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Marketing and Finance


Submitted By shohelmdu
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...FIRST YEAR TRIMESTER – I (JULY – SEPTEMBER) AREA Finance Economics Human Resources & Behavioral Sciences Operations & Decision Science CODE 868 FIN 013 ECO SUBJECT Financial Accounting and Analysis Microeconomics: Firms, Markets & Behavior (Economics Analysis For Business Decisions) Individual Dynamics & Leadership Statistical Analysis for Business Decisions 870 HRM 871 OPS TRIMESTER – II (OCTOBER – DECEMBER) Finance Information Systems Marketing Human Resources & Behavioral Sciences 882 FIN 061 INS 105 MKT 881 HRM Management Accounting & Control Information Systems for Management Marketing Management Group & Organization Dynamics TRIMESTER – III (JANUARY – MARCH) Finance Economics Operations & Decision Science Human Resources & Behavioral Sciences 647 FIN 013 ECO 879 OPS 223 HRM Corporate Finance Macroeconomics Decision Analysis & Modeling Human Resources Management SECOND YEAR TRIMESTER – IV (July -September) AREA Business Policy Communication Marketing 210 SPL 122 MKT CODE SUBJECT Strategy Formulation Business Communication Marketing Management II Operation & Decision Science TRIMESTER – V (OctoberDecember) Business Policy Business Policy CSR Business Policy 889 OPS Managing Business Operations Legal Environment of Business Strategy Implementation Corporate Social Responsibility Research Methodology TRIMESTER – VI (January -March) Finance Business Policy Information systems Business Policy Business Policy Corporate Taxation Research Methodology...

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