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Maternity Pay Ethics

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Maternity leave pay in the United States – ethical or not

From an average of 193 countries part of the United Nations, only a few do not have a maternity pay program to financially aid the new parents. In the countries which don't have this kind of program, that means that the parents are going back to work much sooner after the birth of the child than they would like due to the fact that they cannot afford the unpaid time off. In 2010 Australia changed its maternity pay policy, leaving the United States the only industrialized country not to have a pay maternity pay leave policy.
Because current U.S. policy doesn't mandate paid maternity leave, many parents feel they have to choose between working and raising their children. This gender …show more content…
Lithuania, a smaller country may beat them all, new moms get 18 weeks of maternity leave, new fathers get four weeks, and together the parents get an additional 156 weeks to share. For the shared portion, the parents can decide to have it paid out at 100% for the first 52 weeks until the child turns 1 or 70% for the first 104 weeks until the child is 2 years …show more content…
What makes them more special than us? Is it the relativism point of view of the European society vs American society? The fact that so many companies start to offer this benefits to its employees in the United States can only make us happy to see a trend, a slowly switch towards objectivism in this matter across the world countries.
To be the devil's advocate, one might say that creating a state or federal law which will offer paid time off for maternity leave in the United States will take a toll on the economy. It is proven that this is not the case in the European countries where special insurance programs were created to assist the government with this financial burden. In some other European countries, the paid parental leave is privately funded where the corporations are mandated to absorb the cost of paid parental time off as part of employee benefits or publicly funded: transferred directly to workers on leave, like unemployment

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