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Media Stereotypes

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The human brain tends to normalize and believe what is continuously perceived by the human eye. Multimedia, regardless if it visual or audio, is one of effective tools that have changed the world and how people think about different aspects of day to day lives. According to lester the “Media [are] powerful in that they are unavoidable” (Lester 6). The media is full of direct and direct messages that is delivered to the consumers’ conscious and subconscious minds effecting their opinions and beliefs. Unfortunately, the messages impeded in the media are not always positive and due to the nature in which they are perceived they become normalized by people receiving these messages. Stereotypes about gender roles and women has always been a topic of controversy. …show more content…
240). Stereotypes is formed by what people think a certain individual should be or act and rejecting anything different. Some of the results of the more negative media serotypes hatred, violence and misunderstanding against a group or individuals which can lead to social disintegration (Laster 3). In gender matters, the way each gender whether male or female is perceived by people has been influenced by how they are presented in the media. This was accomplished by putting emphasis on the differences between the different genders and the expectations of each gender. Throughout time, the image of what women ought to be like has been defined by how women are presented in advertisements, television, and film. A good woman is shown as “submissive, sensitive, and domesticated” (Chandler). On the contrary, a woman that have opposite traits to the previous description is considered bad and rebellious. She might be even seen as masculine and unappealing to men. In Martin’s words: “A woman who stands up for herself is no longer a woman”

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