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Med Surg Nursing


Submitted By genecrossmetro
Words 431
Pages 2
There are eight things that I learned when reviewing the patient safety goals of 2008. The first important lesson that I learned was about improving the accuracy of patient identification. It is always important to use at least two patient identifiers when providing care, treatment or services. No matter how silly it may seem, having the correct patient is tantamount. The next patient safety goal is regarding how to improve the effectiveness of communication among caregivers. I found it to be critical to understand the proper way in which to transfer information from one person to the next. Having a standardized system for information sharing is a key part of patient safety. The third principle that I learned was in regard to improved safety of using medications. It is crucial to label medication containers, as well making an annual list of drugs that look alike or sound alike. Making sure that drugs do not get confused or mixed up is definitely going to keep patients more safe. Another concern regarding patient safety is the concept of reducing the risk of health care-associated infections. This can be achieved by maintaining a high level of hand hygiene and by closely monitoring unexpected deaths or major loss of function associated with health acquired infections. The subject of accurately and completely reconciling medications across the continuum of care is pertinent to keeping patients safe. In order to accomplish this, a process needs to be in place that will ensure current medications are compared with the medications that are ordered for that patient. Making sure that the patient’s medications are communicated to the next provider is an important part of this. It is an ever present challenge to reduce the risk of patient harm resulting from falls. To do so, it is recommended that we as health care providers implement a fall reduction program including an evaluation of the effectiveness of the program. Patient safety is a collaboration between the health care team and the patient themselves, that is why it is important to encourage patients’ active involvement in their own care as a patient safety strategy. The best way to do so is to refine and communicate the means for patients and their families to report concerns about safety and encourage them to do so. The final technique regarding patient safety is about how to improve recognition and response to changes in a patient’s condition. Each organization needs to set up a method that allows staff members to request additional help from a specialist when it seems like a patient’s condition is declining.

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