...Chapter I - Introduction (1.1) Title of the Research Project “An analysis of factors contributing to undue delays in the selection process of the Banking Trainees in the XYZ Bank”. (1.2) Definition of the Research area A critical review of the Bank’s selections process of Banking Trainees. (1.3) Statement of the Problem The total Banking Trainee budget for the year is around 300. However the recruitment unit will not be able to provide the budgetary requirement at the correct time due to undue delays in the selection process. The following key problems are caused to affect the Banking Trainee selection process. • Lack of technical competencies • Lengthy selection tools • Too more Documentation (1.4) Objectives of the Studies General Objectives Successfully completion of the professional Qualification in Human Resource Management conducted by IPM To improve my knowledge related to the Research methodology and Human Resource Management To give inputs to up brings the effectiveness of the Banking Trainee selection process of the Bank Specific objective To identify the factors affecting to delaying the selection process Create solution to improve the effectiveness of the selection process Fine tune the existing Banking trainee selection process (1.5) Scope of investigation Have to consider standard and time saving selection process in the field According to Research, Researcher would like to address the best...
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...INSTITUTE OF COMPETETIVE STUDIES Bank PO & Clerk Understanding Banks In today’s world, banks have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. They have grown beyond their core functions and have their presence in almost every aspect of our lives. Banks were originally designed to be providers of loans to people for personal or business use and to safeguard the money of individuals and corporates. Over a period of time, banks have not only executed their core functionalities but also helped better our lives by rendering us a wide range of services like exchange of foreign currency, investment banking, mutual funds, insurances, demat services, online trading of shares etc. Why Career In Banking With the growing appetite of banks to venture into services and expanding the definition of the term “banking”, there is clearly a huge opportunity for people who want to have banking as their career option. The avenues and opportunities in this sector seem to be limitless with the advent of this new age banking systems. There are currently 81 scheduled commercial banks with a combined network of 53,000 branches in India. With this kind of a growth it comes as no surprise that the banking sector was the largest job provider for the last 3 years. It is estimated that there is a requirement for about 7.5 lakh bank job positions that needs to be filled in the next 5 years. These openings are across the various banking designations: from bank clerks to probationary officers, IT...
Words: 1572 - Pages: 7
...10 Steps to Earn a High GRE Score The following is a guide to scoring high on the GRE test. If you follow these steps, your GRE score will improve. 1. Relax: Preparing for the GRE can be stressful. Try to focus on the task at hand and not so much on everything else you have to do. If you take GRE test prep step-by-step, day-by-day, and give yourself breaks when your body needs them, you'll be able to concentrate on GRE studies a lot better. 2. GRE Diagnostic Test: Begin GRE test prep with a GRE practice test to find out what you're good at, and more importantly, what you're not good at. Correct your completed practice test and evaluate the questions you missed. What kind of questions did you miss? Are they mostly Quantitative or mostly Verbal? What score would you give yourself on Analytical Writing? Did you miss a lot of analogies but do well on reading comprehension? With this information you'll be able to focus your GRE test prep studies on your weaknesses. 3. GRE Study Plan: With your GRE weaknesses in mind, make a very specific study plan for yourself. You should know what, how, and when you are going to study for the GRE test. Put your study plan somewhere in plain view, and make sure you stick to your plan. Try to keep GRE test prep interesting by planning to study different things in different ways. For example, study GRE vocabulary from flash cards one day, from a list the second day, and by reading and learning words in context the third day. 4. GRE Vocabulary: ...
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...SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM PROJECT REPORT PROJECT TITLE: DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS STRATEGIES AND MEASURING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DIRECT MARKETING ALONG WITH STUDENT’S PREFRENCES FOR ENTRANCE EXAM PREPARATION AT EduMENTOR COMPANY NAME: EduMENTOR EDUCATIONAL SERVICES UNDER GUIDANCE OF Prof.Dr.Y Malini Reddy SUBMITTED BY: NAME: Eshita Miglani ENROLLMENT ID: 09BSHYD0272 CONTACT NO.: 09910436436 EMAIL ID: eshitamiglani@yahoo.co.in ABSTRACT The project focuses on the various business operations that an organization, relating to the field of educational services undertakes, that help them build an identity for themselves in the niche marketing that they are catering to. In presence of immense competition, the major part of the study comprises of the detailed study of areas that not only improve and develop the product of the company but also help them reach a wider target audience. The business model of Edumentor has immense growth potential in the future, keeping in mind the recessionary periods. Hence, a study on organizational development of Edumentor and its various operations is the most prudent thing to do. In all, the study will encompass all functional areas of the organization. The project has been broken down into various phases for better understanding and segregation of work and operations undertaken ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The project I had undertaken required a lot of information gathering and guidance which has been provided by various...
Words: 12857 - Pages: 52
...MULTIMEDIA LEARNING MATERIALS FROM THE EXPERTS PRODUCT CATALOGUE JANUARY 2012–JUNE 2012 BPP Learning Media has been producing high quality study materials for more than 30 years. We are the publisher of choice for students, tuition providers, companies and professional bodies in more than 150 countries worldwide. Using the expertise of our specialist authors and tutors, we have developed a range of innovative study aids in a variety of formats including web delivery, audio-visual products, CD-ROMs and books. Our products are designed to support a variety of different learning styles, ensuring all students make the most of their study time and successfully achieve their learning outcomes. This catalogue is your comprehensive guide to the qualifications we publish for and the learning materials we offer in support of those qualifications, together with our UK and overseas stockists directory. CONNECT WITH US bpp.com/learningmedia twitter.com/bpplm LinkedIn: BPP Learning Media Clients contents 04 ABoUt Us WhaT’s neW aT 12 BPP LeaRning MeDia 14 insTiTUTe OF LeaDeRshiP anD ManageMenT (iLM) 15 MeDiCaL seRies assOCiaTiOn OF BUsiness exeCUTives (aBe) 16 a BRanD neW 17 aPPROaCh a neW iDenTiTY 17 a neW PROPOsiTiOn 18 inFORMaTiOn FOR BOOKseLLeRs 20 WhOLesaLe ORDeRs 23 BeCOMe a sTOCKisT TUiTiOn PROviDeRs 24 TeRMs anD COnDiTiOns OF saLe RegiOnaL saLes ManageRs 24 CUsTOMeR seRviCes PRinTeD 25 PRODUCTs 26 sTUDY TexTs PRaCTiCe & RevisiOn KiTs 27 PassCaRDs 28 eLeCTROniC PRODUCTs...
Words: 28023 - Pages: 113
...cartoon artists for Chosun Ilbo voiced their opinions by illustrating two Korean students advising President Obama’s children to ignore everything their father has said about South Korea’s education system. Currently in the United States, approximately 25% of Americans do not graduate high school. While the remaining 75% do graduate with a diploma, on average 30% of them do not attend college (Cookson Paragraph 1). On the other hand, in South Korea a reported 93% of students fully graduated high school and more than half the students went on to college (Lynch Paragraph 3). PBS reported that in “… the world rankings of 15 year-olds released in November [2010], South Korean students scored second in reading while American kids were 17th. And they scored fourth in math. Americans came in at 31st (“In Hypercompetitive”). Based on statistics alone, one would generally come to the assumption that Korea’s education system is somewhat “better” than Americas, but overall the question is asked: Which system is truly superior? However, in order to assess this question, one must ask...
Words: 1994 - Pages: 8
...আইবিএর সম্পূর্ণ প্রস্ততি এর পোস্ট। আশা করি এর পর আর কোন বিষয় নিয়ে তেমন কোন সমস্যা হবে না। ১। আজকে আমরা আসুন, IBA এর primary level অর্থাৎ কিভাবে একদম শুরু থেকে শুরু করবেন, সেই বিষয় নিয়ে আলোচনা করব । অনেকেই আছেন যারা আমার মত দুর্বল ছাত্র কিন্তু প্রস্তুতি নিতে চাচ্ছেন, কিন্তু ভয় পাচ্ছেন। দেখুন ভাই IBA প্রস্তুতি কিন্তু এমন কিছু না যে খুব মেধাবী না হলে হবে না, তবে হ্যাঁ patience level বেশি হতে হবে। যারা একেবারেই দুর্বল তাদের উচিত, প্রথমেই রিডিং এর প্রতি আগ্রহ বৃদ্ধি করা। এই জিনিসটা কাজে লাগে english, math, analytical , writing সকল ক্ষেত্রে। কারণ প্রশ্নও আসবেই english এ। তাই ইংলিশ না পারলে কোন কিছুতেই কোন কিছুই হবে না। অনেকেই বারবার আমাকে বলেন, যে ভাই পেপার পড়ি কিন্ত বুঝি না। আরে ভাই, কমপক্ষে ৪ থেকে ৫ মাস পড়েন , তারপর বলেন যে কিছু বুঝেন নাকি না। আমি এখন ও যে খুব ভাল পারি এই দাবি করি না। আমার এখনও মনে আছে, যেদিন প্রথম englsih newspaper নিয়ে বসেছিলাম, সেদিন ৪ ঘণ্টা ব্যয় করে ছোটো একটা লেখা বুঝতে পেরেছিলাম। believe me, enlish এ D গ্রেড পেয়েছিলাম। খুব দুর্বল হলে বেশি কষ্ট করতে হবে, এটাই natural , আপনি কেন ভাবছেন, যে আপানার এত serious problem খুব সহজেই দূর হবে। অতএব কষ্ট করবেন, pain খাবেন, এগুলো মাথায় নিয়ে যুদ্ধে নামতে হবে। একবার ভাবেন জ্বর হলে সহজে সেরে যায়, কিন্ত টায়ফয়েড কি সহজে সারে। ১৫ বা ১৬ বছর স্রেফ মুখস্ত করে পাস করেছেন, pain খেতে হবেই। এবার আসি কিভাবে পড়বেন , মনে রাখবেন, একটা লেখাতে তে লেখক সর্বদা একটা কিছু বলতে চান, তাই প্রতিটি ওয়ার্ড and sentence এর উদ্দেশ্য বুঝতে হবে। সময় লাগবে , no problem । in the long run, আপনার ভাল হবেই। আমি মূলত যে কথা বলতে চাই তা হল আমি আপনাকে যদি লাল...
Words: 2886 - Pages: 12
...Professional Education provides some initial analysis of the pre-seen material for the TOPCIMA Part B – Case Study exams on February 28th and May 24th 2012. I’m writing this article in late December 2011 to help candidates prepare for the March and May 2012 T4 (TOPCIMA) exams based on the pre-seen material for Jot- toy case. Some previous T4 cases have lacked fun, but toys are fun. I’m sorry, but I decided to combine this article with quotes from the three Toy Story movies (Disney/Pixar). The Toy Story quotes are in italics, a bit contrived, and probably of no use for the exam. They made me smile and gave me (and you) an excuse to watch the Toy Story movies again. But my newspaper today rather kills the joyful mood. It has the headline ‘Sales boom may not save High Street big names: analysts predict failures within days’. It reports that the December sales boom has been insufficient and has left many stores with unsold stocks and unable to pay their outgoings. This has afflicted markets as diverse as camping equipment and lingerie. This brings us to the heart of the Jot pre-seen material. Jot makes toys and is part of an industry for which November and December sales are critical. It depends on retailers to sell its products, but retail in Europe is facing terrible times as a consequence of the recession caused by the sharp reductions in government spending and collapse of bank lending. It has a perilous cash flow position such that at December 2011 it is owed €4.065m by retailers – representing...
Words: 10495 - Pages: 42
...Professional Education provides some initial analysis of the pre-seen material for the TOPCIMA Part B – Case Study exams on February 28th and May 24th 2012. I’m writing this article in late December 2011 to help candidates prepare for the March and May 2012 T4 (TOPCIMA) exams based on the pre-seen material for Jot- toy case. Some previous T4 cases have lacked fun, but toys are fun. I’m sorry, but I decided to combine this article with quotes from the three Toy Story movies (Disney/Pixar). The Toy Story quotes are in italics, a bit contrived, and probably of no use for the exam. They made me smile and gave me (and you) an excuse to watch the Toy Story movies again. But my newspaper today rather kills the joyful mood. It has the headline ‘Sales boom may not save High Street big names: analysts predict failures within days’. It reports that the December sales boom has been insufficient and has left many stores with unsold stocks and unable to pay their outgoings. This has afflicted markets as diverse as camping equipment and lingerie. This brings us to the heart of the Jot pre-seen material. Jot makes toys and is part of an industry for which November and December sales are critical. It depends on retailers to sell its products, but retail in Europe is facing terrible times as a consequence of the recession caused by the sharp reductions in government spending and collapse of bank lending. It has a perilous cash flow position such that at December 2011 it is owed €4.065m by retailers – representing...
Words: 10495 - Pages: 42
...Introduction “The poor quality of Malaysia's education system is more worrying than the level of debt in its households”, said a World Bank senior economist. This indicates that the quality of Malaysia’s education system is deteriorating and the competitiveness/competency of the students is also declining. According to the result of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2012, which is a worldwide study that compares the math, reading and science skills of secondary school students, Malaysia is not only trailing behind the high income East Asian countries but also low income countries such as Vietnam. Another similar study which is the Trends in Inter-national Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) also showed that Malaysia’s result is below the international average and underperforming since 2007. Identifying the root causes is imperative in order to bring the standard of Malaysia’s education system back to the benchmark and towards achieving a high performing education system. Students’ mindset plays a significant role in learning as it influences their learning styles, motivation and performance. The mindset of Malaysian high school students is a prevalent issue and has impeded their learning in many ways. Being part of the Asian countries, it is inevitable that Malaysian students’ mindset will be shaped by Asian cultures which incline to spoon-feeding, passive and rote learning. The current mindset about learning, teaching, and education is dominated...
Words: 2010 - Pages: 9
...thinks England is in Nottingham: marty cold: joseph Joseph has studied English for more than 5 years: Muhammad is worried about writing essays: Joseph is feeling homesick: adenike comes from Asia: kim arrived this week: nobody Write down one name in each box. When you have completed the sheet, please sit down. Task 2: Listen carefully to your teacher’s presentation and take notes. You will need your notes to complete the Module Quiz later. 2 | Page EN01 Personal Development Skills Module Task 3: Now you have read the Student handbook for this module try answering these questions. 1) The module code is EN01. What is the module title? assessments pdp of evidence portfolio of evidence 2) What are the module’s aims? 1) to develop an understanding of the module outline, aims and assessments. 2) ask and answer questions about the module handbook. 3) complete the handbook and quiz. 3) How many hours of class will you have for this module each week? six hours 4) How much self-study will you be expected to do every week as part of the module? about 60% 5) How many assessments are...
Words: 15337 - Pages: 62
...innovative individuals We sell to 51 countries in Europe Our most popular qualification is ACCA, we sell our products in 168 countries We provide a wider range of CIMA exam material than any other publisher We sell to more than 350 institutions in the UK We sell to 37 countries in the Americas We sell our CIMA materials in 108 countries We sell to 52 countries in Asia We sell to 44 countries in Africa Our FIA products are sold in 145 countries Our global distributor network includes over 80 distributors present in every continent Welcome to BPP Learning Media At BPP Learning Media, we seek to inspire, enthuse and guide people from all walks of life on every step of their educational journey. We have a passion for imparting knowledge and improving lives through education. The fact you are reading our publications catalogue tells us you share that passion. Together, we can work to improve life and career aspirations across the world. The trusted publishing partner From our beginnings over 35 years ago, BPP Learning Media has become the benchmark for quality in professional education study materials. Today, tutors and students in more than 188 countries worldwide look to us as an essential support for success in accountancy, tax, financial services, business, management, marketing and medical exams. So trusted are our materials that...
Words: 27609 - Pages: 111
...the page. You should attempt all questions. All recordings will be played only once. Write all your answers on the test paper itself. After the section is over, you will be given ten minutes to transfer your answers to the given answer sheet. You are not permitted to take this exam booklet out of the examination room. There are 40 questions in this section. They are broken up into four parts as follows: Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Questions 1-10 Questions 11-20 Questions 21-30 Questions 31-40 Test 2 LISTENING SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 (CD3 Track 1) Questions 1-2 Choose the correct letters, A, B, or C. Example: What nursery school registration option does the woman choose? A Half-day B Full-day C Full-day plus after school care 1 What is the woman’s husband’s nationality? A Swiss B Swedish C Swazi 2 How is a child’s personal education number normally received? A By post B By e-mail C Picked up from the school Question 3 Choose the correct letters, A, B, or C. 3 Why is the husband out of town? A Vacation B Work C Family reasons Question 4 Choose three letters, A-F 4 Which THREE pieces of information are required to retrieve the child’s personal education number? A The woman’s Personal Insurance Number B The husband’s Personal Insurance Number C The woman’s National Insurance Number D The husband’s National Insurance Number E The woman’s name F The husband’s name Question 5 Choose the correct letters, A...
Words: 5225 - Pages: 21
...Education in the Philippines is managed and regulated by theDepartment of Education or DepEd as it is commonly referred to in the country. The department controls the Philippine education system, especially the curriculum used in schools, and usage of funds used for further improvements, which includes the continual building of schools and its facilities, and the recruitment of teachers and other staff, among others. Prior to the mid-20th century, the country's education system was patterned on those of its earlier colonial powers, those of bothSpain and the United States. However, after the Philippine independence in 1946, its educational system changed radically. The former basic educational system of the Philippines was composed of 6 years of elementary education starting at the age of 6,[3] and 4 years of high school education starting at the age of 12.[4] Afterwards, one can continue his or her education by enrolling in technical or vocational schools, or in higher education institutions like universities. Although the 1987 Constitution states that elementary education is compulsory, it was never put into force. Since 2011, the country started its transition from its old 10-year basic educational system to the K-12 educational system, as mandated by DepEd.[5] This time, the new 12-year system is now compulsory, along with the adoption of new curricula for all schools (see 2010s and the K-12 program). The transition shall last until the S.Y. 2017-2018, where the first graduates...
Words: 4029 - Pages: 17
...FOUNDATION EXAMINATION Exam Bank 007 – December 2013 Business Studies 1 MARK SCHEME BELLERBYS COLLEGE FOUNDATION EXAMINATION SECTION A – SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS Answer ALL questions in this section. 1. Name two things that should be present in a good business plan. Executive summary, location, marketing, finance, financial forecasts, personnel Any other reasonable answer should be accepted. 1 mark per relevant point given. (2 marks) 2. Using an example for each point, identify and explain one reason for business success and one different reason for failure. Note: the reason for success should not be repeated as a reason for failure, for example, good entrepreneurial skills (reason for success) bad entrepreneurial skills (reason for failure). Possible answers include: Reasons for success: Excellent entrepreneurial skills Good business plan Marketable products Good budgeting skills Reasons for failure: Poor planning Inexperience Harsh external economic climate Fierce competition Lack of cash flow Any reasonable answer should be awarded marks. 1 mark for identification, 2 marks for a reasonable/good explanation and the full 3 marks given for an excellent explanation with relevant examples. (6 marks) Questions continued on next page Business1-JP-L-007 Page 2 of 15 BELLERBYS COLLEGE FOUNDATION EXAMINATION 3. Give one example of a good SMART objective. For example, to increase market share by 15% by January 2015. 1 mark for a partial example...
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