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Medical Detox Research Paper

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Medical Detox Union City
Medical detox is a means of administering medication or replacement drugs during detoxification to manage the progressive symptoms of withdrawal from drug or alcohol abuse. In medical detox, toxins are removed in a paced fashion to curtail bodily stress. Symptoms develop within 6-30 hours of last consumption of the drug or alcohol.
Self-detoxing is a risky feat. Detox should be completed with medical supervision, and is best completed in a medical detox setting. Withdrawal symptoms can be fatal. In a home situation, any emergency might arise that could not be properly handled. Chances of successful detoxification and withdrawal are impaired without the support of medical detox.
Types of detox programs
Natural – Completed without any medical aid. …show more content…
• Methadone – An opioid, methadone reduces withdrawal symptoms and is used as a replacement drug for heroin during detoxification. It is also used during detox for other opiate drugs.

• Naltrexone (Naltrexone hydrochloride) - Naltrexone is a pure opioid antagonist. It works by blocking the effects of opioids.

• Antabuse (disulfiram) – Is used in cases of chronic alcohol abuse. Antabuse disrupts an enzyme that works with metabolizing alcohol. It is used to keep alcoholics from drinking by creating unpleasant side-effects such as nausea, vomiting, cramping, and more.

How does detox trigger relapse without treatment?
The intense cravings and urges that are associated with addiction are not addressed through the detoxification process. Especially in cases of heroin or other opiate use, effects lasts for months after detox. The changes that have taken place in the brain hamper the feeling of normalcy for the addict. Therefore, without treatment the recovering addict is at a disadvantage when attempting to fight the lasting effects of

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