...This poem is about a man who wants to his own person and who has to make a decision rather to do what everyone else has done or to go out on his own and take “The Road Not Traveled. Outline: The Road Not Traveled • Decision Making • Mood Setting • Significant Title Literary Device • Communication • Contradictions Narrator Final Thoughts The theme of the poem is decision making. The Road Not Taken is a decision we have to make every day. The decisions we make in life determines the outcome of the future. Just as if the road that “was grassy and wanted wear” was less traveled, our decision depends on if we are going to take the grassy road that no one else took or take the other road that everyone took. I believe that the setting in the poem is a gloomy setting in deep thought. I feel as though he may have been walking to clear his mind and came upon a fork in the road and he had to make a decision to go left or to go right. The lines “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth” “…Because it was grassy and wanted wear …”(Frost, Robert. “The Road Not Taken”, 1874-1963) are the lines that lead me to believe that he was out just walking to clear his mind when he came upon a fork in the road. A specific word in the poem is what gave me the information to think that the setting is gloomy and he was in deep thought;...
Words: 918 - Pages: 4
...knocked me off the ground from the start You put your arms around me And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go You put your arms around me and I'm home How many times will you let me change my mind and turn around? I can't decide if I'll let you save my life or if I'll drown I hope that you see right through my walls I hope that you catch me 'cause I'm already falling I'll never let a love get so close You put your arms around me and I'm home The world is coming down on me and I can't find a reason to be loved I never wanna leave you but I can't make you bleed if I'm alone You put your arms around me And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go... I hope that you see right through my walls I hope that you catch me, 'cause I'm already falling I'll never let a love get so close You put your arms around me and I'm home I tried my best to never let you in to see the truth And I've never opened up I've never truly loved 'til you put your arms around me And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go I hope that you see right through my walls I hope that you catch me, 'cause I'm already falling I'll never let a love get so close You put your arms around me and I'm home You put your arms around me and I'm home “Appreciated” Why don't you wait here while I borrow Something you said, that you should follow Oh Oh If they just stay age til' tomorrow Then that's okay Hate's only sorrow Oh oh Cuz it's you, who, takes care of everyone else You, need to allow me to...
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...experienced both of them many times in my lifetime and still struggle with them to this day. In this paper I am going to explain how both of these can be damaging not only to you but to everyone who is involved. I’m going to talk about an event in my life that I have experienced, ways to stop invidious comparison, strategies that I personally use to avoid vicarious traumatization in my own life, and if those strategies will work to ensure that I will avoid vicarious traumatization as a human service worker, and what other strategies I could develop that would be helpful to avoid vicarious traumatization. In my lifetime I have compared myself to others so much that it has damaged my confidence, one instance that stands out to me was when I was going into Jr. high school. My family didn’t have a lot of money to buy me those nice clothes that everyone else wearing and I found myself comparing what I wore to what everyone else had. I was so hard on myself I would pretend to be sick just so I didn’t have to go to school. I got so self conscious about it that every time I heard anyone laugh or seen someone whispering I thought it was about me. I was so busy focusing on the fact that everyone had better things then I did that I didn’t even realize that nobody really cared besides me. I started babysitting and making my own money so I could start buying my own clothes but I soon found out how expensive it was to buy those clothes and went back to buying the Wal-Mart clothes...
Words: 1049 - Pages: 5
...are two different kinds of groups, there are the greasers who live on the bad side of town, and there are the socs who live on the good side of town. The Greasers stand out from everyone else, especially Johnny, Ponyboy,Dairy, Dally, Two Bit, Sodapop and, Steve. This group of greasers are different from the socs because they are not afraid to stand up for themselves and do what they want to do. They stood out from the socs because they stood up for each other. In the book The Outsiders it says “shut him up, for pete's sake shut him up! Then there were shouts and pounding of feet, and the socs jumped up and left me lying there. I lay there and wondered what in the world was happening people were jumping over me and running by me, and I was too dazed to figure it out. Then someone had me under my armpits and was hauling me by my feet, it was darry.”are you alright, ponyboy?” this shows that the greasers stick up for each other when the socs are bothering them. This shows that they are different than...
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...You got me fallin’... (again) “Have you experienced falling out of love? That moment when you felt like you’re tired of trying, you’re sick of everything, and you’re heart just wanted to stop pumping.” Our love lasted for two and a half years. It was my fault. It was I, who messed up the whole relationship. I wanted freedom. I wanted space. I wanted to go on a party without asking for his permission. I wanted to enjoy life without him putting limitations. I wanted to have fun. I wanted to be far from him. I don’t why. I love him but I wanted these things. These cause our relationship to grow weaker. Our petty fights and pointless conversations had pushed me to walk away. We separate ways. He let me go. He let me explore the world without him. I was able to do everything that I wanted to. I’ve found the happiness that I was looking for. I became free. I thought it was the right decision until one day I saw him with another girl. Yes. He was with someone else. My fingers were shaking and my tears wanted to burst out. I was telling myself that I should control it. I must. I need to. Again, I wanted to walk away. I was not able to escape from that moment. I wanted to turn hours to seconds. I’ve decided to face my fears. I still remain on my seat and watch him happy with someone else. I watched him happy without me. On that very moment, I know he saw me. He saw me but he didn’t do anything. He saw me as if he didn’t recognize me. I wanted to shout at him. I wanted...
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...than anyone else.” Who wants to lose? No one. Everyone wants to be a winner. Unfortunately, the world isn't full of winners. The world is full of people who learn the rules of the game and then conform themselves with just being good enough instead of being extraordinary. To me, Einstein was preaching that we're all pawns in the game of life and the way we move dictates our success. In my life, Einstein's words have been a private motto. For example, when I was awarded a full ride to UNC everyone accredited it to the fact that I...
Words: 500 - Pages: 2
...Disrespectfulness is the quality of being disrespectful. Self entitlement is when one postulates that they have a conscientious to something. There are many nicknames for today’s generation; for example, the “Me, Me, Me” generation or the millennials. The “Me, Me, Me” Generation is a generation that concludes that they do not have to perform anything whether at work or at school. Their idea of “at least I showed up” is a mentality that affects our government dramatically. Therefore, a great deal of people in this generation are approaching welfare because they are unemployed dropouts that cannot find a job. Welfare was designed to be for the people who are unemployed because of a major injury, people that cannot find a profession, and people that cannot foster themselves or their family. An example of a thought process from the Me Me Me generation, also known as generation entitlement or generation “E”, is quoted below: “I got part of a programming degree before the bottom fell out of the tech industry and all of an AS in electrical design that cost me $60k in debt. I got laid off 4 months ago. Because I refused to work 60+ hour weeks, I can’t get my old managers to call me back. As a 5-year industry veteran with no industry references, I can’t get hiring managers to call me back. I’ve gone bankrupt to escape credit cards, but student loans are for life. I have an ER bill I can’t pay, an untreated skin condition I can’t...
Words: 1566 - Pages: 7
...In the process of writing of this thesis I had several individuals who helped and encouraged me along the way. First, I would like to thank God for the ability to dream the dream of becoming a journalist and giving the talent and stability to reach my dreams. I would also like to recognize everyone who gave me their time, changed their schedules, to stay focused and complete this last year of school. There are several people who sacrificed more then anyone else to help me reach my dream. A thank you goes out to my daughter Sania. You have been the built in baby sitter when I had to study and your mom was out. You have shown strength far greater then your age and I think you for being a rock in my Life. To my daughter Anara, your jokes and...
Words: 428 - Pages: 2
...P1: What happened in the role play? Intro: I am going to be explaining about what happened in the role play? We had a role play, where there was a case about Jackie Jones who was accused of dangerously driving contrary to Section 2 of the Road Traffic Act. The classroom was arranged into a Crown Court. There was one judge, one witness, one clerk, couple of students were members of the jury and some were members of the other juries, there were one usher, there were two lawyers, one lawyer was a defendant lawyer while the other lawyer was the prosecution lawyer, there were press and public watching finally there was a defendant who was the criminal. In this role I was actively a criminal and this is what I fulfilled. When the classroom was organised into a Crown Court, I took my seat and sat at the back of the court room as was instructed by the usher. I kept completely silent for the time being, until it was my turn to go to the witness box and give my statement. The minute the usher stood up and removed me from my seat and took me over to the witness box, this is the exact statement I gave. Statement I gave while I was inside the witness box: “I took delivery of my new Mazda sports car, from the garage Brookside Mazda and I was driving alongside Hillside Road. I live at 32 Able Close and I got stuck in the usual traffic jam. I am very familiar with the road as I drive it every day If I get stuck in traffic when I get close to my turning I have a habit of ...
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...different right away. My awareness began later. Middle school was hard and I remember wishing that I was like everybody else. Being Asian in a primarily white populated community was not an issue until other kids in my class pointed it out. It’s hard to describe how that feels. Humiliating. Embarrassing. Some days I would wish that I was just somewhere else. I struggled in my early teen years, not accepting who I was, becoming closed off, pulling away from my friends and family, and most of all, hating myself. I know it’s not something you can change, but my middle school self didn’t exactly grasp this concept. The constant ridiculing, whether it was to my face or in my imagination, made...
Words: 430 - Pages: 2
...I all alone beweep my outcast state, And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries, And look upon myself, and curse my fate, Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, Featured like him, like him with friends possessed, Desiring this man's art, and that man's scope, With what I most enjoy contented least; Yet in these thoughts my self almost despising, Haply I think on thee, and then my state, Like to the lark at break of day arising From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate; For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings That then I scorn to change my state with kings. When my luck has failed and nobody cares, I sit all alone and cry about being an outcast, and my cries to God feel useless and that he does not hear me at all, then I look at myself and curse my fate, wishing that I had the things others have; or that I looked like someone else, or had friends like others do, or had a good job like someone else, and I am totally unhappy with the things in my life. But, as I'm thinking these thoughts, and as I hate myself, I think of you and then I feel better. Because when I think of your sweet love, just the thought brings such a wealth of happiness that I wouldn’t change places with anyone else. I am sure many people, at one point in time, have felt this way in their lives. There is a part of everyone who wishes that they had something different than what they currently have. Whether it is material possessions, a better career, or better looks...
Words: 617 - Pages: 3
...orientation; to teach someone where things are in an unfamiliar building or city * When Ida moved into the apartment building, her neighbor offered to show her around the neighborhood. the lay of the land – the organization or layout of something; where things are placed or found * This is such a big campus! It’s going to take us weeks to figure out the lay of the land. perfectionist – someone who has very high standards and wants to do everything the right way, without making any mistakes * Gladys is a perfectionist who does her work well, but very slowly because she wants to make it just right. stickler – someone who follows the rules exactly and insists that other people do the same; someone who is very strict * Damian is a stickler with his exercise routine. He runs 8 miles every weekday, and 12 miles on Saturdays. slacker – someone who is lazy and does not do the work he or she is supposed to do, or does not do it well * Adam is such a slacker. He just watches TV all day and refuses to work or help around the house. troublemaker – a person who creates difficulties for other people; someone who creates problems * Hans is a troublemaker in the classroom, so the teacher watches him carefully. warning – advice about a dangerous or difficult situation that may happen in the future; caution * The embassy issued a warning about the dangerous protests in the capital city. to work under (someone) – to work under someone’s supervision; to report to someone in a work environment; to be managed...
Words: 3371 - Pages: 14
...the apple or the tomatoes? When he asks that question, he means would you rather be like everyone else or would you be that one individual who’s not like everyone else. I find his answer very interesting and also meaningful. I feel as if Mark Hunter is saying to be water is to the greatest thing because without water nothing or no one can survive. Water is the source of everything. If I had to choose to be the tomatoes, apple or water, I would go the other route and choose to be the apple. I would choose to be the apple simply because it is not a tomato. To be an apple surrounded by tomatoes goes to show that not everyone has to be the exact same way. Everyday there is someone who feels like the apple of the group. That could be a good or a bad thing. In my personal life it is both. I say both because as a child it was you were like everyone else or you were weird. I have never been the smallest or the cutest girl. In elementary and middle school I was bigger than most of my female classmates. And when I say bigger I mean my shoulders were broader and my hips were fuller. Basically I was already an athlete in training. A lot of the guys in school would call muscle girl or even say I was a man, which when you are a child in grade school hurt. Being accepted by every kid in your class is what most young children would want, but you can’t be accepted if you’re not like everyone else. As I got older the jokes weren’t as intense as they had been in grade school. I basically started...
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...I want to be the Sly Fox because although I think Goldilocks should be punished and is guilty I believe that the Big Bad Wolf lying to the people just for that reduced jail time is messed up and wrong. I also believe that the Big Bad Wolf is trying to make Goldilocks look bad for the things he did even if I think she should be punished and I also think that nobody should deserves to be punished for doing something somebody else did. There is even evidence that the Big Bad Wolf did it and I know that evidence and want to make it clear to everyone that the Wolf did this. My First reason for why you should choose me for the Sly Fox is that I know she did not do all the bad things that Wolf told everyone and I want to be the one to stand up and...
Words: 463 - Pages: 2
...on his life and emotional difference and separation to people as well. He felt nothing special about his family’s death and it shows he is apathetical person. He thinks differently compared to way we mostly think about the death and this is part of alienation. 2. “That’s when Maman’s friends came in. There were about ten in all, and they floated into the blinding light without a sound. They sat down without a single chair creaking. … But I couldn’t hear them and it was hard for me to believe they really existed.” – p.9 It shows that Meursault is slightly solipsistic. Solipsistic means the belief that only they are the truly existing human beings and others are not. You believe everyone else is a figment of the imagination or non-existing object. The fact that he thought he is the only one who existed in the world and the friends of Maman seem not existing shows the isolation and alienation. 3. “I didn’t say anything, and he asked me again if I wanted to be pals. I said it was fine with me. He seemed pleased.”- p.29 Meursault describes the emotion of other people as scientific way and observes them with strange perception. He describes Raymond’s pleased feeling as ‘seemed’ pleased. That means he is not fully into the conversation but step out from the reality and the real person to person conversation and answered the question. 4. “I would rather not have upset him, but I couldn’t see any reason to change my life. Looking….. really mattered.” – p.41 He is not fully...
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