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Martin Luther: Corrupt Sale Of Indulgences By The Catholic Church

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ID WHO WHAT WHERE WHEN WHY 95 THESES Martin Luther -Document attacking the corrupt sale of “indulgences” by the Catholic Church to absolve sin of consumers -Stressed the idea that the Bible is the central religious authority, countering the corrupt Papal authority at this time, and that humans may reach salvation only by their faith-not by their deeds as Catholics heavily preached Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany 1517 Divided the Catholic Church, the 95 Theses were the key spark to the Protestant Reformation. As Protestantism emerged, a religion framed after Luther’s ideas expressed in the 95 Theses, his doctrines greatly influenced religion and culture for years to come. ACT OF SUCCESSION Made during Henry VIII's reign passed by the Parliament …show more content…
Known for his intellect and lack of emotion when approaching faith, he’s responsible for basic Protestant theology. CATHERINE OF ARAGON -daughter of KIng Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella, Spanish Monarchs -Queen of England from 1509-1533 -King Henry VIII’s first wife -Mother of Mary Tudor, queen in 1553 -was unable to produce a male heir England 1485– 1536 Catherine’s refusal to have an annulment of her marriage with Henry VII led to the creation of Anglicanism, the Church of England. CATHOLIC/COUNTER REFORMATION -Pope Paul III was first pope of Counter Reformation -Pope Julius III -response to Protestant Reformation and growing criticism of corruption in Catholic Church -1545 Council of Trent -reforms included renewed focus on Scripture, restrictions on power of Clergy (to avoid further corruption), new program for training priests, and new standards for Clergy

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