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Master Plan For Higher Education: Case Study

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California was the leader in engineering a solid foundation in higher education to provide economic stability for its residents in response to its economic and technological demands. The Master Plan for Higher Education in California passed with strong support from leadership with higher education officials and political leadership to ensure universal access to higher education (Bay Area Council Economic Institute 2014).
The Donahoe Higher Education Act also known as California’s Master Plan for Higher Education was signed into law on April 26, 1960 by Governor Edmund G. (Pat) Brown through a special session of the 1960 Legislature (UCOP N.d). According to the Bay Area Council Economic Institute, the objective in the developmental of the Master Plan is to govern and collaborate with the University of California (UC), California State University (CSU), and the California Community Colleges to create a rational education system and ensure that every high school graduate with the potential to attend college will have that opportunity (2014). …show more content…
Today, our economy has shifted towards occupations and industries that require higher levels of education. Hans Johnson (2010) stated that higher education in California faces two crises: (1) budget problem and (2) education skills gap. The mission of the Master Plan is charismatic, albeit failing; it has to address and resolve these crises before it gets ruinous.
According to Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections (2016) earnings and unemployment rates vary by educational attainment. Table 1 reveals that more education provides financial security in earnings and

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