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Mcdonalds Rhetorical Analysis

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Rhetoric in McDonalds advertising.
McDonalds. It is something good and cheap. Most of the time the line takes a while because it is so popular. Almost anything there taste great. Mcdonald's have been serving since April 15, 1955. All though the food is know to be unhealthy people still love it. Yet not all of the food at McDonald's is unhealthy. Mcdonald’s has been selling salads since 2005.
One billboard showed a double cheeseburger with a big bite taken out of it. It says “one has never tasted so good”. The billboard uses pathos because it makes you feel hungry and want to eat it. It makes you feel this way because there is a big bite taken out of it. The ketchup, cheese, and pickles are falling out of the burger.
Many people worry eating

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