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Mary Jane in the Usa


Submitted By ryrykidwell
Words 1365
Pages 6
Ryan Kidwell
English 101
March 26, 2014
Should Medical Marijuana Be Legalized? A major debate currently being discussed within the Senate and House of Representatives is a topic that has caused a great amount of controversy throughout the United States. This topic only really has two sides to it. One side is completely against it and the other is completely for it, there is no middle ground. The topic that has caused such a great amount of controversy is the discussion as to whether or not medical marijuana should be legalized within the U.S. Those who support the legalization of marijuana usually have three supporting arguments: Medical marijuana has various medical benefits, it is less expensive in comparison to other drugs, and other drugs are addictive whereas medical cannabis is not. But others who are against the legalization of marijuana have their own arguments. These people who are against legalizing medical cannabis typically have three main reasons as to why they disagree with legalizing it. These three main reasons are that marijuana is has no true medical benefits, that medical marijuana is already being abused by cardholders, and that marijuana is a gateway drug. Both sides have various supporting arguments, but with the evidence I have gathered, I believe that the legalization of medical marijuana is beneficial to those in need of it’s benefits. Ever since Congress placed medical marijuana in Schedule 1 of the Controlled Substances Act, 20 out of the 50 U.S. states have legalized the use of medical cannabis ( Marijuana was placed in the highest category of the Controlled Substances Act simply because it was believed to have “no accepted medical use.” Since 1972, when it was placed under the highest category of the Controlled Substances Act, studies have shown that marijuana contains cannabinoid compounds which do, in fact

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