of Kenya’s biggest challenges in its quest for long term prosperity and stability putting the suitability of the trickle-down economics that Presidents use after coming to power under intense scrutiny. Recent events in Kenya have cast a disturbing light on the depth and complexity of social distress in the country. The conflict arising from the disputed presidential elections has roots in inequality, poverty, poor governance and a host of other issues. However the major underlying issue is clearly the perception of deliberate unfairness and inequality in the distribution of national resources. However it can also be argued that beyond the real biases in resource allocation is the widespread failure of the State due to deliberate policies of retreat compounded by unchecked corruption. Poverty has progressively deepened as the state has reduced its provisioning of social services. This retreat of the state has been coincident with the slow and persistent decline that characterized the country’s economic performance from the 1980’s until the turn of the century. Thus narrowing economic perspectives due to declining economic growth...
Words: 2511 - Pages: 11
...Poverty Questions 1A) – The number of children living in poverty before housing costs is significantly (about 1.2 million) lower than after housing cost. This is a trend that is kept constant over the decade as the number of children living in poverty before housing costs in 2006 is about 2.8 million and the number after housing costs is 3.8 million, showing that throughout 1996 to 2006 the number of children living in poverty is higher after housing costs. The number of children living in poverty is reduced by 2006, both before and after housing costs as in 1996 the number of children living in poverty before housing costs is 3 million and is reduced to 2.8 million by 2006, whereas the number after housing costs is 4.2 million in 1996 and reduced over the decade. 1B) – Absolute poverty is when an individual or household lives below the poverty line, usually when their income is insufficient for them to afford basic shelter, food, clothing and other necessary commodities needed to live. Relative poverty is when people are poor in comparison to others or compared to the national average. However, relative poverty can vary depending on what it is being compared to, whereas absolute poverty would be the same regardless of the position of others in that society. Absolute poverty shows that individuals may not be able to access basic commodities to suffice their basic needs. Due to various benefit systems being available in the UK, absolute poverty is fairly rare and the data...
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...I. Introduction Free trade, the ever present driving force behind our national and world economy, is a trade policy embroiled in controversy. It is considered by most economists to be an almost perfect trade policy, barring a few negative effects. Free trade has been shown to increase production, output and income levels in an economy. However, there are many people that view free trade as destroyer of economies and a catalyst of poverty. Critics of free trade have pointed out that in the short-run, free trade causes a loss of jobs which in turn causes a rise in poverty levels. It is interesting to note that the argument for free trade and the argument against free trade are inverses of each other. Proponents of free trade see it as a tool to stimulate an economy while detractors see it as a policy which exacerbates poverty, causes dependency and reduces economic stability. In general, there is no consensus on free trade. Economists see free trade as the devil that we know. While imperfect, it is the best we have to work with. Popular opinion sees free trade as a cause of inequality. Even though it alleviates poverty and causes economic stimulation in the long-run, it can cause the exact opposite in the short run. The pros and the cons of free trade must then be weighed, which will then allow us to determine if free trade is truly a beneficial trade policy. Therefore, this discussion will weigh the benefits and harms of free trade and will prove that although...
Words: 3285 - Pages: 14
...industrialized areas of the world experienced the deepest and longest lasting economic collapse. This phenomenon was called the Great Depression, which began after the stock market crash of October 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s. More than a century after, the world economy faced its most dangerous crisis for a second time. By the year of 2007, when sky high home prices in the United States went down, spread quickly to the entire country financial sector and then to the financial markets overseas, the called Global crisis of 2008 had born. Anyhow, the economic world has had many other financial crisis of different types at different levels of impact over the world. For this reason, it is really important the study of the main cause of all these financial crisis that bring chaos, create poverty, and widen the gap between rich and poor; the monetary system and the money it produces. In order to make evident the deficiencies of the monetary system and answer the following question: Do we really need money? I proposed three sub question that would clarify and support the main answer. These questions are: In what the monetary system depends on? How a financial crisis is created and how it affects the economy? Has the monetary system created poverty? Will the monetary system balance the difference between poverty and wealth one day? In what the monetary system depends on? Money rules the economy of countries. As we all know, money is not only a medium of exchange, but also a...
Words: 2397 - Pages: 10
...POVERTY IN PHILIPPINES AMONG THE COLLEGE STUDENT Hannah Joyrose R. Abgona AAIM-1styr-Section1 ENGL.2 I. Introduction a. Outline I. Title “POVERTY IN PHILIPPINES AMONG THE COLLEGE STUDENT II. a.cause of poverty in the Philippines Poverty in the Philippines: Causes, Constraints, and Opportunities comprehensively analyzes the causes of poverty and recommends ways to accelerate poverty reduction and achieve more inclusive growth. The report provides an overview of current government responses, strategies, and achievements in the fight against poverty and identifies and prioritizes future needs and interventions. The analysis is based on current literature and the latest available data, including the 2006 Family Income and Expenditure Survey. Other cause The incomplete land reform aiming at overthrowing the traditionally unequal agrarian society coupled with lack of support for farmers has been a long-lasting flaw in the governments’ development policies that can still massively reduce poverty in the Philippines. Thus, the role of the state remains central to redistribute more equally the wealth created in the country, in order to avoid leaving the poor behind. Supporting the extremely poor must be seen as a long-term investment and counterbalanced with future gains. However, mistrust in the government combined with corruption and/or incompetence makes the overall task much harder, even though it has led to the rise of militant movements that speak in favor of farmers to build...
Words: 1961 - Pages: 8
...poor? The answer is what poverty is. WHAT IS POVERTY? In the most extreme definition, poverty manifests itself in the form of outright starvation and destitution because individuals or households do not possess the resources which give access to the basics for survival or which enable them to enjoy some minimum standard of living. (Christine Barrow; 2001) From a theoretical Perspective of Poverty. Culture of Poverty The underlying idea is that the lifestyle of the poor differs in many respects to that of the non poor in society. Similarities have been found in this poverty lifestyle even across different societies. This leads to the development of a sub culture, with its own norms and values, which can now be transmitted from one generation to the next. Technically, the culture of poverty is a subculture of poor people in ghettos, poor regions or social contexts where they develop a shared set of beliefs, values and norms for behaviour that are separate from but embedded in the culture of the main society. Once the culture of poverty has come into existence it tends to perpetuate itself. By the time slum children are six or seven they usually absorbed the basic attitudes and values of their subculture. Thereafter they are psychologically unready to take full advantage of changing conditions or improving opportunities that may develop in their lifetime. Oscar Lewis. Marxist Perspectives Conflict theorists posit that poverty results from the failure of the state to allocate...
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...Kostas G. Stamoulis is a Senior Economist, Agriculture and Economic Development Analysis Division (ESA), FAO, Rome. | 1. Introduction 2. Poverty, Inequality and Food Insecurity 3. Policy Reforms Affecting Agriculture and Rural Development, and Changes in the Role of the State 4. Globalization and International Trade Liberalization 5. Increasing Agricultural Production: Sustainability and Technology Changes 1. INTRODUCTION The first step in the CUREMIS exercise was a survey conducted among all the regional and sub-regional policy officers and outposted staff of the Economic and Social Department of FAO. The survey was based on a questionnaire which was distributed to them and was structured around "major trends affecting food, agriculture and rural development" as identified in the process of preparing the FAO Strategic Framework, namely: * changes in the role and functions of the state and implication for food, agriculture and rural development * trade liberalization, globalization and increased reliance on regional blocks * persistence of poverty, mounting inequality, food insecurity and continuing risks of emergencies * population growth, urbanization and related changes in demand on agriculture; increasing pressure on natural resources and the environment * research and technology development and inequality of access. A consolidated synthesis of the responses to the questionnaire was then reviewed and commented upon by FAO Headquarters units and...
Words: 14312 - Pages: 58
...author focused on the market solutions that could effectively address the pressing and future economic and social problems in advanced capitalist economies. I am from China where a communist country is. It is a trend to change the governmental structure to capitalism, because the China’s economy is progressing that provides Chinese residents with better life and personal consciousness. All of these aspects influence the development of economic and governmental construction. In the countries of capitalism, there are three economic problems that exist in the society which the paper indicates the following aspects, such as mass unemployment, income inequality and environmental decay. Unemployment means that a significant portion of the population is not being allowed to participate fully in society. Mass unemployment is the result of economic depression, and income distribution is related to labor market. In the paper cites the two problems are endemic in the capitalist economies in that they are the natural results of the interplay of market force and the drive for capital to expand itself. I think unemployment and inequality are closely related to each other. Unemployment is the reason and inequality is the outcome. If a society wants to maintain its status quo, it must provide corresponding goods and service consumed to ensure the synchronization with the market. Employee and goods have been used up in the produced process. If the procedure is failure, it results the society...
Words: 850 - Pages: 4
...Since the recession that began in 2008, the issue of income inequality has been a central tool of political strategizing. Progressives have used the issue as a sword against conservatives, accusing the latter not only of indifference toward the plight of working Americans but of actually welcoming the widening gulf between rich and poor, as if conservatives want nothing more than to see the wealthy become wealthier, even if it is at the expense of the poor. At the same time, however, conservatives have shied away from the issue, perhaps afraid of how the issue might feed the big-government agenda of liberalism. Even though they have had a sympathetic ear in the White House for fifteen of the past twenty-three years, progressives have used the inequality issue to put conservatives on the defensive, blaming them for the failure of the middle and working classes to match the progress made by the upper income groups. This assault against conservatives has been deceptive and distorted, but at the same time conservatives have often retreated by trying to dismiss the extent of the widening income gap. The inequality issue is not the simple problem the left makes it out to be. The left argues that inequality is the cause of all other economic woes, specifically a diminishing upward mobility. But in reality, it is just the other way around. Inequality is less a cause than a symptom of our economic woes. The widening income disparity is a result of diminishing upward mobility, which...
Words: 2181 - Pages: 9
...Social Inequality essay plans for Part b) 30 mark question Evaluate the usefulness of sociological explanations of ethnic inequalities.(30) Evaluate the view that society is institutionally racist (30) Adapt according to question given Introduction Ethnic inequalities are still significant in the UK – give a few examples. Suggest some explanations e.g Racism, Institutional racism, social class of ethnic minorities (Marxism), welfare dependency (New Right). This essay will identify and assess these explanations. AO1 Define types of Racism e.g Barker and new racism, institutional racism – McPhearson report on murder of stephen lawrence – racism in met police. Jenkins suggests recruitment to jobs is more word of mouth and disadvantages ethnic minorities. Modood 1994 28% of african caribbean people surveyed said they felt they had been refused a job on grounds of race. AO2 There are many government acts such as Race relations acts which should prevent discrimination AO2 However because racism is implicit (hidden) now it can be difficult to prove in court. AO1 Marxists such as Westergaard and Resler argue that race is a distraction from the real issue which is social class. It is capitalism which disadvantages certain groups and ethnic minorities are more likely to be in lower classes. AO2 However this ignores the existence of racism in society e.g in education where black boys have the highest exclusion rates in school. AO1 Another marxist explanation by Castles...
Words: 5292 - Pages: 22
...Definition of poverty CHUPICAL SHOLLAH MANUEL Poverty as a phenomenon is very elusive to define and is rather multidimensional and a contested concept whose definition is influenced by the contexts in which it exists. The concept has both a relative an absolute measure. The dominant Western definition since World War II has defined poverty in monetary terms, using levels of income or consumption to measure poverty (Grusky and Kanbur, 2006: 11) and defining the poor by a headcount of those who fall below a given income/consumption level or ‘poverty line’ (Lipton and Ravallion, 1993: 1 in Handley et al., 2009). Multidimensional definitions acknowledge that poverty is also defined by a sense of helplessness, dependence and lack of opportunities, self-confidence and self-respect on the part of the poor. (Narayan et al., 2000). Sen (1999) defines poverty as lack of freedom while another dimension view it as interlinked forms of deprivation in the economic, human, political, sociocultural and protective spheres (OECD, 2006).This essay discusses the issue of poverty in Africa from colonial period to present day. The paper also analyses the causes of poverty since colonial era, the poverty alleviation strategies adopted to deal with poverty and propose possible solutions for poverty alleviation. A plethora of case studies will be drawn from several countries to substantiate the claims and insights provides in this paper. 2.0 Poverty, colonialism and Colonial Legacy Poverty is attributed...
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