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Mcbride Financial Website Security Plan


Submitted By reggi
Words 1058
Pages 5
McBride Financial Website Security Plan

April 7, 2014
University of Phoenix McBride Financial Website Security Plan
McBride financial services is upgrading their website to be more interactive with clients. The goal is to create self-serve options for clients though the website and through kiosks located in the offices. McBride wants to reduce the number of employees needed to handle client accounts using this new business plan. The new plan will increase the need for data protection to ensure that customer’s personal data is kept same during all points of the application and loan process.
Implementing online loan applications means customer information will be input into web forms and then transferred to the company database. This creates the potential for hackers to steal or corrupt the data and to use it to gain access to other company servers. In order to prevent this from occurring and limiting the damage done in the case of a successful attack McBride must implement a Prevention, Detection, and Recovery plan.
A prevention plan for McBride will be need to include protection for the company servers and protection for client information. The first step in this plan is to establish a demilitarized zone (DMZ) to separate the web server from the company databases and other company servers. The most secure way to implement this is to use two firewalls. The first one will be set to allow necessary traffic to the web server and to block malicious code. It will have a looser configuration to ensure that clients do not have issues gaining access to needed applications or services. The second firewall will be set to stricter configurations to prevent any malicious code that gets past the first firewall from entering the company network. Different brands and types of firewalls will also be used in this scenario to

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