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Submitted By lundlesh
Words 496
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A Tutorial of Writing MASM with VC++ 2005 Express
Presented by Ken-Yi Lee Assembly Language 2007



Assembly Language 2007

Microsoft Macro Assembler

- MASM 8.0 included with Visual C++ 2005 - You can download MASM 8.0 and install it with Visual C++ 2005 Express by yourself




Assembly Language 2007

What do you need ? helloworld.asm helloworld.obj Editor Assembler (ml.exe) Linker (link.exe) helloworld.exe Debugger

Include Files
Where Which

Object File Libraries
Where Which



Assembly Language 2007

Visual C++ 2005 Express with MASM 8.0
Visual C++ 2005 Express

- Editor, Linker, and Debugger

• Custom build rules needed] • Set library paths and library dependencies [if • Select “console” as your subsystem
MASM 8.0

- Assembler

• Set include paths [if needed]



Assembly Language 2007

Visual C++ 2005 Express with MASM 8.0 (contd.)
Download and Install Visual C++ 2005 Express

Download and Install MASM 8.0


• You should install VC 2005 Express first



Hello MASM !
A simple example to set up the environment



Assembly Language 2007

- My Settings:

• Project Name: HelloMASM • Solution Name: HelloMASM • Source code filename: hellomasm.asm • Additional library dependencies: Irvine32.lib user32.lib • Used headers: • Additional library Paths: C:\irvine\ • Additional Include Paths: C:\irvine\




Assembly Language 2007

Create a new project
[ File > New > Project ], [ Visual C++ > emptyproj ]

- Enter a name for your project




Assembly Language 2007




Assembly Language 2007

Custom Build Rules
Right click on the project name in the solution explorer window and select “Custom Build Rules”

- Turn on “Microsoft Macro Assembler”




Assembly Language 2007




Assembly Language 2007

Select “Console” as subsystem
Right click on the project name in the solution explorer window and select “Properties”

- [ Configuration Properties > Linker >
System > Subsystem ]

•Select “Console”



Assembly Language 2007




Assembly Language 2007

To work with other libraries
In the same window,

- [ Configuration Properties > Linker >

General > Additional Library Directories ]

• Enter the paths to library files
- [ Configuration Properties > Linker > Input
> Additional Dependency ]

• Enter library filenames



Assembly Language 2007




Assembly Language 2007

To work with other libraries (contd.)
- [ Configuration Properties > Microsoft
Macro Assembler > General > Include Paths ]

• Enter the paths to your header files




Assembly Language 2007




Assembly Language 2007

Add a new file
Right click on “Source file” in the solution explorer window and select “Add > New Item” [ Visual C++ > Code > C++ File (.cpp) ]

- Enter a filename with “asm” extension
Write your codes in the editor window




Assembly Language 2007




Assembly Language 2007

Build and Run
[ Build > Build solution ] or [ Build > Compile ] [ Start Debugging ] or [ Start without Debugging ] Build, Run ... and Debug




Assembly Language 2007




Assembly Language 2007

The End


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...a&TOa'gif; pHkaxmuf armifpH&Sm; a&TOa'gif; rmwdum 1/ wpfuRef;jyefwpfa,muftrIü armifpH&Sm; pHkaxmufyHk 2/ armifpH&Sm;onf tb,faMumifh vlysdKMuD;vkyfí aeygoenf; 3/ ESpfxyfausmh 4/ tqdyfaomufaoonfqdkaom trI 5/ xl;qef;aom vlowfrIMuD; 6/ ola|;uawmfwpfOD;trI 7/ udk,fhudk,fudkowfjcif;avm olwpfyg;owfjcif;avm 8/ ajrydkif&Sif vifr,m;trI 9/ xl;qef;aom ajrbkwfbDvl;trIIü armifpH&Sm; pHkaxmufyHk 10/ OD;atmif'Gef;udk b,folowfovJ 11/ w&kwfujym;rav; rusifjrdKiftrI 12/ rif;wdkifyiftrwfwpfOD;\trIIü armifpH&Sm;pHkaxmufyHk 13/ ,pfrsdK;pHkaxmufwpfa,muf aoqHk;rI 14/ pdefvk,ufrIü pHkaxmufyHk 15/ xl;qef;aomtarGrIMuD;ü armifpH&Sm;pHkaxmufyHk 16/ touftmrcH ukrÜPDtrI 17/ eef;pOfywÅjrm;trIIü armifpH&Sm;pHkaxmufyHk 18/ rdk;ukwftarGtrIü armifpH&Sm; pHkaxmufyHk 19/ tdEd´,jynf? rdkufpdk;e,f r[m&mZmapmfbGm;\ eef;wGif;ywÅjrm; aysmufqHk;rIü armifpH&Sm;pHkaxmufyHk 20/ udk,fhudk,fudk owfaoonfqdkonfhtrIü pHkaxmufjcif; 21/ aumfydka&;&Sif;Ouú| aysmufrIpHkaxmufyHk 22/ xl;qef;aom tdk;jcrf;yJh txdrf;trSwfrIü pHkaxmufyHk 1 ...4 . . .50 . . .94 . . .108 . . .121 . . .132 . . .147 . . .162 . . .175 . . .189 . . .204 . . .221 . . .236 pHkaxmuf armifpH&Sm; 23/ wl0&D;ESpfa,muf\ xl;qef;aom trIü pHkaxmufjcif; 24/ bk&ifcHuawmfykvJykwD;aysmufrIü pHkaxmufyHk 25/ £w¦d, odkuform;wa,muftrI 26/ ya&mfzufqm q&mMuD;OD;xGef;azESifh &ifqdkif&jcif; 27/ ya&mfzufqm q&mMuD; OD;xGef;azESifh armifpH&Sm; 28/ ukvm;"m;jytoif;MuD;ESifh pHkaxmufarmifpH&Sm; 29/ pHkaxmufarmifpH&Sm;onf vlqdk;wdkU pufuGif;odkU oufqif;&yHk 30/ pHkaxmufarmifpH&Sm;tm;...

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