...Steve Jobs, Biography Book Report When I found out we had to do a book report on a biography many names flashed through my mind. Many influential names like Oprah, Bill Gates, Abraham Lincoln, popped in my head. Although all those people were and still are amazing, there was one name the stood out the most. That name was Steve Jobs. I Looked everywhere for a Steve Jobs biography, and it wasn’t long before I found one. Steve Jobs is a biography written by Walter Isaacson. The novel was published October 2011 contains was 656 pages. I chose this novel because I’m inspired by Steve Jobs and what he accomplished. I wanted tom learn more about his personal life and how he came up with all the innovative ideas. This novel is based on more than forty interviews with Jobs and more than a hundred family members, friends, competitors, and colleagues. Like most biographies, it starts out by explaining his early life and where he came from, it then moves on to what started the spark, then finishes off with what he accomplished. The novel starts off by introducing us to his early life. Steven Paul Jobs was born February 24 1955. He was born into a family that was not capable of taking care of him so they gave him for adoption. Even though Steve didn’t get to grow up with his birth parents he was sure lucky he grew up where he did because that’s what introduced him to computers. Since Steve’s adoptive father was a mechanic Steve hot exposes to electronics and engineering at an early...
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...CRITICAL REVIEW ON STEVE JOBS BIOGRAPHY BY WALTER ISAACSON NAME Institution Isaacson’s biography is a comprehensive series of Job’s stages and blunders, as he went from being an arrogant, ordinary engineer transferred to the night shift Atari because of his deprived hygiene emerging as one of the most celebrated entrepreneurs in the world, largely recognized with revolutionizing the personal computing enterprise, animated movies, digital publishing, cellular phones, tablet computing, music distribution. Jobs solicited this book in 2004, approaching Isaacson soon after the doctors diagnosed him with cancer, asking Isaacson to write his biography so that his kids would know who he was. Jobs promised his complete support, in which he allowed full access to himself and his family without explicit editorial control or interference. In this biography, Isaacson addresses the question, “who is a genius," the debate is, in general, uptight and unwinnable since genius itself is always imprecise in Jobs case it’s even more unwinnable and edgy. In this instance, it is because the tech world in which most of us live in by owning and using cell phones and computers. Unlike the evident political and sport domain, it is extremely competitive. Isaacson details Jobs several achievements well the well known by most of us, the iPad, the iPhone, the Pixar, and the Macintosh. The book anticipates that Jobs was closely involved in these accomplishments. Jobs entire interactions...
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...Titre de l’édition originale STEVE JOBS : A BIOGRAPHY publiée par Simon & Schuster, Inc. Maquette de couverture : Bleu T Photo de couverture : Albert Watson © 2011 by Walter Isaacson Tous droits réservés. © 2011, éditions Jean-Claude Lattès pour la traduction française. Première édition novembre 2011. ISBN : 978-2-7096-3882-1 « Seuls ceux qui sont assez fous pour penser qu’ils peuvent changer le monde y parviennent. » Publicité Apple « Think Different », 1997 Table des matières Les personnages Introduction : La genèse de ce livre 1- L’enfance : abandonné puis choisi 2- Un couple improbable : les deux Steve 3- Tout lâcher : harmonie, ouverture, détachement… 4- Atari et l’Inde : du zen et de l’art de concevoir des jeux 5- L’Apple I : allumage, démarrage, connexion 6- L’Apple II : l’aube d’une ère nouvelle 7- Chrisann et Lisa : celui qui a abandonné… 8- Xerox et Lisa : les interfaces graphiques 9- Passer en Bourse : vers la gloire et la fortune… 10- Le Mac est né : vous vouliez une révolution 11- Le champ de distorsion de la réalité : imposer ses propres règles du jeu 12- Le design : les vrais artistes simplifient 13- Fabriquer le Mac : le voyage est la récompense 14- Entrée en scène de Sculley : le défi Pepsi 15- Le lancement : changer le monde 16- Gates et Jobs : quand deux orbites se croisent 17- Icare : à monter trop haut… 18- NeXT : Prométhée délivré 19- Pixar : quand la technologie rencontre l’art 20- Un homme comme les autres...
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...Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson This book is a biography of Steve Jobs. The biography was requested by Steve Jobs to be written by Walter Isaacson who is best known for his best-selling biographies of Benjamin Franklin and Albert Einstein. The biography was conducted by countless interviews of Steve Jobs and his family, friends, and colleagues. The book gives a lot of information on Steve’s life from pretty much the start to the end; it also covers a lot of information and experience dealing with the business aspect of his life as well as the personal side. It was written and put together over the course of two years and was published on October 24, 2011 which was nineteen days after his death. Steve Jobs was a college dropout who went to Reed College in Portland Oregon which was one of the most expensive schools in the nation at the time. He went there because he wanted something more artistic and interesting than was offered at a state school. Jobs ended up working at Atari. Jobs helped improve some of the games by pushing chips to produce fun designs. One day, the founder of Atari Nolan Bushnell who was also Jobs entrepreneurial role model, called him into his office and sketched out a single-player version of pong on a blackboard and asked jobs to design it. Bushnell knowing that Jobs was not a great engineer knew that Jobs would seek help from Stephen Wozniak a high school friend of Jobs. While working on the single-player version of pong with Wozniak, Jobs realized that...
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...Steve Jobs: Tech iCon “We started out to get a computer in the hands of everyday people, and we succeeded beyond our wildest dreams” That is a direct quote from Steve Jobs and what his main mission was in life to better technology for the everyday person. I want to write on Steve Jobs, he is the creator and founder of Apple industries. He has made countless advancements technology in his life. When anybody thinks of Steve Jobs they think of iPods, iPads, Mac computers, and everything in between. I think he is an inspiration for a lot of people with a dream, hard work and determination. But there is more to Steve Jobs than most people know. He represents an era for the simple fact that every innovator in the business follows Steve Jobs footsteps. He has started a revolution in the music industry with his mp3 players with his iPod. Every single teenager has an iPod with exclusive material that others can’t have. And Steve Jobs has provided that for them. I have found numerous biographies about Steve and his inventions in the library. And I have found some that were even about his company apple. When I searched him through databases even more resources popped up. It seems like I’ll have a good balance of sources for this project making it easier for me to write six pages about one person. I will be focusing on his biography however, it seems to contain more about his Iconicity rather his achievements. iCon : Steve Jobs, the greatest second...
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...and Steve Jobs. These guys are the leaders of the Information Technology Industry who have revolutionized the Information Technology world with their great thinking and innovation. As far as their education is concerned they both don’t have a good record, they both were the dropouts. As I am doing the comparative analysis of each of their appropriate skills, I will be considering the differences and similarities between Bill Gates of Microsoft and Steve Jobs of Apple Computer, two of the most successful Business Leaders in the world of personal computing. Both started their careers almost at the same time and within the same industry. They are without a doubt two of the most successful and wealthy men in the PC industry. Steve Jobs is a true creative thinker and technological leader while Bill Gates is a brilliant businessmen and true genius. The competition and rivalry between Gates and Jobs has become one of the most enduring and fascinating in the American business industry. In the end both men are well-known and idolized by many. Both Bill Gates and Steve jobs are extremely good at taking in good ideas, and developing them and making them into a successful product. This mostly because they are not at all afraid of taking any risks and try very hard even if they do not always get it right the first time. An example for this would be MS-DOS for Microsoft and an example for apple would be The Lisa and the Page Maker. As far as their management style is concerned Steve Jobs...
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...Ridgley Topic 1. What is the most important lesson to learn form interpersonal relationship side of Steve Jobs? “Connecting the dots, love and death” Inspiration has always been a multifaceted and complex phenomenon. Renaissance artists and creators were “touched” by God, on the other hand, Hippie movement of the late sixties and early seventies sought for enlightenment in LSD and marijuana. What is it today that drives our inspiration? Is it embracing different cultures, practicing exclusive sports or spiritually based rituals, or is it embracing a confident and self-centered attitude mixed with the essence of self-development in a broad scope of life. Or perhaps, is it a sort of modern business trend, part of self-branding, a marketing strategy that expands beyond well-established standards, sets us apart form the society to the unique and extravagant degree, where fine and conservative reputation seems to play the supporting role. Is that also the universal blueprint to interact and exist among the others? Should we follow Steve Jobs’ way of interacting with others to succeed? Although, Jobs was not a qualified engineer, neither he knew how to design anything, nor he was a master of interpersonal relationships, he became a world-known icon, an entrepreneurial guru who revolutionized six different industries. Notwithstanding his impulsive personality, Jobs’ sophisticated business instinct will not be forgotten. He was portrayed by many as infantile arrogant...
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...Which of the two was the more effective leader? Why? What skills did they demonstrate? These two leaders must be explicitly named in your assignment and will be drawn from your knowledge of them or from biographies of modern-day leaders. Provide enough details of these two leaders so that the reader, who does not know them, will be able to follow the points about them that you are making. Your assignment should demonstrate that you know what make a successful leader, manager and entrepreneur in any situation. Word Count (from the start of the introduction to the end of the conclusion section) 1897 words Executive summary Leadership is the process of influencing an organised group toward a common goal and in doing this the leader, the situation and the followers all need to be taken into consideration. In this assignment Steve Jobs and Robert Mugabe’s rise into leadership positions are summarised and their leadership styles analysed using the leader, follower and situation definition. It will also be shown that the more effective leader is Steve jobs after comparing and contrasting their leadership styles. Table of Contents 1. Introduction.......................................................................................................4 2. Steve Jobs and leadership...................................................................................4 3. Robert Mugabe and leadership....................................................................
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...not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”- Albert Schweitzer. Steve Jobs, an inventor and co-founder of Apple Inc., and Blake Mycoskie, the Founder and Chief Shoe Giver of TOMS, share some of these characteristics. Though they are both well-known for being successful entrepreneurs, they are not in the same categories. Jobs is a serial entrepreneur while Mycoskie is a social entrepreneur. Jobs, as an inventor and a serial entrepreneur, believed in creating great products for the consumers. He started Apple computers with his partner, Steve Wozniak, in 1976, found NeXT in 1985, purchased Pixar in 1986 then returned to reinventing Apple in 1997. “As a boy, Jobs and his father would work on electronics in the family garage. Paul would show his son how to take apart and reconstruct electronics, a hobby which instilled confidence, tenacity, and mechanical prowess in young Jobs.” (“Steve Jobs Biography”, 2012, p.1). His parents, especially his father, gave him a strong foundation and that is how his life as a passionate inventor began. Jobs was a risk taker. He believed in his vision so much that he sold his Volkswagen bus in 1976 in order to raise start-up money for his Apple computer business venture with his partner Steve Wozniak. It was a great success. “Jobs...
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...Carly Fiorina and Steve Jobs Running head: LEADERSHIP STYLES OF CARLY FIORINA AND STEVE JOBS 1 Leadership Styles of Carly Fiorina and Steve Jobs Group 1 Management 4314 MGT4314 Submitted to Dr. Stephanie Solansky Leadership Styles of Carly Fiorina and Steve Jobs Leadership Styles of Carly Fiorina and Steve Jobs Carly Fiorina took a leadership position as CEO of Hewlett-Packard for about 6 years. She brought to Hewlett-Packard (HP) nearly twenty years of experience and expertise in marketing and sales that she acquired with AT&T and Lucent. However, she failed to execute HP's strategy and deliver improvements in the company's profits and stock price. She was asked by Hewlett-Packard's board of directors to resign due to the lack of the leadership skills needed to take advantage of emerging market opportunities (Hewlett-Packard, 2007). Fiorina's mistakes in leading HP are an illustration that leadership effectiveness is dependent on situation and other environmental influences, 2 and not only the traits of the leader. In contrast to Fiorina’s leadership failure, a success story unfolded at Apple Computers where a leader practically saved the company. Management guru Jim Collins calls him the "Beethoven of business," Wall Street loves him, and even Bill Gates became more of a partner to him after once being his nemesis. This powerful man is Steve Jobs, cofounder and current chief executive officer of Apple Computer. Much has been made of Jobs' aggressive and demanding...
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...Norton University Major: Leadership Lecturer : Mr. Leng Chamnan Topic: Steve Jobs Leadership Group VIII Members: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ms. Chhum Savorn Mr. Horn Sokchanlida Mr. Thorn Mao Ms. My Pindmoni Mr. Ngan Chhayheang Mr. Theam Ratana Leadership Style Steven Paul Jobs I. Biography 1. Life 2. Career 3. Apple Inc. II. Jobs’ Personality traits III. Jobs’ Leadership Style 1. Components of Jobs’ Leadership 2. The leadership style of Jobs 3. Recruitment Talent 4. Problems faced 5. Seven Principles of Jobs’ Success IV. Critics Desk V. Honors VI. Conclusion VII. Recommendation & Quote VIII. References Content I. Biography (1955-2011) STEVE S-Smart T-Talented E-Effective V-Visionary E- Enthusaistic 1. Life • • • • • • • • • • • Full name: Steven Paul Jobs Birthdate: 24 February 1955 Birth location: San Francisco, California Biological parents: Joanne Simpson and possibly Abdulfattah Jandali, political sciences professor from Syria Adoptive parents: Paul and Clara Jobs, both deceased Siblings: adoptive sister: Patti Jobs (born 1958), biological sister: Mona Simpson (born 1957) Spouse: Laurene Powell (born 1964), married in 1991 Children: Lisa Brennan-Jobs (born 1978), with unmarried girlfriend Chris-Ann Brennan. Reed (born 1991), Erin Siena (born 1995) and Eve (born 1998) with wife Laurene. Social background: lower middle-class. Father was fixing cars for a living. Education: high-school certificate. Attended Reed College 1972 in Portland, Oregon...
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...computers, and computer software and consumer electronics. Macintosh, the iPod, and the iPhone are the best-known hardware products of this firm (wiki). Steven Paul Jobs was born on 24 February 1955, in San Francisco, California, was an American entrepreneur, marketer. Stephen Wozniak was born on 11 August 1950, was an American electrical engineer (wikipedia). Bill Fernandez who was a common friend of these two partners introduced the both at Homestead High School in 1971 (Biography). Jobs dropped out from Reed College after only one semester in 1972. Then he joined the creative classes at the school and spent 18 months. In 1974, Jobs worked for Atari as a video game designer (Biography). Apple Inc. was founded on April 1, 1976, in Job’s Garage by two extremely innovative and intelligent minds Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak. Their entrepreneurial venture was funded by selling Volkswagen Bus belongs to Jobs and a scientific calculator belongs to Wozniak (Biography). For spiritual enlightenment, Jobs visited India and then came back to California in the fall. A job was interested in starting his new venture and he convinced Wozniak to become his partner by seeing the hobby as well as innovativeness of Wozniak of manufacturing microcomputers that were cheaper. Apple I was the first computer manufactured in Jobs’ Garage in May 1976. They used the competition pricing strategy of that product having additional features as compared to other computers of that time. Their first sales...
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...Background and Company: Steve Jobs was born on February 24th 1955 in San Francisco, California, United States. He was a college drop out who became one of the richest men in the world. He was the co-founder Chief Executive Officer and chairman of Apple Incorporation that was established on April 1st 1976. In 1985, Steve was overthrown from his managerial post in Apple incorporation and in 1986 he got interest in a small division of Lucasfilm Company. Apple Company bought the Lucasfilm in 1996 and Steve Jobs was recalled back to his managerial role. He became an interim Chief Executive Officer from 1997 to 2000 but he later he resigned on August 2011. Steve later succumbed to pancreatic cancer on September 11, 2011. Apple Inc. is a worldwide company, which was founded, by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1976. Steve Job’s mission statement for Apple in 1980 was: “To make a contribution to the world by making tools for the mind that advance humankind.” Within five years of start up, Apple, hit sales of 300 million. After main trials and tribulations Apple Inc. is now an American multinational corporations. Who designs, manufactures and sells personal computer, electronics and software. Also, providing product customer services to its users. Apple Inc. is one of the most successful electronics company in the worlds. The leader ship of Apple was unlike no other while Steve Jobs was CEO. He was known as an unconventional leader, and his management style you would not find...
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...Steve jobs the man who thought different A biography written by Karen Blumenthal. The book is divided into three parts and had 22 chapters. Each chapter includes generous detail about his life. It consists of so much information about him and his work that provides an outstanding learning to the reader. I would like to start from part 1. Steve jobs born on February 24, 1955 and adopted by Clara and Paul jobs. Jobs was a curious and difficult child. He was very much admired by his father. He learned from his father the importance of doing things right. Until his fourth grade he was just a trouble maker for the school and he was not interested in school. Mrs. Hill showed him the right path. Steve called her ‘’ one of the saints in my life ‘’. He became an excellent student, but still he found it difficult to understand to understand the purpose of studying and reading. Steve was growing in the Santa Clara valley. The valley was fully packed with engineers. Steve was very much interested in electronics. That’s where his passion start in the Santa Clara when he see 9100A the first personal computer developed by Hewlett-Packard. Steve jobs and Steve Wozniak became friends. Steve took admission in Reeds College. Where he became friend with Daniel kottke and Friedland. Jobs decided to drop out of the college after his first semester. His mind was sharp and he got a job in Atari a gaming company. But his life was very complicated he was searching for something that can give him satisfaction...
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...Steve Jobs Steven Paul Jobs was born on February 24 1955, in San Francisco, California to Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah "John" Jandali, two University of Wisconsin graduate students who gave their unnamed son up for adoption. Jobs was 27 when he was able to uncover information on his biological parents. The infant was then adopted by Clara and Paul jobs. Jobs was raised in mountain view, California, which later became known as a Silicon Valley. At a young age jobs worked on a lot of electronics in the garage with his father. Job was a very diligent and innovative thinker but his youth was riddled with struggles over formal schooling. Jobs was always joking around in elementary school due to boredom, and his fourth-grade teacher needed to...
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