...Service Request SR-kf-013 Paper Mary Olson University of Phoenix BSA/310 Richard Seay October 14, 2010 Kudler Find Foods was open in 1998, and founded by Kathy Kudler. Kathy’s passion for gourmet cooking led to Kathy opening up her first gourmet store because of the lack of places to purchase quality gourmet products. The first store was open in La Jolla California, and then followed by two other locations, one in Del Mar California, and the other in Encinitas California (Kudler, 2010.) The owner Kathy Kudler does all the ordering for all three stores buying in bulk. To have products as fresh as possible, Kathy and her staff pull products if turnover is not what is expected. By Kathy placing the orders and keeping track items that are not selling allows her to control waste of perishable goods. In addition to this Kathy has specialize staff members to assist the customers with any questions or culinary needs. Each store has his or her own specialist working during regular business hours (Kudler, 2010.) In order for Kathy to start a frequent shopper program a SWOT analysis needs to be completed to identify any weakness, strengths, opportunities, or threats. Some of the strengths Kudlers have are small company, minimal competition, variety of products, good customer rapport, ideal location, owner’s work ethics, and returning customers. The weakness are majority of product are perishable, highly paid specialized staff, over worked managers, and limits...
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...Service Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 Crystale Wyche BSA/375 September 4, 2014 Prescott Lerch Service Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 This paper will the discuss the key stakeholders in Riordan Manufacturing who will provide requirements in the human resources project, describe information-gathering techniques and system analysis tools used for the project, explain what project scope is and the importance of it and describe the areas of project feasibility that are examined in the analysis phase of the SDLC. Key Stakeholders There are many stakeholders at Riordan Manufacturing, the key stakeholders that requirements would be gathered from are as follows: President and CEO Dr. Michael Riordan, Executive Assistant Jane McCall, SVP-R&D Kenneth Collins, Chief Operating Officer Hugh McCauley, VP International Operations Charles Williamson and the IT service managers. The stakeholders who can directly use the new system are also important as well. Information-Gathering To complete the system will require a set of information that will be categorized into numerous parts. This will make sure the system and processes are doable to the demands set by the SR-rm-004. SR-rm-004 is an analysis request for Riordan Manufacturing current human resources system for future integration. "Many techniques are available for gathering requirements, sometimes multiple techniques are needed to gain a complete picture (Mochal, 2008)." 1. One on one Interviews: A sit...
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...Service Request SR-rm-022, Part 3 BSA/375 Service Request SR-rm-022, Part 3 Riordan Manufacturing is a global plastic manufacturer located in Albany, Georgia. Founded by Dr. Riordan, a professor of chemistry, he wanted to use existing patents to create a better plastic. He later bought a fan manufacturing company and became Riordan Manufacturing. Today Riordan Manufacturing is projected to earn $46 million annually and employs over 550 employees. With Riordan Manufacturing expanding the company needs to expand their Human Resources program to better the effectiveness of work within the department. Interested Stockholders The CEO and President Michael Riordan is the main stockholder because he is who signs everyone’s checks. The Director of Human Resources would be beneficial to gather information from because he/she is the one running the department and knows the applications they are using now. Chief Operating Officer, Executive Assistant, and the Senior Vice President are stockholders we should gather information from as well. The Chief Operating Officer knows what every department is using to accomplish their work and can give feedback on certain applications being used. The Executive Assistant is good to gather information from as well because they know more than others about what is happening around the manufacturing plant. A couple floor employees working in the Human Resources Department would be useful as well because they use the programs on a daily basis and...
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...Service Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 According to "Smith Services Consulting Incorporated" (2011), Riordan Manufacturing requests that we provide them with a “more sophisticated, state-of-the art, information systems technology” in their Human Resources department (SR Number, SR-rm-022). To ensure that we reach our goal, we will need to interview all of the key stakeholders and look at all the current systems that Riordan Manufacturing is using to consider what information will be required and needs to be collected. We have to make sure that we discuss the key factors and provide the best information to them in an effort to receive the required information back from the stakeholders. This will help get us the tools we need to create a project management system that will help us organize the information properly so that everything is covered. Key stakeholders in Riordan Manufacturing we would gather requirements from? To ensure success we would first start by collecting information from the very top of Riordan management, including; President and CEO, Dr. Michael Riordan; COO Hugh McCauley; Director of Human Resources, Yvonne McMillan. She will be instrumental in helping us know exactly what is expected of the new system, how it will be implemented, who made the request and what deadlines will need to be met. Next, we will gather information from the Director of Human Resources Yvonne McMillan, who directs and coordinates human resources activities. Her feedback will help...
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...Service Request/ Riordan Manufacturing Brian Wilson BSA/375 October 7, 2013 Ricardo Merriwether Service Request/ Riodan Manufacturing Section One In the world today possessing the conveyance of having tools and systems that operate together throughout the organization becomes a huge benefit. Having easy access, gives the edge to companies, provides for better productivity and cost effectiveness. In order to know the criteria for a system the system requirements has to be determined. The first process in system development is requirement analysis and definition. This enables the breakdown of the functional and non-functional requirements that paints a clear framework to the system development (Rouse, 2012). Technology requirements, stakeholders, and businesses have a viable part in the process of analysis process. There are four activities involved in the analysis process, the first is elicitation activity, is the collecting of information and understanding the needs of the stakeholder and articulating high-level requirements. The analysis activity, determines clarity, and if the system is free of any contradictions, defines techniques to combat the issues. Specification activity is where the behavior of a system is a developing stage. Then there is the validation activity that involves sessions with users, stakeholders, and other experts to help to wing out issues and conflicting requirements before the projects moves to development (Johannesson & Perjons, 2013)...
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...Service Request BSA/375 December 24, 2012 Service Request Introduction Riordan Manufacturing a global plastics organization employing 550 people with plants in Albany Georgia, Pontiac Michigan, and Hangzhou China. Dr. Riordan a professor of chemistry founded the company in 1991 with many polymers processing patents. In 1992 Dr. Riordan bought the Pontiac plant manufacturing plastic fans, then the purchase of the Albany in 1993 for their plastic beverage capabilities. The year 2000 saw the purchase of the China plant, where the fan manufacturing has been moved, allowing the Pontiac plant to be retooled for custom plastic parts. All these facilities are governed by a human resource information system (HRIS) implemented in 1992, as a financial package system to track employee information (Apollo Virtual Org.). Goal The purpose for this service request is to plan a new HRIS for Riordan Manufacturing. Mainly the beginning phase is to gather and understand the requirements for the new system; this will not only impact HR but Finance systems as well. Riordan’s HRIS is currently outdated and without a central database or networked compartments. Each record change must be submitted in writing (on specified forms) and manually entered into the system. Project Requirements To grasp the service being requested and the necessary requirements the following stakeholders will be questioned; Finance and Accounting, Training and Development, Recruiters, Managers, Employee Relations...
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...Service Request BSA/375 James Bachelor The current Human resources program at Riordan Manufacturing has been around for some time now and is in need for upgrades and improvements. With that said, service request SR-rm-022 will help guide the company into creating a new HR information system. This new system is intended to be cohesive and capable to use by everyone, as well as eliminate paper documenting. During the initial evaluation we have observed the different branches within Riordan Manufacturing, such as employee information, on the job training, and employee benefits. Currently, the system In place separates every entity into its own subcategory. Before dissecting each category it will be evaluated and will be determined if sections need to be kept or eliminated, as well as what individuals actually use the systems. Following an evaluation of the current system and brainstorming of a new one, its highly important to determine how each system is being used, with hands-on discovery. This is the best way to learn how it is currently being done, as well as the best way to determine what needs to be fixed. Determining the system as well as the users that use them is a good foundation into fixing or recreating a new system. During our project scope phase we will be determining our goals for the new system, deliverables, as well as the cost to implement a new system, and the time it will take to get it...
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...All the requirements have been gathered, and the business processes are composed, the project is ready to move to the next phase of the SDLC. The Design Phase is where the design team simply ask, "How do we build it?" The project team will now transition the business requirements into the system requirements. The blueprint for the new system is made up of design documents and physical models. Application Architecture is the design organized into the entire software application; included are the sub-components and outside applications. As stated from wisegeek.org (2015), "The application architecture is used as a blueprint to ensure that the underlying modules of an application will support future growth. Growth can come in the areas of future interoperability, increased resource demand, or increased reliability requirements. With a completed architecture, stakeholders understand the complexities of the underlying components should changes be necessary for the future" (para. 5). The application is made up of four areas of control: presentation layer, application layer, data access layer and data storage layer. Riordan's presentation layer will consist of the user interface. Fowler (2002) stated: "At the heart of the information systems architecture is the notion of different layers of an information system, each of which has distinct responsibilities" (pg. 702). The re-design human resource management system (HRMS) allows HR processes to occur electronically. The user inputs...
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...manufacturer leader. Riordan Manufacturing’s technology department continually grows and expands in order to remain competitive. The Operations Department of Riordan is in charge of all service requests. Operations define requests with detailed analysis before they are given to the Information Technology Department for implementation. Currently Operations is working on Service Request SR-rm-001 with the purpose of: • Suggest specific systems changes that improve our inventory or manufacturing processes. • We would like to use computer system utilization to become more efficient • Create a business requirements definition for system upgrades/improvement to be given to the IT department or information systems consultants This summary identifies business areas which need improvement, purpose of the project, and lists of stakeholders involved: Purpose of Project: Analyze IT systems at Riordan Manufacturing. Identify IT systems that are in need of upgrade in order to improve the inventory, shipping, accounting, finance, customer service, and manufacturing processes. Implement ideas on how to increase computer system utilization throughout the company to increase overall efficiency. DEPARTMENTS TARGETED FOR IMPROVEMENT: Shipping: Orders are received by shipping from customer service. Sales staff also place orders for customers. Riordan’s current shipping method needs to be computerized and integrated with...
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...Service Request Kudler Fine Foods BSA/310 11/20/2011 Service Request There are different benefits and consequences that come with having a Frequent Shopper Program. These next few paragraphs will assist in understanding some of the benefits and consequences. In addition, will describe some of the legal, ethical, and information security concerns. Legal Kudler Fine Foods, being a small business has the potential to have many risks with legal issues. There is the issue of personal information; this would mean this small business would need to hire workers to keep all personal information of a customer safe. The potential loss of a customer’s personal information, whether the loss of information is internally or external there is a potential of serious crime to be committed, such as identity theft. This could become a serious threat to this small business because if identity theft occurs and it is known by the customer that the personal information was obtained from this small business. This would mean that the customer would have good ground to sue this small business. This could also lead to a loss of customers that already buy goods from this small business as well as a loss of potential customers. This could be devastating for Kudler Fine Foods because it is a small business, the legal fees and the potential money loss for being sued. Ethical The ethical part of Kudler Fine Food in this Frequent Shopper Program could be connected...
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...HR Service Request 08/07/2014 BSA/375 University of Phoenix Abstract This paper will identify and describe the integration of existing HR tools into a single application as well as provide background on the information gathering tools and techniques utilized in order to provide a more sophisticated, state-of-the-art information systems technology in the human resources department of Riordan Manufacturing, Inc. HR Service Request Riordan Manufacturing, Inc. has requested an enhancement to their current human resources system. The current system uses a variety of tools that are pieced together and appear to generate more disorganization and chaos than necessary, in order to successfully manage day to day HR tasks. Excel spreadsheets are employed by multiple users within the HR department, which make intercommunication within the department difficult. A single operation that encompasses all areas required of the application would provide a more efficient system, greater accuracy, and better time management by the employees, among other additional benefits for the agency as a whole. In order to comply with Riordan’s request, a thorough investigation into current practices as well as interviews with key stakeholders, as a start, is required. These individuals would have the appropriate knowledge of the current arrangement, as well as the insight of expectations for the proposed new system. The requirements will be gathered from these stakeholders, at a minimum: *...
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...Service Request SR-rm-022 SCI/275 Corey Stilts Dakotah R. Conlon Hugh McCauley, Riordan Manufacturing COO, wishes to merge the current assortment of tools in procedure into a solitary assimilated application. The company desires to take advantage of the further sophisticated state-of-the art information systems technology that by this time exists in the human resources department. In this text, the data- collecting methods and the intended project approaches that are to be exercised will be clarified. The business conditions for the improvement of a Human Resource system to preserve the goal of this request will also be outlined. Key aspects that will help make certain that the statistics required for this development is collected efficiently and will be acknowledged and a thorough development plan will be produced. This design will make obtainable an inventory of all routine jobs, capitals, and a agenda and fiscal blueprint essential to finalize the project. While cultivating a plan of this background it is vital to collect data from numerous sources to warrant the development proficiently accomplishes its desired chore. To commence the figure collecting procedure, I will become acquainted with key management personnel, the IT personnel, and operators to exchange my ideas concerning the plan. Within this discussion, I will be permitted to question and provide solutions to questions as well as request comments and recognize concerns and ideas. By producing this exposed dialog...
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.... Alternatively this would give customers the opportunity to receive points from their past purchases geared toward rewards products. According to the Kudler’s sales and marketing departments research this type of system will increase revenue and cost reduction for Kudler. Kudler identifies that knowing exactly what the customers purchasing habits, supply needs, and preferences are would enable Kudler to purchase only what will be sold. Therefore, it will stop Kudler from stocking on items that do not sell and are not attractive to the customer. Kudler has different types of options on how they could advertise the new shoppers program. Because these types of programs are commonplace within any market, Kudler needs to develop a complete database system, with including current and former customers. This database is used specifically for advertising of the new program and data collection of sales. Kudler would need to update or create a new website to add this new program and help customers understand the benefits of registering for the program. Legally Kudler needs to stay within the boundaries set up for E-commerce. The rules for online business and e-mail advertisement are very far-reaching some of which include an opt-out link that allows any consumer to stop receiving e-mail advertisements. This must be easily viewable and verifiable to the recipient for online spam advertisement. Electronic contracts are legal and binding along with electronic signatures, these...
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...Kudler Service Request Matt Glaman BSA/310 Kudler Fine Foods are in the process of planning to create and deploy an information system which will be used to track customer purchasing trends through a Frequent Shopper Program. This program will provide rewards and discounts to customers, and in exchange, Kudler Fine Foods will be able to use this data to better target its customers. Implementation of the Frequent Shopper Program will entail new Point of Sale technology, a means of storing customer data, building out the hardware and software means to process retained data. Outside of any technology issues there are legal ramifications, as well as ethical implication. The Frequent Shopper program will be logging intimate data about Kudler Fine Foods customers. Each customer will have to provide contact information and postal address information. As the customer begins to make purchases each transaction will be cataloged which will expose purchasing habits along with other metadata that can be interrupted, such as the typical time of week and day the customer shops. Kudler Fine Foods management must declare a set standard of what data is to be logged to protect customers. Questions must be asked about how certain data is associated with customers. For example, transaction times could be disassociated from a direct customer profile but still provide insight as to popular shopping times. Outlining the ethics of the data collected provides a means for designing other...
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...Kudler Fine Foods – Frequent Shopper Program: Phase 1 & 2 Jamie Littlejohn, Eric Haltom, Jason Rianda, John Martinez, and Rhonda Mortensen University of Phoenix BSA/375 Blair Smith August 24, 2009 Kudler Fine Foods – Frequent Shopper Program: Phase 1 & 2 Statement of Scope- Eric Kudler Fine Foods wants to incorporate a new frequent buyer program for its loyal shoppers. Frequent buyer programs have been called rewards programs, loyalty programs, and a variety of other names. Frequent shopper programs are among the earliest efforts to retain an organization's best customers, and most are based on financial incentives (Zikmund, McLeod, Jr., & Gilbert, 2002, p. 84). This incentive program would be a rewards program that would contain such prizes as high-end gift items. “The Food Marketing Institute reports that 76 percent of all large grocery retailers offer a frequent-shopper program” (Kerin, Hartley, Berkowitz, & Rudelius 2006, p. 517). For this reason Kudler is going to implement its own reward program but in its own way. Rather than providing customers with discounts customers will accumulate points. The customer can then purchase rewards from the program with the point he or she had acquired. This incentive program would have to contain a type of tracking device to maintain customer information and purchases. To develop this program a database, application and printed materials need to be designed. The scope of this project...
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