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Pros And Cons Of Speeding

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While every state has their own policy, some states allow you to simply pretend like your speeding ticket never happened. Your state's traffic court or DMV are the best place to identify any ways to sack the ticket you’ve landed. A clean slate is usually what they’re looking for. For instance, Rhode Island courts consider completely ignoring your ticket if the amount that surpassed the speed limit is under about 20 miles/hour above the limit and you don’t have driving violations against you since the past three years.
Another option to nullify the ticket might be through attending driving school. A general rule of thumb for most states is that if you submit a “Certificate of Completion” to the court, minor convictions will be erased. At some …show more content…
Though it might sound intimidating, but showing up only makes your case stronger. As a matter of fact, a very small percent of the tickets are contested, of which half of them have their cases dismissed all together, and the other half receive reduced fines or plea bargains.
What Is Your Case?
Without further adieu, get right to documenting the circumstances under which you were driving and ticketed, and make sure to keep your ticket intact. Describe things such as who the officer is and the exact conversation you had. If possible, solicit the help of any witnesses, which in your case would be passengers. Learn about the law that you have been alleged to violate. Also describe when and where ticketing occurred. Your goal should be to cite anything that can come in handy, such as the traffic flow, road conditions, or how the officer's view of you was hindered.

Know the Common State …show more content…
It means there was an emergency which led to speeding. Necessity defenses are based on the assumption that you sped up briefly to avoid an accident. Such accidents might mean being rear-ended by someone passing your lane aggressively, the possibility of crashing into a car entering your lane on the highway at uncontrollable speeds, or getting rolled on by an out-of-control large vehicle such as a truck. However, using events such as running late for a movie or for personal reasons as an excuse for speeding is of no value to the court, so don’t even try that.

Obstruction of Speed Limit defense is used when you are going to press on the argument that the speed sign was hidden. However, since there are still general speed limits set for posted-less roads, you won’t get away with a limit charge too high. Let’s say you were driving along a road, where a 35 miles/hour sign was mischievously painted into 85 miles/hour, you are still considered guilty if you crossed over the original limit. Make sure to check what the sign in which you were cited is in conformity with – local regulations or

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