...Introduction The main purpose of this report is to analyze the beef and wine markets in South Korea with two theories of consumer behavior as following, social classwhich include the income of different levels of class and their behavior toward beef and wine. In addition, in this report, the attitudes of consumer will also be taken into account as the main focus to evaluate the points of marketing strategy and how South Korean consumers buying behavior different from Australian. With social class and attitude these two aspects of consumer behavior can provide the Australian beef and wine markers the better information about their target market and to understand how they response to the importing products. Background The economy of South Korea is ranked eleventh in the world and third among Asian countries, thus unquestionably South Korea consumer has a certain buying power and might be a potential market for Australia. From Department of Environment and Primary Industries 2012, with a GDP of $1.46 trillion (USDA, 2011), the economy of South Korean was ranked 13th largest in the world in 2010. Approximately 6.1% economy inclined in 2010 and it brings per capital of buying power about $ 30,000 USD (CIA, 2011). The demand for the healthy products and with high quality food is increasing in South Korean market. Owing to the climatic reasons and the capacity of the land is limited in South Korea to expand the farms and wine vineyard thus Australia has been one of main exporter...
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...GROUP 7B: PEARS CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR PROJECT GROUP MEMBERS Gaurav Jain (B10079) Kapil Dhanania (B10083) Riddhi Mazumdar (B10104) Sahil Ahuja (B10105) Souvik Halder (B10112) Sulabh Govila (B10113) Contents PEARS BRAND HISTORY 3 Change in 2009: 4 OBJECTIVE 4 PEARS POSITIONING: A MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVE 5 Pears Brand Manager: Insights from Interview 6 NEED RECOGNITION: 8 Insights from customer interactions: 8 Company Recommendations 9 INFORMATION SEARCH: 10 Insights from customer interactions: 10 Recommendations for company: 10 EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES: 12 Insights from customer interactions: 12 Recommendations for company: 13 PRODUCT CHOICE 15 Insights from customer interaction: 15 Company Recommendations 16 APPENDIX 18 PEARS BRAND HISTORY Pears transparent soap is a brand of soap first produced and sold in 1789 by Andrew Pears at a factory just off Oxford Street in London, England. It was the world's first transparent soap. According to Unilever records, Pears Soap was the world's first registered brand and is therefore the world's oldest brand. Launched in India in 1902, Pears exuberates a long heritage of purity and pristine. Pears soap is now made in India by Hindustan Lever a company in which Unilever controls a fifty-two percent stake. Pears Pure & Gentle: It is enriched with pure glycerine and natural oils that gently moisturize skin to keep it smooth while its mild fragrance and...
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...Case study: Riding the Plus-Size Wave Question 1: Self-concept defines as what are the belief that women have about their own qualities and traits and how they evaluate such. For the self esteem, what is the nature of the positively of plus-size women with respect to their self-concept and for the self consciousness, its about how aware are plus-sized women of how they appear to others and how they fit in relative to other women. The success that Lane Bryant is currently experiencing in relation to the self concept, self esteem and self consciousness is that the product helps to promote the plus size women. Besides that Lane Bryant launched a new products lines and also promotion campaigns. Based on the case study given, it is said that the company sent message that is not only ok to be a plus size, but that women in this category can be stylish as anyone. Question 2: The plus size industry leverage what we know about consumer behavior to address self-esteem issues by having more plus-size models and banning of size zero models in Italy. In addition, the media should also have positive campaigns for the plus size women. This is to encourage the women with plus size to feel comfortable in their own skin. They should also have the awareness of dangers of eating disorders and pressure for young women caused by media. Question 3: This present reality changes that give off an impression of being happening as for media pictures of ladies is on account of there...
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...A STUDY OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR TOWARDS PURCHASING TOOTHPASTE INTRODUCTION Consumer behavior is stated as the behavior that consumer display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products, services and ideas that they expect will satisfy their needs. The study of consumer behavior is concerned not only with what consumers buy, but also with why they buy it, when and how they buy it, and how often they buy it. It is concerned with learning the specific meanings that products hold for consumers. Consumer research takes places at every phase of consumption process, before the purchase, during the purchase and after the purchase. The scope of consumer behavior includes not only the actual buyer and his act of buying but also various roles played by different individuals and the influence they exert on the final purchase decision .Individual consumer behavior is influenced by economic, social, cultural, psychological, and personal factors. Consumer purchase decision A decision is the selection of an action from two or more alternative choices. Consumer decision to purchase the goods from the available alternative choice is known as “consumer purchase decision”. The various options of the consumer may be classified into five main types of decisions. They are: * what to buy, * how much to buy, * where to buy, * when to buy, and * how to buy Indian Oral Care Industry Many people in India still clean their teeth with traditional...
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...OF RESEARCH IN MARKETING A STUDY OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR WITH RESPECT TO VARIOUS BRANDS OF SHAMPOO IN NAGPUR CITY DR.RUHI BAKHARE* Faculty Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies and Research,Deeksha Bhoomi,Nagpur ABSTRACT ‘Consumer is king’ –the statement carries profound truth in it. Today the success of any firm depends upon the satisfaction of consumers. For satisfying the consumers the firm should know about the behavior of the consumers. In these circumstances understanding consumer is a very difficult task because of the changing technology, innovation, and changes in life style. Researchers conducted many research in this area, and they given only few suggestion, but there is no final conclusion. As per the ideas given by the researchers, there are two factors influencing the consumers such as intrinsic and extrinsic factors. It is difficult to classify consumers by conventional demographic factors and unless their thought process and buying behavior are fully understood, decisions on product designs and packaging, branding and distribution channels are likely to be misplaced. With the inevitability of change intimidating large over the horizon, Indian companies must learn from their western counterparts; not only to identify the sources, timing and direction of the changes likely to affect India, but also the new competencies and perspective that will enable them to respond to these changes, comprehensively and effectively. This study mainly focus on understanding...
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...CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR TOWARDS MOBILE PHONE BUYING AMONG UMP ABSTRACT Consumer buying behavior refers to the buying behavior of the individuals and households who buy goods and services for personal consumption. Factors affecting how customers make decisions are extremely complex. There are many factors that can affect this process as a person works through the purchase decision. According to the black box model of consumer behavior, there are two main stimuli that is related to buyers response towards buying a certain product, in this research; mobile phone. But, which one can be much more influencing than the other in terms of buying decisions. But, which one can be much more influencing than the other in terms of buying decisions. Based on the black box model of consumer behavior, this research’s objectives are to find out the relationship between environmental factors with buyers decision making process. This study also intends to compare the two elements in environmental factors in terms influencing buying decisions to find out which stimuli is the main stimuli that mostly influence consumers mobile phone buying decisions. A survey questionnaire were conducted among 100 randomly chosen UMP students. INTRODUCTION According to Kotler and Armstrong (2001), consumer buying behavior refers to the buying behavior of the individuals and households who buy goods and services for personal consumption. Consumers around the world are different in various factors...
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...CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR TOWARDS MOBILE PHONE BUYING AMONG UMP STUDENTS : MARKETING VERSUS ENVIRONMENTAL STIMULI. ABSTRACT Consumer buying behavior refers to the buying behavior of the individuals and households who buy goods and services for personal consumption. Factors affecting how customers make decisions are extremely complex. There are many factors that can affect this process as a person works through the purchase decision. According to the black box model of consumer behavior, there are two main stimuli that is related to buyers response towards buying a certain product, in this research; mobile phone. But, which one can be much more influencing than the other in terms of buying decisions. But, which one can be much more influencing than the other in terms of buying decisions. Based on the black box model of consumer behavior, this research’s objectives are to find out the relationship between environmental factors with buyers decision making process. This study also intends to compare the two elements in environmental factors in terms influencing buying decisions to find out which stimuli is the main stimuli that mostly influence consumers mobile phone buying decisions. A survey questionnaire were conducted among 100 randomly chosen UMP students. INTRODUCTION According to Kotler and Armstrong (2001), consumer buying behavior refers to the buying behavior of the individuals and households who buy goods and services for personal consumption. Consumers...
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...Analysis and Evaluation of H&M’s Market Success: Does the Company Educate its Consumers or Does it Serve a Unique Market Segment? ABSTRACT In the current retailing market, Hennes and Mauritz AB (H&M) remains a unique phenomenon in part due to the observable difference in the behavior of the company’s customers. This study evaluates two theories attempting to explain the deviation in H&M customers’ behavior-patterns. The first theory suggests that the customers’ behavior is attitude-bound and learned-taught through the customer-company interaction. The second theory argues that H&M customers belong to a genuinely unique market segment. The researcher surveyed 160 shoppers at H&M and one of the department stores and used a grounded-theory approach to analyze the data. The results substantiated the first theory claiming that shopping behaviors were taught and learned. The study had an important practical value. However, its results were subject to l reliability and validity threats; thus, further research would be required to confirm the findings. I. INTRODUCTION The issues of consumer relationships have been the focus of marketing research inquiries for at least a century. In the last decade, with the discovery of organizational core competences, relationship knowledge experienced a new wave of research interest and was named among the leading “strategic powers” of an organization (Hamel & Prahalad 1994, pp. 3-5; Bergenhenegouwen et al. 1986, p. 29). Hennes and Mauritz AB (H&M)...
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...-5 (1), 2012 European Journal of Economic and Political Studies Green Marketing and Its Impact on Consumer Buying Behavior Aysel Boztepe1 Abstract This study aims to give information about the effect of green marketing on customers purchasing behaviors. First of all, environment and environmental problems, one of the reason why the green marketing emerged, are mentioned, and then the concepts of green marketing and green consumer are explained. Then together with the hypothesis developed literature review has been continued and studies conducted on this subject until now were mentioned. In the last section, moreover, questionnaire results conducted on 540 consumers in Istanbul are evaluated statistically. According to the results of the analysis, environmental awareness, green product features, green promotion activities and green price affect green purchasing behaviors of the consumers in positive way. Demographic characteristics have moderate affect on model. Keywords: Green Marketing, Environmental Awareness, Green Product Features, Green Promotion, Green Price, Green Purchasing Behavior. 1 Fatih Universtity, ayselbalaman@hotmail.com 5 Aysel Boztepe Introduction While globalization process continues in its full speed across the world, this process has also brought some problems with it. Leading one of these problems is environmental problems that affect all living beings negatively. These aforementioned environmental problems have started to come to...
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...1. Bush, V. D., Bush, A. J., Clark, P., & Bush, R. P. (2005). Girl power and word-of-mouth behavior in the flourishing sports market. Journal of consumer Marketing, 22(5), 257-264. • Purpose of the study See how word of mouth affects sports market in women • Methodology adopted Media habits of 118 girls used to generate result using theory of consumer socialization • Findings Hypothesis were found true and females are influenced significantly by WOM • Managerial implications This study is limited to USA, other parts give a unexplored market • Conclusion WOM is a good influencer for teen girls in the US region w.r.t. sports market 2. Dix, S., Phau, I., & Pougnet, S. (2010). “Bend it like Beckham”: the influence of sports celebrities on young...
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...Case Study Analysis_WK5 PSY322/Consumer Psychology and Research June 16, 2013 Case Study Analysis The subject case studies are designed in order to conceptualize the cross-cultural consumer behaviors, their effects on business and company activities while analyzing the case study. The main realm of subject study is the consumer behaviors in global perspectives. The studies are also aimed to create the sense in the students about how to analyze the case study. So to achieve the said objectives the extensive literature review is conducted including the evaluation of consumer behaviors and their decisions regarding purchases while including the lessons learned by the Apple regarding the differences in consumer behavior and purchasing decisions between the Japanese market and the market outside of Japan. The consumer behaviors during the field survey administered under subject study are found dissimilar across the cultures. These dissimilarities in behaviors of the customers across the cultures affect the company’s marketing mix strategies. These effects are discussed in sections created below. Likewise the lessons learned from the Walt Disney Company about consumer behavior and purchasing decisions at Hong Kong Disneyland has also been added as a part of study while explaining various issues that may influence the behaviors of the consumers. Lastly the survey administered identifies the reasons behind the Japanese consumers’ behaviors of hating the iPhone...
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...Consumer Behavior Outline of the Study The first chapter of the study covers the introduction about the company (Iceland Frozen Foods) and consumer behavior and follows with the scope and significance of the study. The second chapter of the study will represent several literature reviews on research relating to the previous studies carried out by various authors. The third chapter of the study will conduct the methodology chapter, which will indicate the research methods and designs. The analysis and finding for the research study will be in the fourth chapter. The final and fifth chapter will conclude the study and provide useful and justified recommendations for the further research (Welford, 2007, 52–62). Observing consumer behavior while they are shopping gathers a wide variety of information about their behavior in choosing products and services. The consumer behavior is observed upon number of observable phenomenon like physical actions, such as the actual shopping pattern of consumers (in store or through online interface); verbal behavior, such as sales conversation between buyer and the seller or communication of buyer with other buyers in the store; expressive behavior, such as facial expressions and tone of voice or behavior while interacting with product features they are buying; and temporal patterns, such as amount of time spent by consumers while making their purchase decision (Zikmund, pp. 239-240). The marketing activity of Starbucks can be made more effective...
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...ASSIGNMENT 2 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/mkt-305-wk-8-assignment-2-consumer-behavior-analysis/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM MKT 305 WK 8 ASSIGNMENT 2 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS MKT 305 WK 8 Assignment 2 - Consumer Behavior Analysis For this assignment, you work for the marketing manager of an organization that is going to launch a new line of personal care products in the U.S. market. The proposed target market will be males, between 18 and 35 years old, and price points will cover income ranges from lower to mid-level. Distribution is planned to take place in drug, grocery stores, and stores such as Wal-Mart and Target, with the primary retailer carrying the full product line being drug stores. You have been tasked with a consumer behavior analysis to help make marketing decisions. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: 1. Propose a type of message appeal to be used in the advertising, making sure to explain the rationale behind the appeal. 2. Analyze the different cultures this product will appeal to and make recommendations on which three (3) would be the best choice. 3. Decide which microcultures and additional demographics should be targeted. 4. Suggest ways to utilize group influence in the marketing of the product. More Details hidden... Activity Mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of MKT 305 WK 8 Assignment 2 Consumer Behavior Analysis...
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...of Green Purchasing Behavior among Malaysian Consumers | | Punitha Sinnappan and Azmawani Abd Rahman | | Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that influence green purchasing behaviors of Malaysian consumers and observes if the factors affecting green purchasing behavior differ by demographic profile. Respondents in this study were consumers from various age groups, education level, ethnic group, type of occupation and income level. The results shows that the best predictor for green purchasing behavior is environmental attitude followed by perceived environmental responsibility; environmental concern, perceived seriousness of environmental problems, perceived effectiveness of environmental behavior and government’s role. While for demographic variables, only age group is significant in explaining the environmental factors. The result of the research can serve as a guideline for firms to strategize their marketing approaches that caused buying behavior while analyzing the demographic characteristics would give firms better knowledge towards targeting these groups of people. This study also offers practical guidelines to marketers who are planning to target the Malaysian market. The understanding on the changing consumption pattern of Malaysian consumers and the value of attachment, they gave to the environment provides useful insights that are especially pertinent to an improved understanding of green purchasing behavior in the South East Asia...
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...Marketing Management 1.0 Executive Summary The main objectives of this study was to choose one determinant that have influence on consumer behavior. There are three sub sections of this study based on the main objectives. First is to discuss the origin and how the determinants influences the consumer. Second is the usefulness of the determinants for marketer in explaining consumer behavior. Third, the specific product that suited the determinant chosen. Next sections will explain in details work undertaken in completing each sections 1.3 Suitable product for the factors Last topic of this study is too choose suitable product based on the factors. In order to decide the product, I will analyze the factor in details to identify the most important aspect. Based on the analysis, I will choose the most suitable product. The aims for this sections is to analyze the relationship between the products and the determinants. In additions, I will choose product from Malaysia industry. This is done through sales and report status on Malaysia news and article. 1.4 Evidence To support subject and topic above, several examples will be given. This examples will be the supporting arguments to either denies or confirm the subject. Evidence will be collected from past research, event and study. Evidence will used to covers all sections of the study, especially on proving the theory and practicality of the determinant. 1.5 Observations and Commentary Observations and commentary will be conducted...
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