...Mavondo Monash University, Clayton, Australia Barney 2003; Wu 2010). Previous studies describe the IMC process as a marketing capability because it combines and converts tangible and intangible inputs into outputs (Ratnatunga and Ewing 2005; O’Cass and Weerawardena 2010). In this sense, IMC is a market-relating deployment mechanism that enables the optimization of communication approaches to achieve superior communication effectiveness, which has other downstream benefits (e.g., brand and financial performance). The development of an IMC capability is likely to be felt through better performing campaigns, which in turn result in improved brand outcomes such as market position and financial performance (Duncan and Mulhern 2004; Reid 2005). Given the competitive challenges facing most firms, it is vital that brand managers and their agencies identify and react to competition and growth opportunities rapidly by building and sustaining marketing capabilities strategically and linking these directly to organizational objectives (O’Cass and Weerawardena 2009). Despite much conceptual work around defining IMC and theoretical posturing about the value of IMC for brands, little research has been undertaken to illustrate its value as a capability and demonstrate its value to brands. To address these issues, this study is grounded in the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm and considers IMC and its execution as a business capability that facilitates the translation of a firm’s communication-related...
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...Executive Summary Malaysian Airlines System Berhad is the holding company for Malaysia’s national airline carrier, one of the fastest growing airlines in Asia. Malaysia Airlines has three airline subsidiaries, which is Firefly, MAS wings and MAS cargo. Although MAS had provide an excellent services and won many award, they still facing financial problem since year 2002. Situation become worse in year 2014 due to the MH370 and MH17 tragedies occurred. MAS are facing three main problems. First will be financial turbulence. In recent years, MAS has struggled financially. In 2013, the company reported a loss of 1.17 billion ringgit, its third consecutive year in the red. The airline had already been suffering from years of poor performance. The company’s stock price has dropped since MH370 missing and MH17 crashed occurred. A double tragedy of this nature after such a short period is unheard of in the industry, which could deal a crippling reputational and financial blow to Malaysia Airlines Malaysian Airline System Bhd. The second problem is lost confidence of passengers toward the Malaysia Airlines. Due to the disasters of MH370 and MH17, the airlines passengers lost confidence to the Malaysia Airlines which bring the feeling of fear and afraid toward MAS. Those passengers may switch to other airlines such as Air Asia and Singapore Third problem is reputation of Malaysia Airlines be damaged. At the beginning, Malaysia Airlines have a very high reputation and images in airlines...
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...agency tasked with the regional enforcement of state criminal and motor vehicle statutes. The sheriff’s office also serves as the York County public safety answering point (PSAP). Calls for service are received at the PSAP and then dispatched via radio and computer terminal to law enforcement officers assigned to respond. Leading up to the use of Information Systems such as computer aided dispatch (CAD) the PSAP relied on radio’s to communicate information to the law enforcement officers. With the development of CAD and Record Management Systems (RMS) the sheriff’s office recognized the value of these systems and in 2007 adopted IMC CAD+RMS (Information Management Corporation CAD+RMS, 2007). IMC is a multifaceted information dissemination system utilized by dispatchers in the PSAP, emergency responders and their records management departments. IMC utilizes a closed stand-alone network and was developed for emergency management services such as fire, rescue and law enforcement departments. It is expandable and can be provisioned based on the client’s specifications. Municipalities and public safety departments share some common systems’ needs but also have unique needs such as record management documentation which need to be considered when selecting systems that best fits their needs. To ensure they selected the system that best fit their needs, The York County Sheriff’s Office identified the departments which would be responsible...
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...MA Marketing Communications Module 4MMC7A7 Managing Marketing Communication Kliatchko (2008) argue that, “the rise of digital technology means that content creation is no longer exclusive to media firms and marketers.” Content Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 IMC Overview----------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Digital Technology Means That Content Creation Is No Longer Exclusive To Media Firms and Marketers---------------------------------------------------------6 Convergence as Glue---------------------------------------------------------------6 The Digital Media------------------------------------------------------------------8 Major Issues Facing Marketers---------------------------------------------------10 Brand engagement------------------------------------------------------------------10 Conclusion----------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 References----------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 Introduction Integrated Marketing Communications, or IMC, basically refers to the process of combining all the tools used in advertising so that they can function together. Promotion, one of the marketing mix’s 4 Ps, has its own combination of communication elements. All of these...
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...client’s product or service, brand, and consumer in the target audience. A= Account Planning. 5. Mention some techniques use in the verification and revision stage of the creative process. A= Focus groups, Message communication studies, Portfolio tests, and Evaluation measures. 6. What is a story board? A= A series of drawings use to present the visual plan of a commercial. 7. Specify the basic elements of the creative strategy: A= Copy platform. 8. A campaign theme should be? A= A strong idea that will be communicated in all the advertising and other promotional activities. 9. The concept of the unique selling proposition (USP) was developed by: A= Rosser Reeves. 10. What was the campaign theme for Nike? A= Just Do It. 11. Another approach to determining the major selling idea is finding? A= Internet drama. 12. What does positioning means? A= Establish the product or service in the consumer’s mind. 13. “I am what I am” pertains to what campaign? A= Reebok. 14. What’s based on the development of a strong, memorable identity? A= Image advertising. 15. These are useful for research purposes as well as for presenting the creative idea to other agency personnel or to the client for revision and approval: A= Storyboards and Animatics. 1. Mention concepts that when starting a business and making a plan, they will help you....
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...Introduction In 1946, Tide was launched by a US company named Procter & Gamble (P & G). In 1949, Tide has successfully established itself as an international brand. They have a range of products which includes household detergent such as Tide Liquid, Tide Powder and many more (Procter & Gambler 2012). Besides, Tide was not just another laundry product; it is recognized as the washing miracle. It was the first heavy-duty synthetic detergent which revolutionized from the traditional laundry soaps as it does not leave the clothes stiff and dry. Tide has successfully changed the way families did their laundry. This innovation of using synthetic compounds has greatly reduced the time and effort consumers spent while doing their laundry (American Chemical Society 2007). Tide captured more than 30 percent of the laundry market in the early 1950s and therefore emerged to be the top selling detergent (Back to EurekAlert! 2006). 1 Situation Analysis According to Lamb et al. (2012), situational analysis includes SWOT analysis that affects the performance of an organization. Organizational resources such as financial resources, production costs, marketing skills, technology, employee capabilities and brand image should be taken into consideration. Environmental scanning is also essential as it affects the organization’s future as it can help in identifying market opportunities and threats. Additionally, PESTLE analysis will be conducted to analyze the relationship between...
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...` CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW STRUCTURE OF THE CHAPTER The chapter opens with a brief description of the main forms which marketing communications take. A framework for developing marketing communication strategies is presented and much of the remainder of the chapter is structured around this framework. The framework depicts the marketing communications programme as a sub-component of the overall marketing strategy in social media communication. It shows the sequence of decisions to be made in designing a promotional programme along with the factors which will impinge upon those decisions and the shape of the promotional programme which will eventually emerge. The chapter also features a fairly detailed discussion of the relative roles of each element of the promotional mix in the overall marketing communication process concentrating specifically on the marketing communication, the revolution of social media, and the integration of social media in marketing communication. This is followed by a review of the main approaches used in setting communications budgets. The chapter concludes with a brief view 0f the success and challenges of social media as a marketing tool. MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS According to Robert Hisrich (2009), Marketing communications are intended to both inform and persuade a target audience, with a view to influencing the behavior of that group. In fact, without effective marketing communications the consumer remain unaware of products and services they...
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...GM614 Global Advertising Professor Christin Walth Jenessa Carder, Chia-Ying Chen, Fango Lin, Yi-Hsuan Su, Ya-Ling (Claire) Wang, Winette Yee May 5, 2010 Swatch: The Global Watch The IMC Plan in Brazil, Japan, and Switzerland 1 Statement of Purpose Swatch (‗Swiss‘ + ‗watch‘) watches, created under the management of Nicolas Hayek, are fashion statements and pop-culture icons. They feature witty, outlandish designs that use intense colors and are youthful, provocative, stylish, and unpredictable. The mission of the IMC campaign is to tie the brand image with creative art in order to tell the brand story, strengthen Swatch‘s brand identity among the target audience (young students or professionals, aged 18-25) globally, and consistently incorporate different and relevant mediums (print ad, website, MTV – user-generated content, and online communities) to reach the target audience. The multi-country marketing analysis of The Swatch Group will aid in developing the IMC strategy and campaign for Swatch‘s CreArt (‗creativity‘ + ‗art‘) Collection in the following three countries: Brazil, Japan and Switzerland. When reading this, please be aware that Swatch did not impose an integrated marketing campaign in Brazil; rather, they only held one event and communicated to customers through Twitter. Therefore, the Brazil section is composed mostly of what The Swatch Group should do in order to meet their objectives. Furthermore, the cultural dimensions and components that will affect...
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...------------------------------------------------- Brandawareness?: ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Målgruppen- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Hvordan forholder briterne sig til reklamer normalt?’ ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Informative fremfor flashy og celebrety orienterede – i england. De engelske tv reklamer er præget af nødvendighed- bundet af sikkerhed- forsikringer, bankprodukter, hvis du kommer til skade. ------------------------------------------------- Meget få bil og ølreklamer. ------------------------------------------------- Household- det gør at produkterne og serviceydeydelser bliver en smule kedelige.. ------------------------------------------------- Sofaer og lamper. ------------------------------------------------- Supermarkedsreklamer ------------------------------------------------- Meget prisorienterede- de fleske reklamer, handler om discount. ------------------------------------------------- Meget lidt brand-orienteret. ------------------------------------------------- Pris orienteret og discount orienteret- = de bliver ufatteligt kedelige og usexede service ydelser. ------------------------------------------------- ...
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...Executive Summary 4 An IMC Campaign on Bader Restaurant: Background of the Campaign 5 Research and Analysis 5 External and Internal Environmental Issues and Trends 6 PEST analysis 6 Political Influence 6 Economic influence 6 Sociocultural movements 7 Technological factors 8 SWOT analysis 8 Strength 8 Weakness 9 Opportunities 9 Threats 10 The Internal Environment of the Organization 10 Quality of Products and Service 10 Internal Impediments to the Campaign 11 The External Environment of the Organization 11 Public Perception of the Organization 13 Visibility 13 Image and Reputation 13 The targeted Group of people 14 Consumer Behaviour Regarding Restaurant Service 14 Media Consumption 17 Attitudes and Lifestyle Issues 18 Analytical Framework and Bader IMC Plan 19 Industry Analysis 20 The Competitive Analysis 20 Porter’s Five Forces Model 21 Generic Strategies of Bader 24 Primary Research 26 Primary Data Collection 26 Data Analysis 28 Analysis of Dimensions 31 Cronbach's Reliability Coefficient 34 The Overall Perceived Service Quality 35 The Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy 36 Marketing Mix 37 Product 38 Price 38 Place 40 Promotion 41 ...
Words: 12130 - Pages: 49
...See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/241730557 Defining Strategic Communication ARTICLE in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION · MARCH 2007 DOI: 10.1080/15531180701285244 CITATIONS READS 112 457 5 AUTHORS, INCLUDING: Kirk Hallahan Betteke van Ruler Colorado State University University of Amsterdam 37 PUBLICATIONS 894 CITATIONS 36 PUBLICATIONS 513 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Dejan Verčič Krishnamurthy Sriramesh University of Ljubljana Purdue University 102 PUBLICATIONS 742 CITATIONS 44 PUBLICATIONS 712 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. SEE PROFILE Available from: Betteke van Ruler Retrieved on: 10 April 2016 This article was downloaded by: On: 8 September 2010 Access details: Access Details: Free Access Publisher Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 3741 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK International Journal of Strategic Communication Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t775653701 Defining Strategic Communication Kirk Hallahana; Derina Holtzhausenb; Betteke van Rulerc; Dejan Verčičd;...
Words: 14817 - Pages: 60
...Journal of Marketing Communications Vol. 15, Nos. 2 – 3, April– July 2009, 139–155 Building strong brands in a modern marketing communications environment Kevin Lane Keller* E.B. Osborn Professor of Marketing, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, 100 Tuck Hall, Hanover, NH 03755, USA To help marketers to build and manage their brands in a dramatically changing marketing communications environment, the customer-based brand equity model that emphasizes the importance of understanding consumer brand knowledge structures is put forth. Specifically, the brand resonance pyramid is reviewed as a means to track how marketing communications can create intense, active loyalty relationships and affect brand equity. According to this model, integrating marketing communications involves mixing and matching different communication options to establish the desired awareness and image in the minds of consumers. The versatility of on-line, interactive marketing communications to marketers in brand building is also addressed. Keywords: customer-based brand equity; brand resonance; brand building; integrated marketing communications; interactive marketing communications Introduction The marketing communications environment has changed enormously from what it was 50, 30 or perhaps even as few as 10 years ago. Technology and the Internet are fundamentally changing the way the world interacts and communicates. At the same time, branding has become a key marketing priority for most companies...
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...SAMPLE ANSWER 01 CAM CAM Diploma Marketing and Consumer Behaviour December 2010 Contents Task 1: Marketing Principles Task 2: Communication Task 3: Communication, Advertising and Media Task 4: Consumer Behaviour Task 5: Channel Behaviour Appendices: Background information to THE AGE Appendices to task 2 4 - 14 15 - 20 21 - 31 32 - 43 44 - 47 48 - 54 References 55 - 57 Task 1 Word count 1618 Marketing Planning Planning is an essential task to ensure THE AGE continues to be a market leader. Drummond et al (2005) suggest planning should be systematic and structured, and is required in order to adapt to the changing business environment. The corporate objectives are at the heart of the marketing planning process (Brassington et al, 2000). The marketing plan will contribute to the corporate plan by developing specific functional strategies and tactics to achieve the corporate objectives. Figure 1.1 demonstrates the process. THE AGEs corporate plan is ‘to build on profits from the previous year and continue to be Britain’s number one quality selling newspaper’. From this, the marketing plan could be ‘to increase the number of subscribers’. Marketing planning process diagram A common framework to use in the planning process is the SOSTAC model, see figure 1.2 Marketing planning process • • Situational Analysis – The first stage of the planning process is to look at where the THE AGE is now - Britain’s number one selling quality newspaper with...
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...Robert Bosch GmbH is a technology-based corporation which was founded by Robert Bosch in Stuttgart, Germany in 1886. Robert Bosch GmbH is the world's largest supplier of automobile components, and has business relationships with virtually every automobile company in the world. The headquarters of Bosch is in Gerlingen, near Stuttgart. Franz Fehrenbach became Chairman on 1 July 2003. The Bosch Group comprises more than 320 subsidiary companies. THE LOGO The Bosch logo represents a simple magneto armature and casing, one of the first components produced by the business. TOP MANAGEMENT AT BOSCH : * CEO : Franz Fehrenbach * Chairman of the Board : Hermann Scholl * Director : Tilman Todenhofer * DEPUTY CEO : Siegfried Dais * Sales And Marketing : Rudolf Colm * CFO : Gerhard Kümmel BOSCH’S HISTORY: AT A GLANCE 1886 | Opening of Workshop for Precision Mechanics and Electrical Engineering in Stuttgart on 15 November | 1887 | First low-voltage magneto from Bosch for stationary petrol engines | 1897 | First low-voltage magneto ignition for motor vehicle internal combustion engines | 1901 | First plant in Stuttgart | 1902 | First commercially viable high-voltage spark plug | 1906 | Production of 100,000th magneto ignition | 1906 | Introduction of eight-hour working day | 1910 | Opening of plant in Stuttgart-Feuerbach | 1913 | Start of production of headlights | 1918 | American...
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...MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS To Caroline, Arthur, Dan and Becky MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS JOHN EGAN Australia G Canada G Mexico G Singapore G Spain G United Kingdom G United States Marketing Communications John Egan Publishing Director John Yates Production Editor Lucy Mills Typesetter Newgen, India Text Design Design Deluxe Ltd, Bath, UK Publisher Jennifer Pegg Manufacturing Manager Helen Mason Production Controller Maeve Healy Printer Rotolito Lombarda S.p.A. Italy Development Editor Tom Rennie Marketing Executive Leo Stanley Cover Design www.mulcaheydesign.co.uk Copyright © 2007 Thomson Learning The Thomson logo is a registered trademark used herein under licence. For more information, contact Thomson Learning High Holborn House 50-51 Bedford Row London WC1R 4LR or visit us on the World Wide Web at: http://www.thomsonlearning.co.uk This edition published 2007 by Thomson Learning. All rights reserved by Thomson Learning 2007. The text of this publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmited in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system, or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher. Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, but if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publisher will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Please contact the...
Words: 39131 - Pages: 157