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Mass Media Worksheet


Submitted By samthompson
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Effects of Mass Media Worksheet
Write brief 250-to 300-word answers to each of the following:

Questions | Answers | What were the major developments in the evolution of mass media during the 20th century? | In the early 1900s. Newspaper and magazine were the main source of mass media. In the 1940's, the radio supplied a new source to reach the masses. People often tuned in to get accounts of the war. Newspapers were still in demand and still used often. In the 1950s, television became a main source of resources for the mass media. The television was a combination of the radio and the newspaper and people embellished it. In 1962, the launch of a satellite gave access to world-wide news. From then to present day, we have exploded with forms of communication. The development of mobile phones to computers to the internet, the process just keeps growing. The process continues to get better and faster every year. The new forms of classroom learning are nothing like it used to be. The growth and knowledge of the mass media will continue to grow and develop. The ever ending cycle of getting better and better and faster and faster, continues to be a drive for many. The time to be informed is getting shorter and shorter. People want to know what is going on as soon as it does. This could even get to the point of where people and media will constantly predict what is going to happen. | How did each development influence American culture? | Each development influenced American culture by adding new resources for mankind to communicate. It left a reliable source in which people could keep up to date on the local and worldwide actions going on. At first, the newspaper contained local events and surrounding areas. As the growth of the masses continued, it became more important that people wanted to know what was going on. Even in the political realm, the money and power made people want to reach out further and connect with masses further to project the needs of the growing surroundings. Over time, the means continued to grow and the resources available became better and better. The telephone gave a means of communication that covered larger areas and was quickly printed in the local papers. In today world, we live by the computer and high functioning devices. The internet can be accessed not only by a computer, but also by the mobile devices we can carry in our pockets. With one click, we can get the information of the day in our local area or around the world. The factor of speed continues to be advertised and lines of people continue to wait for the newest and latest means of communications. The time that people have in the fast paced world seems to be getting shorter and shorter. The quicker a person can be up to date, the quicker he or she can continue on the daily grind. The development of media will always be reaching new heights and goals. |

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