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Barcelona Research Paper

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A country is defined by its unique cultural aspects such as its clothing, language, art, and food. Barcelona, the second largest city in Spain and the capital of Catalonia has unique cultural aspects which attract people from all over the world to visit. Barcelona has many exclusive cultural aspects such as their famous landmarks that make it an astounding city to visit. La Rambla for example, is a famous street in Barcelona which many tourists from all over the world visit. Merchants and artists show off at this street often as well. Its is widely known for the statue of Christopher Columbus which is one of the tallest statues and the drinking fountain; which legend has it, that drinking from the fountain will bring them back to Barcelona. …show more content…
Barcelona is known for its diverse combination of many different types of artists. For example, a famous band called the Roma Catulana is known for their mixed music. Each member is consisted of a different background or country of origin, even their music is a mix of African and Catalonian beats. After the 200 years of domination by Franco a harsh leader during the 1800’s, Barcelona revived, ancient folk songs. This became known as the music resonance, in which music was becoming much more lively than ever before. In 1980 Barcelona raised their industrial ports inviting people from all over the world to visit. This invited many types of people especially artist to visit, starting Barcelonans great period of art. Artists such as Pablo Picasso contributed to making paintings to various places, or a Canadian artist created the giant golden fish as a famous Barcelonan sculpture. However the most famous work of art in Barcelona would be the La Gran Familia Church. The project began in 1883 by Antonio Gaudi as a symbol of hope, charity, and faith. However, the building never finished but even today construction goes on to complete the artwork Gaudi once dreamed

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