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Martin Luther’s 95 Theses


Submitted By aswift3
Words 936
Pages 4
An Essay on Martin Luther’s 95 Theses
Martin Luther’s Issues with the Catholic Church
By: Andre Swift
HIST 101

In the 16th-century of Europe, some scholars and theologians started questioning the teachings and behaviors of the Catholic Church. During this time, translations of the Bible and the early writings of church philosopher Augustine had became available and it seemed that these writings did not coincide with what the church was currently doing. Augustine’s writings “had emphasized the primacy of the Bible rather than Church officials as the ultimate religious authority” (A & E Television Networks, LLC, 2013). He also believed that people could not reach salvation by their own deeds or acts, but that only God could grant salvation by his holy grace. The Catholic Church had taught during the Middle Ages that salvation was only possible through good works, works of righteousness, or good deeds that was pleasing to God. Martin Luther studied Augustine’s writings and came to the conclusion and shared in “Augustine’s two central beliefs, which would later form the basis of Protestantism” (A & E Television Networks, LLC, 2013).
During this time, “the Catholic Church's practice of granting "indulgences" to provide absolution to sinners became increasingly corrupt” (A & E Television Networks, LLC, 2013). The selling of Indulgences had been banned in Germany, but the church kept doing it with no consequences. Thus, enter Martin Luther. He saw this practice as immoral and corrupt. He also saw priest doing things that sinners do and that some were getting rich as the church was being decorated with expensive and lavish items, which was purchased with the money taken in from indulgences. He knew that any of the practices by the church had anything to do with salvation, which inspired him to write his 95 Theses that outlined his issues with the Catholic

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