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Media Steganography

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Terrorist groups use media as a resourceful tool to influence society in order to have a greater impact for their cause. As a result, it creates a power struggle of tension between many different sectors of society, such as, Government, Police, and Security Forces. Whoever controls the media controls what information society receives, therefore, depicting society’s morals as to what is right and what is wrong. As technology continues to advance so does social media, such as: chat rooms, blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and etc., as a result, the media gives terroristic groups the ability to completely control their message and how it is perceived. (Pg 79, 81) In the past mass media was received thru newspapers, radio, and television, however, the readily available instant communication offered thru social media, allows for members of society to receive updates and information quicker than having to wait for the news to come on, or the paper to be delivered. (Pg 80) …show more content…
(Pg 82) That is not to include one of the “Internet’s greatest vulnerabilities” that terrorist and criminals are capable of and that is steganography. Steganography is the ability to embed encrypted messages within an internet site, therefore, it gives terrorist groups the opportunity to hack security forces or other organization databases and steal information for their own benefit. (Pg 83) This causes a great deal of tension with security forces as they are always having to take measures to insure their intel information is not released to terrorist groups or

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