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Mental Health Vs Exercise

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Mental health and personality disorders are a growing phenomena in the last 50 years those in opposition to the existence of these disorders have claimed psychiatry to be a pseudo science and that these issues may simply be solved by exercise and vitamins. While there is undeniable merit to the benefit of a healthy lifestyle that includes vitamins and exercise that is an insufficient course of treatment for mental health and mood disorders. Mood disorders and mental health issues are chemical faults and imbalances within our brains that cause a lack of control over they we feel, think and act, the severity of abnormal brain function is just cause for treatment that exceeds recommending a healthy lifestyle, the treatment that is warranted is …show more content…
There is argument against the benefit of exercise but it is not enough to treat and cure the rising instances of mental illness. Psychiatric treatment is necessary in combination with a healthy lifestyle. A study conducted in 2005 by Bjørnebekk , Mathé AA and Brené S. in Stockholm studied the impact running had on the strength of the connections within the brain. The result of this study was a connection made between the antidepressant effect of running with increased hippocampal cell proliferation. Subjects in a controlled environment were given access to running equipment while some were not, they found the depressed subjects to have lower rates of cell proliferation and were consistently those that did not have access to the running equipment. The study also found that the subjects who were depressed and given access to running equipment showed lowering levels of depression but not a absence. Cognitive behaviour therapy has begun to grow in recent years, it has proven to be effective, (Lerner, et al., 2004) observed a 20% decrease in workplace absenteeism as a result of the therapy and prescribed medication.Stefan G. Hofmann, Ph.D., Anu Asnaani, M.A., Imke J.J. Vonk, M.A., Alice T. Sawyer, M.A., and Angela Fang, M.A. published The Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Review of Meta-analyses. This paper examined the efficacy of CBT as a treatment for several mental health illnesses, mood disorders and substance abuse issues. The study found across the board the likelihood of substance abuse relapses and episodes related to mental health illness decreased while undergoing CBT and a prescribed course of

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