...Rashesh Shah did it. Sanjeev Bikhchandani did it. Shantanu Prakash did it. 'Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish' is the story of 25 such IIM Ahmedabad graduates who chose the rough road of entrepreneurship. They are diverse in age, in outlook and the industries they made a mark in. But they have one thing in common: they believed in the power of their dreams. This book seeks to inspire young graduates to look beyond placements and salaries. To believe in their dreams. The Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE) at IIM Ahmedabad aims at fostering innovation-driven entrepreneurship through incubation, research and dissemination of knowledge. Rs.125/- - Rashmi Bansal ISBN 978-81-904530-1-1 CONTENTS - THE BELIEVERS - THE OPPORTUNISTS - THE ALTERNATE VISION THE BELIEVERS People who knew entrepreneurship was the Chosen Path. They took the plunge straight after their MBA or after working barely a couple of years. And they persevered until they made it big! p02 THE BOOK OF JOB Sanjeev Bikhchandani (PGP 1989), naukri.com Sanjeev is India's most successful internet entrepreneur. For close to a decade he struggled on the sidelines but never gave up on his Big Idea. In 2006, naukri.com became the first dotcom to IPO on an Indian stock exchange. p18 ROCK WITH IT, ROLL WITH IT Shantanu Prakash (PGP 1988), Educomp Despite a regular middle class upbringing, Shantanu went into business while doing his BCom. The entrepreneurial streak continued after...
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...The features of Chinese religions compared with Western religions Religion has no boundaries geographically, which can be develop and exist in any culture. China is an old country which is able to syncretize distinguished cultures to develop a new look of a religion. Chinese religions have their own features, and western religions which come to China bring new look of Chinese religions. In my paper, I will argue that Chinese religion focus more on practice rather than belief firstly; Hence, Chinese religion associated with the faith with human being features, but not the supreme beings instead. In addition, Chinese religions is free to accept and follow, compared with Western religions. First of all, Chinese religions emphasize people to concentrate more on practice than belief. According to DeBary’s book, it is said “The Chinese were particularly desirous of knowing whether Buddhism could add to their knowledge of elixirs and practices that would contribute to longevity, levitation and other superhuman achievements.” (DeBary, 421) This quotation expresses that, Chinese people do not only believe in Buddhism, but also desire to explore the real use of Buddhism. For this reason, temples and statuary were soon erected all over China (DeBary, 421). Monks who practices the Buddhism in temples and statuary were required to shave their head and not allowed to marry. Yoga and dhyana also come to China from India as a form of practices of Buddhism. In addition, there are many popular...
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...CHINA • Official name: People’s Republic of China • Capital: Beijing • Currency: Renminbi • Population: 1.35 billion • Government: Communist • Language: Mandarin HISTORY • Third largest country in the world in terms of area and population • Official Name: People’s Republic of China (Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo) • Republic was established in 1949 • The name CHINA is probably derived from the Qin (Ch’in) dynasty (206-221 BC) which first unified the nation • Chinese used the name Zhonggua (Chung-kuo) which means middle country with their belief that China is in the middle of the world • China is divided into 23 provinces and 5 autonomous regions • China’s written history began during the Shang Dynasty • In 1921. the long civil war between the ruling nationalists or Kuomintang, led by the Chiang Kaishek, and the communists led by Mao Zedong (Mao Tse –Tung) RELEVANT FACTS • One in every five people in the world is Chinese. China’s population is estimated to reach a whopping 1,338,612,968 by July 2009. China’s population is four times that of the United States. • Red symbolizes happiness for the Chinese and is commonly used at Chinese festivals and other happy occasions such as birthdays and weddings • China’s “one child” policy has contributed to female infanticide and has created a significant gender imbalance. There are currently 32 million more boys than girls in China. In the future, tens of millions of men will be unable to find wives, prompting...
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...Visuomenės egzistavimas neįsivaizduojamas be galimybės bendrauti. Šiuo metu yra ne viena bendravimo priemonė, o pagrindine paprastai yra laikoma kalba. Taigi, kalba yra neatsiejama, nuo tų, kurie ją vartoja. Bendraudami su kitais mes parodome savo kalbos turtingumą, per ją atsiskleidžia intelekto lygis ir kalbos etiketas. Kalbos etiketo taisyklių turėtų laikytis kiekvienas žmogus, tačiau taip nėra, nes dabartiniame amžiuje tarptautinė integracija šalims yra labai svarbi, Lietuvai taip pat, todėl neabejotina, kad ji turi įtakos lietuvių kalbai ir jos etiketui. Beveik kiekvienas pokalbis prasideda pasisveikinimu ir baigiasi atsisveikinimu. Lietuvių kalboje gausu pasisveikinimo ir atsisveikinimo formų. Dažniausiai vartojamos lietuviškos pasisveikinimo formos yra: labas rytas, laba diena, labas vakaras, sveikas, o atsisveikinimo formos: sudie (trumpesnė sudiev forma) ir viso geriausio. Tačiau jaunimo tarpe lietuviškas pasisveikinimo ir atsisveikinimo formas vis dažniau yra keičiamos kitų kalbų variantais. Dažniausiai tai rusų kalbos formos. Lietuviški pasisveikinimai yra keičiami į „zdarova“ (išvertus iš rusų kalbos – sveika, tačiau Lietuvos jaunimo tarpe taip sveikinamasi ir su moteriškos ir vyriškos lyties atstovais) ir „privet“ (iš rusų kalbos išvertus – labas), o vienas populiariausių atsisveikinimo žodžiu yra tapęs davai, kuris taip pat yra kilęs iš rusiško žodžio, kurio vertimas – sudie. Jaunimas šia formas vartoja norėdami pritapti prie bendraamžių. Populiarėjant...
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...chapter of the Avataṃsaka Sūtra entitled “Entering the Dharmafield,” monk Shancai meets Guanyin, who resides on the top of Mt. Putuo. This form of Guanyin has become known as Nanhai Guanyin, a guardian of the South Sea. She enjoyed particular popularity between the twelfth and sixteenth centuries with the association of Putuo Island as the island home of Guanyin. Her unique iconographic characteristics include a devout Buddhist white parrot and two attendants: a filial Buddhist monk Sudhana and the Dragon King’s daughter Longnü龍女who is known as a girl who managed to achieve enlightenment in the Lotus Sūtra. Because of Nanhai Guanyin’s association with the sea, sailors especially revere her and look to her when in need, just like they do with Mazu. Guanyin with a Fish-basket Guanyin with a Fish-basket is often known by two other names: Mr. Ma's Wife and Guanyin with Chained Bones (Suogu Guanyin鎖骨觀音). Her story appeared in many Buddhist chronicles compiled during the 12th to the 14th centuries. In short, the story of Guanyin with a Fish-basket is following: during the Tang dynasty, people living in the eastern part of Shaanxi loved to hunt and had no interest in Buddhism. In 809 (or 817) a beautiful young woman came and promised to marry any man who could memorize a certain Buddhist text for her: first, it was the “Universal Gateway” chapter of the Lotus Sūtra, then the Diamond Sūtra, and finally the whole Lotus Sūtra. Mr. Ma was the only one who was able to fulfil all the tasks, but...
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...5 tema. Strateginiai pasirinkimai. Strategijų rūšys. Hierarchija. Klasifikacija. Keliami uždaviniai: - išsiaiškinti galimus korporatyvinio (bendrojo) lygio strategijų ir tarptautinių strategijų pasirinkimus; - išsiaiškinti galimus verslo lygio strategijų (arba konkurencinių strategijų) pasirinkimus; - išsiaiškinti galimus funkcinio lygio strategijų pasirinkimus. Visa apimantis strateginio valdymo modelis External Audit 2 Strategy Analysis & Choice 5 Vision & Mission Statements Strategies In Action 4 Implement Strategies: Mgmt Issues 1 6 Implement Strategies: Marketing, Fin/Acct, R&D, CIS Measure & Evaluate Performance 7 8 Internal Audit 3 2 Strateginė analizė ir pasirinkimai Ar patyriai nesėkmę ar lydėjo sėkmė, bet kuriuo atveju įvertink (fiksuok) ir daryk tai geriau. Ne tik produktus, bet, jei tai būtina, visą kompaniją. “Whether it’s broke or not, fix it — make it better. Not just products, but the whole company if necessary.” —Bill Saporito— 3 Strateginė analizė ir pasirinkimai Daryk įsivaizduojamus sprendimus, remdamasis objektyvia (realia) informacija. 4 Bendroji ir verslo vieneto strategijos Bendra pridėtinė vertė Organizacinė erdvė Bendrasis (korporatyvinis) valdymas Bendroji strategija Verslo strategija Produktai Rinkos Konkurencinis pranašumas Korporacinei (bendrajai) įmonės strategijai keliami šie reikalavimai n n n n n n Nustatyti bendrą visos organizacijos veiklos strateginę kryptį...
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...Panašumai ir skirtumai tarp prekių ir paslaugų. Prekė – gamybinės veiklos arba gamtoje aptinkamas objektas, kuris gali tenkinti pirkėjų norus ir poreikius. Tai fizinis produktas kuri galima matyti, paliesti ir vartoti(trumpalaikes, ilgalaikes.) Paslauga – bet kuri veikla ar nauda, kurią galima pasiūlyti vartotojui ir kuri yra nemateriali bei negali tapti nuosavybe. Paslaugos teikimas gali būti susijęs arba nesusijęs su materialiu produktu.(nemateriali, trumpalaikiskumas, nuosavybes nebuvimas) PAnasumai : abi sukuria verte bei sukuria pasitenkinima vartotojui. Abi gali buti skirtos masinei rinkai ir individualiems vartotoju poreikiams. Gali buti sukurtos ir tiekiamos keliomis procesu rusimis, kuriose dalyvauja zmones ir technologijos. 1. Gamybines pasirties prekiu klasifikavimas Žaliavos( gamtos ištekliai, ukio gaminiai) Medžiagos(gamyboje jau apdorota medžiaga) Komponentai(komplektavimo detales, komponentines medžiagos) Aptarnavimo medžiagos(tepalai, klijai, valymo priemones, remonto irankiai) 2. SVV imoniu rusys. Savarankiskos, susijusios, partnerines imones • Savarankiška įmonė – įmonė, kuri nėra priskiriama partnerinei arba susijusiai įmonei. Susijusios įmonės – įmonės, kurias sieja kuris nors iš šių ryšių: 1) viena įmonė turi daugumą dalyvių balsų kitoje įmonėje; 2) viena įmonė turi teisę skirti ir atšaukti daugumą kitos įmonės valdymo ar priežiūros organo narių ar administracijos pareigūnų; ...
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...Macau destination report 1. Introduction Macau is a developed traditional holiday destination, a legitimacy gambling tourism destination. It is a special Administrative Region of China, and located on the Southeast coast of China to the western bank of the Pearl River Delta. The area of 27.5 sq. km, population in Macau about 95% are Chinese, the remaining 5% includes Portuguese, Europeans and other regions. Chinese and Portuguese are the official languages, Cantonese being most widely spoken. The official languages are used in government departments in all official documents and communications. English is generally used in trade, tourism and commerce. Base on the destination life cycle, Macau is between Maturity and Saturation stage. Macau is well developed, visitors are still willing visit Macau, some are visit Macau frequently. However, some demand is decreased, like hotel, it is starting saturation. Ranking According to UNWTO, Macau ranks the 20th position in terms of the World’s international tourist arrivals and ranks the 5th position in Asia and the Pacific region in 2010. Also, in terms of international tourism receipt, Macau ranks the 11th position among other destinations in the world and ranks the 3rd position in Asia and the Pacific Region in 2009. 2. Comprehensive Inventory and Audit 2.1 The profile of visit and visitors Till to June 2015, the overnight visitors in Macau is around 1,000,000; the main visitors are from Mainland China, over 700,000 (63.8%)...
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...[pic] VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS EKONOMIKOS FAKULTETAS FINANSŲ KATEDRA Bankininkystės magistro programa II kurso studento REFERATAS Filipinų pinigų politikos ir ekonomikos analizė Vilnius, 2010 Turinys Turinys 2 1 Filipinų pinigų politikos pagrindiniai tikslai 3 2 Valiutos kurso rėžimas ir valiuta 3 3 Filipinų ekonominės situacijos apžvalga 4 4 Eksporto - importo struktūra 6 5 Dažniausiai naudojamos pinigų politikos priemonės Filipinuose 9 Apibendrinimas 12 Literatūros sąrašas 13 Filipinų pinigų politikos pagrindiniai tikslai Centrinis Filipinų bankas pateikia tokius pagrindinius savo pinigų politikos tikslą: • Siekti užtikrinti kainų stabilumą šalyje, skatinant nuolatinį ir subalansuotą ekonomikos augimą. Šis tikslas yra numatytas 2002 metų sausio menėsį priimtose pinigų politikos gairėse, kuriose numatomas siektinas infliacijos lygis šalyje. Šiose gairėse nurodoma, kad šalis turi laikytis tokios pingų politikos, kuri leistų pasiekti žemą ir stabilią infliaciją šalyje, bei leistų įgyvendinti kitus, su ekonomikos augimu susijusius tikslus. Siekiamas infliacijos lygis Šiuo metu Filipinų vyriausybės nustatytas siektinas infliacijos lygis šalyje yra 4.5 proc. su leistinu nuokrypio dydžiui iki + 1.0 procento 2010 metams, o 2011 metams numatytas infliacijos lygis yra 4.0 proc. su +1.0 procento inflaicijos tolerancijos dydžiu. Šis rodiklis apskaičiuojamas ir siektinas...
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...ĮMONIŲ KREDITO RIZIKOS VERTINIMO MODELIŲ ANALIZĖ Neringa Semėnaitė, Solveiga Jagminaitė Vadovė: Lekt. Dr. Laura Ivaškevičiūtė Kauno technologijos universitetas, Socialinių mokslų fakultetas SM 5/2 gr. Įvadas Bankai skolindami neturi visos reikiamos informacijos apie įmones, todėl susiduria su vis didesne kredito rizika, o tai sąlygoja nuolatinį poreikį tobulinti savo rizikos valdymo sistemą, kurti naujus metodus, kurie padėtų efektyviai vystyti veiklą. Problema: parinkus netinkamus kredito rizikos vertinimo modelius ir metodus iškyla neadekvataus kredito rizikos vertinimo grėsmė, kuri yra viena iš šiandieninės finansinės krizės priežasčių. Tikslas – išanalizuoti įmonės kredito rizikos vertinimo modelius. Metodika: mokslinės literatūros apžvalga. Kredito rizikos samprata Norint išaiškinti kredito rizikos sąvokos reikšmę, pirmiausia reikia apibrėžti kas yra kreditas. Išanalizavus keleto autorių, t.y. Martinkaus B., Buškevičiūtės E., Bartkaus E., Žaltauskienės N., pateikiamas kredito sąvokas, galima teigti, kad kreditas – komercinis pasitikėjimas, kurį kreditorius (skolintojas) išreiškia kredito gavėjui (skolininkui) tiesiogiai (skolindamas pinigus) arba netiesiogiai parduodamas prekes ir paslaugas skolon. Anot S. Tarailos, paskolos išdavimas bendrais bruožais taip pat gali būti apibrėžiamas kaip vertės suteikimo kitam asmeniui arba subjektui procesas prisiimant su tuo susijusią riziką. Rizika susijusi su galimybe, kad kitas asmuo arba subjektas gali nesugebėti ateityje...
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...Verslo ir teisės aktualijos / Current Issues of Business and Law ISSN 1822-9530 print / ISSN 2029-574X online 2012, 7(2), 351–364 doi:10.5200/1822-9530.2012.22 VERSLO AKTUALIJOS / CURRENT ISSUES OF BUSINESS Experience of growth and continuity in SMEs: A study on the growth aspects of the tourism industry in the Netherlands Taeke Tuinstra1, Johan Mekkes2, Hiske Koldijk3 1 Doctor of Social Sciences Member of Research Chair Entrepreneurship & Risk Finance NHL University of Applied Sciences P.O. Box 1080, 8900 CB Leeuwarden, The Netherlands E-mail: t.tuinstra@nhl.nl; tel.: +3158 2511 637 2 Doctor of Social Sciences Head of Research Chair Entrepreneurship & Risk Finance NHL University of Applied Sciences P.O. Box 1080, 8900 CB Leeuwarden, The Netherlands E-mail: j.mekkes@nhl.nl; tel.: +3158 2511 495 3 Bachelore of Science Researcher at the Institute for Business and Management Studies NHL University of Applied Sciences P.O. Box 1080, 8900 CB Leeuwarden, The Netherlands E-mail: h.p.koldijk@nhl.nl; tel.: +3158 2511 670 Received 29 October 2012; accepted 4 December 2012 Abstract A vast amount of studies stress the importance of growing enterprises for ensuring employment and economic growth in a country. Moreover, there is a wide variety of studies that identify the characteristics of high-growth firms as compared to those of low-growth firms. There exist also the studies that focus on the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. The results of such...
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...SINGAPORE FLAG [pic] DESCRIPTION [pic] The Singapore flag was officially adopted on December 3, 1959. [pic] The white crescent represents Singapore as a new nation, the five stars symbolize democracy, equality, justice, peace and progress, while white is representative of the purity and virtue of the people, and red stands for universal brotherhood. Map of the country / history [pic] History of Singapore According to legend Singapore was founded centuries ago when a prince from Sumatra landed on the island and saw a lion. He took it as a good omen and founded a city called Singapura, which means lion city. The legend may or may not be true. In fact the name Singapura was not recorded until the 16th century and Singapore was really only a trading post with a small population not a city. Modern Singapore was founded in 1819 by Sir Stamford Raffles (1781-1826). Raffles became a clerk for the British East India Company in 1795. He rose rapidly in the company. In 1805 he was sent to Penang and in 1811 he was made Lieutenant Governor of Java. In 1818 Raffles was made governor of Bencoolen on the island of Sumatra. Raffles believed the British should establish a base on the Straits of Melaka and in 1819 he landed on the island of Singapore. The island consisted of swamps and jungle with a small population but Raffles realized it could be made into a useful port. At that time two men were vying to become Sultan of the...
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...How to target Chinese luxury consumers Fashion in Macau Date:13/11/2012 Students name: Emma Ling Monica Anni Content Content 2 Introduction 2 1.Market 3 A. Market Size 3 B. Region Size 5 C. Consumption 6 D. Distribution 7 a. The real stores 7 b.The online malls 8 E. Communication 10 a.Why we take point-to-point communication 11 b.When to start point-to-point communication 11 c.How to start point-to-point communication 12 2、Main Players 12 A. Brand summary 12 B. Rank 13 C. Brand development 14 3、Consumer Behavior 15 A. The purpose of consumption 15 B. Region Potential 15 4、Market Segmentation 17 A. Geographic Segmentation 17 B. Demographic Segmentation 17 C. Sociocultural Segmentation 18 5.About Destination Macau 19 Conclusion 21 Sources 22 Appendix 23 Introduction Our group chose fashion as our topic in many luxury category, because we as constumers are concerned about fashion in luxury segment, and the most powerful global luxury goods group is also about fashion. (see “2,Main Players”P12).The most important is that Chinese consumers may most concerned about fashion in luxury segment.Because luxury segment always lead the fashion,so that they can put their new products on the sale. We chose Macau as the analysis city because as one of the special administrative regions of China, Macau has its unique policy and economic model(see Appendix). And because the area is small, it’s...
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...1 NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND THE ESCALATION OF THE COLD WAR, 1945-1962 David Holloway, Stanford University Nuclear weapons are so central to the history of the Cold War that it can be difficult to disentangle the two. Did nuclear weapons cause the Cold War? Did they contribute to its escalation? Did they help to keep the Cold War “cold?” We should ask also how the Cold War shaped the development of atomic energy. Was the nuclear arms race a product of Cold War tension rather than its cause? The Atomic Bomb and the Origins of the Cold War The nuclear age began before the Cold War. During World War II, three countries decided to build the atomic bomb: Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union. Britain put its own work aside and joined the Manhattan Project as a junior partner in 1943. The Soviet effort was small before August 1945. The British and American projects were driven by the fear of a German atomic bomb, but Germany decided in 1942 not to make a serious effort to build the bomb. In an extraordinary display of scientific and industrial might, the United States made two bombs ready for use by August 1945. Germany was defeated by then, but President Truman decided to use the bomb against Japan. The decision to use the atomic bomb has been a matter of intense controversy. Did Truman decide to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order, as he claimed, to end the war with Japan without further loss of American lives? Or did he drop the bombs in order to intimidate the Soviet...
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...A. Geography >China stretches some 5,026 kilometres (3,123 mi) across the East Asian landmass. China is bordered by seas and waters eastward, with the East China Sea, Korea Bay, Yellow Sea, Taiwan Strait, and South China Sea, and bordered by landmasses on its 3 other sides, from North Korea to Vietnam. China has been officially and conveniently divided into 5 homogeneous physical macro-regions: Eastern China (subdivided into the northeast plain, north plain, and southern hills), Xinjiang-Mongolia, and the Tibetan-highlands. Its physical features are multiples. The eastern and southern half of the country, its seacoast fringed with offshore islands, is a region of fertile lowlands and foothills with most of the agricultural output and human population. The western and northern half of China is a region of sunken basins (Gobi, Taklamakan), rolling plateaus, and towering massifs, including a portion of the highest tableland on earth (Tibetan Plateau) with lower agricultural possibilities and thus, far less populated. Traditionally, the Chinese population centered around the Chinese central plain and oriented itself toward its own enormous inland market, developing as an imperial power whose center lay in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River on the northern plains. More recently, the 18,000-kilometers coastline have been used extensively for export-oriented trade, making a power shift, with the coastline provinces becoming the leading economic center. With an...
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