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Mayan Disappearance

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If the impossible were possible, I would use my ticket to travel back in time to the Mayan civilization. Traveling into the past is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and if I were able to, I'd travel back to the disappearance of
Mayan Civilization. Being there, I would explore their culture and attempt to understand what caused for the culture to suddenly disappear.
Being descended from Mayans, I have a great curiousness on many aspects about my heritage. I would take advantage of this opportunity to learn and observe the Mayans and their culture. Learning their basic routines and day to day activities would enhance my knowledge over the culture and allow for understanding of what caused their disappearance. Being in the past, I would
attempt …show more content…
Being present in the past, I would like to see how the Mayans looked at the stars and drew their calendars. I would like to understand the minds of those who did complex math. The most important thing I would take note of is how the Mayans prepared their food. I love chocolate, and it would be amazing to be present at the moment the Mayans invented this luxury for their royalty. Another thing I would do is munch on every type of food they had, because I think it is important to taste the original versions of the food I eat today.
Using my ticket to travel back in time to more than 10 centuries ago, I would explore the Yucatan Peninsula. I would visit each of the great Mayan cities and examine their many elaborate buildings and temples. I imagine seeing the great architectural feats in the making, and standing in awe at the beautiful city.
Looking at this, I wonder why the Mayans fled. At the year 1000 AD, most of the great Mayan cities are abandoned, but before, I am present to find out why. I would see how it occurred, and be able to figure out where they fled.
Although I would not use my ticket to explore the present world, I would make the most of it and use it to land myself in the Mayan civilization. My

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