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Meet Polly Pocket


Submitted By reelsea
Words 5330
Pages 22
Meet Polly Pocket, My Nemesis Polly Pocket was inflicted upon uncoordinated adults in 1989 by a British toy company called Bluebird Toys. (Thanks Bluebird!) Mattel and Bluebird held the distribution rights in the early 1990s. Chris Wiggs came up with the Polly Pocket doll for his daughter. Mattel and Bluebird developed his idea into a very popular toy line.

Polly is a small doll--approximately 3 and 3/4 inch tall. She is plastic with jointed legs and arms. She comes with all sorts of miniature accessories and playsets to spark a child's imagination.

But, it was the clothes that did me in.
Polly Pocket is a line of miniature toy dolls and dollhouses that many little girls find intriguing. When planning a Polly Pocket social event or birthday party for a girl, you can create a few activities to keep the girls entertained. Activities and games give the girls a chance to win or make their own Polly Pocket creations to take home as a memento of the gathering.
1. Activities o Hide several Polly Pocket accessories, clothes, pets and toys around the play area. Give each guest a plastic Polly Pocket-themed bag and have her hunt for the items. After the players find all of the items, give each one a small Polly Pocket doll to go with all her accessories from the hunt. For an added bonus, have the girls count their accessories. Award a large Polly Pocket doll to the girl who finds the most accessories. For another activity, divide the girls into two teams. Have the teams take turns hiding the Polly Pocket accessories or dolls in a room. See how many each team can find in two minutes.
o Help the children make Polly Pocket bracelets. Give the girls a large bowl of miniature Polly Pocket dolls, pink craft wire and a few heart-shaped beads (optional). The girls must weave the pink craft wire through the miniature dolls. The dolls should be facing out and look as if they are all holding hands. The girls can add heart beads between the dolls if they prefer. For another bracelet idea, let the girls select several accessories they want on their bracelets. Have an adult thread several small rubber Polly Pocket accessories using a strong needle and yarn. For an easy craft, print pictures of Polly Pocket dolls and allow the girls to color the pictures.
o Have the girls sit in a circle and hand one of the girls a Polly Pocket doll. Play the Polly Pocket theme song or any music and have the girls pass the toy around the circle. When the music stops, the girl holding the doll is out of the game. Keep playing, eliminating one player each round. The last girl in the game wins the Polly Pocket doll. For another game idea, print pictures of Polly Pocket dolls and write a number on each one. Place the pictures on the ground in a circle and write the same numbers on small slips of paper. Play music and have the girls walk around the pictures. When the music stops, they must each stand on a picture. Draw a number from the bowl and the player standing on that number wins a prize.
o Tell the girls to sit around a table and give each girl a small, clear cosmetic jar. Have the girls decorate them by putting Polly Pocket-themed stickers on the jars and writing their names on the jars using paint pens. Fill each girl's jar 3/4 full with white aloe vera gel. Give the girls a variety of fine polyester glitter to add to their gel. The girls can stir the glitter into the gel using small coffee stir sticks or straws. The girls can take home their homemade Polly Pocket body glitter as a memento of the gathering. For another beauty idea, give each girl a wig. Put some blush and lipstick on each girl. The girls can walk around pretending to be Polly Pocket dolls. For a doll idea, give each girl a plastic Polly Pocket doll. Each girl will take a small paintbrush and brush a thin layer of glue on the doll's hair. Tell her to sprinkle glitter on the glue to make her hair sparkle.

Read more: Polly Pocket Activities |
"Polly Pocket" is a series of toys that feature small, 3- to 4-inch dolls that come with their own homes and accessories. When you buy a Polly Pocket doll, each one comes with their own set of clothes. However, careful sewers can actually make a new set of clothes for their dolls. The method for designing these tiny doll clothes differs little from normal doll clothes making methods. You simply have to scale down your clothing to a much smaller size.

Read more: How to Make Polly Pocket Clothes |

Polly Pocket is a small doll originally created in England.
Polly Pocket was created in England in the 1980s; the popular doll was then licensed in the 1990s to U.S. toy manufacturer Mattel for worldwide distribution. The Polly Pocket doll has been redesigned several times since its first incarnation; the changes have resulted in a much more realistic-looking doll that comes with many accessories.
1. Creation o According to Table & Home, the idea for Polly Pocket first came to creator Chris Wiggs in 1983. His initial idea was to create a doll small enough to fit in his daughter Kate's pocket. Wiggs' made the early Polly Pockets from hard plastic, with unrealistic hair and clothes; a make-up powder compact served as her home.
o Bluebird Toys of Swindon, England bought the initial license for the manufacture and marketing of Polly Pocket . Bluebird Toys stuck closely to the doll's unrealistic initial design. Mattel then worked closely with Bluebird on the toy until 1998, when it bought the English manufacturer.
o Polly Pocket lives in the fictitious Pollytown. The town is mapped out on a mat that is just one of many accessories available for purchase. Little girls can spread the accessories, such as Animal Wonderland and a fun fair, across the mat to build and populate the town. There are also houses and stores to place on the mat so that Polly and her "pocket friends," including Becky, Billy, Cindy, Lila and Grace, have places to live and shop.
o In 2001, Mattel issued the first redesigned version of Polly Pocket in a size created to fit into the original pocket-sized accessories. Today's Polly Pocket dolls have quite realistic facial features and hair, as well as bendable leg and arm joints.
Fashion Polly o Mattel launched the Fashion Polly brand following its purchase of Bluebird Toys. Measuring around 3 inches in length, Fashion Polly is larger than the original Polly Pocket and has many different accessories, including make-up and a variety of outfits. Fashion Polly's clothes have the same Polly Stretch material as the smaller doll's clothing.

Read more: Polly Pocket Information |

Fun Polly Pocket Games
Erin Clyburn has been writing professionally since 2004. She has been published in "The Progressive Farmer" magazine, Pearson's "Student Book of College English" textbook and Birmingham's "Lipstick" magazine. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English literature from Mississippi State University, and is pursuing a Master of Arts in children's literature from Hollins University. By Erin Clyburn, eHow Contributor

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o The Polly Pocket website offers free games.
Polly Pocket is a line of miniature dolls and dollhouses that was released by Mattel Inc. in the late 1980s. The toys experienced their peak popularity in the early 1990s, but are still available as a series of larger dolls, dollhouses, accompanying toy sets and an online community. There are many free games available on the Polly Pocket website, each set in a different "world."
2. Pollyworld o There are 19 games available in Pollyworld. They are all about the day-to-day life of the Polly Pocket characters. In the game "Poster Paint Party," you help two Polly Pocket characters design a poster for Polly's bedroom by painting a canvas with different colors. In "Kooky Kitchen," you click around Polly's kitchen to find the things that are out of place and put them back where they belong. And in the "Polly Pocket Picture Game," you click on animals that pop up to snap pictures of them; taking pictures of the special animals will earn surprises.
Electropop World o There are five games available in Electropop World, all of which are about sounds and music. In "Jammin' Match," a memory game, you watch the keyboard and listen to the song, then repeat the melody on the keyboard yourself. In "Stinky Giggles," you help a Polly Pocket character with his math homework by inputting equations on a skunk calculator. And in "Dial 4 Fun," you help a Polly Pocket character check her cell phone voicemail by inputting numbers on her squirrel phone.
Goodie World o There are five games in "Goodie World," which are all about dessert foods. In "Sneezin' Swirl," you must help a Polly Pocket character put sugary sprinkles on doughnuts by dropping them from a spoon. In "Get the Scoop," you create a caterpillar made of ice cream by adding scoops of ice cream to make the caterpillar longer. And in "Marshmallow Squish," you click spaces inside Polly Pocket's house to squeeze more marshmallow friends into her party.
Splashtopia World o There are five games in Splashtopia World. These games are all water-related and set at the beach. In "Dig This," you help a hermit crab dig seashells out of the sand so Polly can use them to make jewelry. In "Make a Lei," you can choose flowers from which to make a lei with the help of a swan. And in "Rainbow Chain," you click on the clouds to connect rainbows in the sky, with the help of a couple of dolphins.

Read more: Fun Polly Pocket Games |

New and Vintage Polly Pocket Dolls and Playsets Children buy Polly Pocket dolls because they are attracted to the pretty and extremely attractive designs. They are very colorful, nice to play with, and have pictures of their favorite Disney characters printed on them. But children do not think about value when they play with toys. They want to be stimulated, entertained, and educated by the toys that they play with. They do not care much about how much Polly Pocket dolls cost, and they certainly care more about the stories and characters behind these toys. That's what makes the world of Disney so fascinating and exciting to children. It's a fantasy world to them, and the toys allow them to convert some of these fantasies to reality. So if you have a child crying to own a Polly Pocket doll, think about why they want the toy so badly . Sometimes, the happy look on a child's face is worth more than any amount of money.

But adults buy Polly Pocket dolls for different reasons. And if you are one of those who are surprised to hear that adults actually collect toys, then you really shouldn't be. Because it's a fact that millions of adults all over the world collect toys - both men and women alike. Some collect toys as a hobby. Others collect toys for profit. And still others collect toys just because they can afford to own them. But unlike children, when adults buy Polly Pocket dolls, they are more aware of the costs involved. This is especially true for those looking to make a profit, and they are highly sensitive to the prices. After all, their doll collection is really an investment.

So is it really worth investing in new or vintage Polly Pocket dolls? That begs several other questions. First, ask yourself if you have some interest in the dolls. If you really like the dolls, that will urge you to really go find out more and learn more about the toys. Second, do you understand the market really well? Really, who are the customers? And why are they buying Polly Pocket dolls? Will they continue to do so in future? These are questions that must be answered if you are thinking of buying Disney dolls, and looking to sell them of for profit at a later date.

Once you have set your mind to collect Polly Pocket dolls, the next step you should take is to source for bargains, and again, the best place to do so is on auction sites. There are often sellers who sell stuff off simply because they do not want the items anymore. They have no idea how much the dolls are worth, and are just looking to get rid of them. These are the sellers that you want to buy from, because chances are, they are more than happy to part with the dolls for a really low price. And as a collector collecting dolls for profit, your success is directly dependent on how cheap you can acquire the merchandise. If you can find these great bargains, half the battle is won.

If you're buying a new Polly Pocket doll, apply some common sense and again, think about the resale value of the toy. Is it limited edition? How are the buyers responding to the toy? These factors will certainly affect the resale price of the doll.

Bear in mind that most of the time, you'll be trading on online auction sites. So it certainly pays to be familiar with how auction sites work. Start by visiting one today.

Parents need to know that includes a plethora of interactive games and activities about music, math, finding hidden pictures, and taking new adventures. Kids will enjoy watching the short videos and matching musical notes. The site also heavily promotes the Polly Pocket line of dolls and accessories. The home page alone displays two prominent links encouraging users to browse the catalog of toys. Links in bold print entice kids to connect to other Mattel sites. Seeing through the hype
Commercials are nothing new. We all grew up with them and can probably sing a dozen or more jingles. What is new is how advertisers have adapted to children’s media, using sneaky methods that don't look like ads. Product placement, online promotions, viral videos, cell-phone updates – even Twitter and Facebook are all reaching kids directly. And with location-based apps like Foursquare, marketers can determine exactly where your kid hangs out and shops to target ads based on your kid's location.

What is advertising to kids?
Kids are bombarded with advertising messages everywhere they turn. In addition to the traditional TV, print, and radio ads, as well as product placements in TV shows and movies, interactive ads blaze throughout online and gaming worlds. Sponsorships, contests, and product endorsements appear regularly. Ads come to our kids disguised as “free” cell phone ring tones, surveys, and pass-along games and quizzes that capture email addresses when kids respond or forward the pass-alongs to one another. (This is called viral marketing.) And every time a kid puts on a T-shirt or a hoodie with someone’s brand on it, he becomes a walking ad for that company.

Why it matters
Advertisers know that the earlier a kid learns about a brand, the more likely she will be to buy it later (or beg her parents to buy it). And kids under 7 can’t tell the difference between advertising and entertainment. Many ads are for junk food, and one out of three kids in this country are at risk for obesity. Ads that target appearance can cause feelings of insecurity and body image issues. Children are so impressionable that a number of organizations, including the American Psychological Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, have called for heavy restrictions on advertising to children. Wanting more and more material things can cause anxiety, depression, and anger. It can make kids judge their self-worth by what they own. Helping kids understand how advertising works can help protect them from being exploited.
Vintage Polly Pocket Dolls Children buy Polly Pocket dolls because they are attracted to the pretty and extremely attractive designs. They are very colorful, nice to play with, and have pictures of their favorite Disney characters printed on them. But children do not think about value when they play with toys. They want to be stimulated, entertained, and educated by the toys that they play with. They do not care much about how much Polly Pocket dolls cost, and they certainly care more about the stories and characters behind these toys. That's what makes the world of Disney so fascinating and exciting to children. It's a fantasy world to them, and the toys allow them to convert some of these fantasies to reality. So if you have a child crying to own a Polly Pocket doll, think about why they want the toy so badly . Sometimes, the happy look on a child's face is worth more than any amount of money.

But adults buy Polly Pocket dolls for different reasons. And if you are one of those who are surprised to hear that adults actually collect toys, then you really shouldn't be. Because it's a fact that millions of adults all over the world collect toys - both men and women alike. Some collect toys as a hobby. Others collect toys for profit. And still others collect toys just because they can afford to own them. But unlike children, when adults buy Polly Pocket dolls, they are more aware of the costs involved. This is especially true for those looking to make a profit, and they are highly sensitive to the prices. After all, their doll collection is really an investment.

So is it really worth investing in new or vintage Polly Pocket dolls? That begs several other questions. First, ask yourself if you have some interest in the dolls. If you really like the dolls, that will urge you to really go find out more and learn more about the toys. Second, do you understand the market really well? Really, who are the customers? And why are they buying Polly Pocket dolls? Will they continue to do so in future? These are questions that must be answered if you are thinking of buying Disney dolls, and looking to sell them of for profit at a later date.

Once you have set your mind to collect Polly Pocket dolls, the next step you should take is to source for bargains, and again, the best place to do so is on auction sites. There are often sellers who sell stuff off simply because they do not want the items anymore. They have no idea how much the dolls are worth, and are just looking to get rid of them. These are the sellers that you want to buy from, because chances are, they are more than happy to part with the dolls for a really low price. And as a collector collecting dolls for profit, your success is directly dependent on how cheap you can acquire the merchandise. If you can find these great bargains, half the battle is won.

If you're buying a new Polly Pocket doll, apply some common sense and again, think about the resale value of the toy. Is it limited edition? How are the buyers responding to the toy? These factors will certainly affect the resale price of the doll.

Bear in mind that most of the time, you'll be trading on online auction sites. So it certainly pays to be familiar with how auction sites work. Start by visiting one today

Company, Brand, Product
Mattel, Inc. founded in 1945 is headquartered in El Segundo, California and manufactures various toy products worldwide. The company offers products under various brands; some including Polly Pocket, Fisher-Price, Hot Wheels, Matchbox etc. They also produce my favorite brand of toy, Barbie. Mattel sells its products to retailers, wholesalers and chain stores. They also market products directly as well as through its website.
Target Audience
Barbie is definitely targeting young girls, age 5-11, when they make their TV commercials. They use their marketing tactics to target these young girls in hopes that they will ask their parents to purchase these Barbie Dolls for them. The typical family segments that would purchase Barbie Dolls would be classified as “White Picket Fence” or “Kids & Cul-de-sacs” under the PRIZM Market Segmentation. Both segments are upper-middle class, with college degrees under their belts and who have younger children. They live in suburban areas and can be classified as the typical “American” family. They watch Toon Disney, shop at the Disney store, rent and buy kids videos, and read Parenting magazines.
Positioning & Differentiation
Barbie positions their products as a fun, must-have brand. Target customers as stated above, perceive the Mattel brand, specifically Barbie, to be of the highest quality of products in their category as well as being at an affordable rate. They are well-known for having the most up to date and “fresh” ideas for new dolls and accessories to go along. Their TV ad differentiates itself from their competitors, such as the Princess line from Disney, by creating their commercials to upbeat songs and showing young girls their age having fun with their Barbie dolls. This marketing mix allows Mattel to build and retain a competitive advantage because most people perceive what their peers to do as “cool” and strive to fit the status quo.
The AIDA Model
As described above, the Adoption Curve and Product Life Cycle are incorporated into the AIDA model because new products go through a “cycle” once implemented into the market. Consumers must first become aware of the product; Barbie accomplished this by creating TV commercials like the one shown, which targeted their market segment. Once Awareness was created and the product was introduced to the market, Interest was created. This interest lead to a growth in demand for Barbie dolls and young girls Desired to have this product. Once desire was accomplished and Action was taken the product matured to its current state of consumption which would be at the maturity stage of the life cycle.
They have the same appeal as other small toys like Polly Pockets and Barbie Dolls, but because they are pet-themed instead of fashion themed, many parents prefer them over Bratz and Barbies First, companies want children to develop brand loyalty. Fast food places, clothing brands and toy companies each develop a unique image. They hope this image is strong, and will stay with kids for a long time, and eventually grow into a lifelong loyalty. Magazines like Time, People, and Sports Illustrated have kid and teen versions with ads for 'adult' things like cars, airplanes, hotels and credit cards, even though the readers might be too young to think of that. But companies place their ads in these places with the hope that brand loyalty will grow and develop. They hope to develop life-long customers through this kind of marketing.
In addition to customer brand loyalty, companies also bank on the nag factor. A 2007 CBS report says that 8 to 12 year-olds spend 30 billion dollars of their own money and convince their parents to spend another 150 billion dollars. That was 2007. Now it’s 2010 and more ads than ever are flooding every accessible media gateway to children. Companies know that it were up to adults, the latest Polly Pocket toy or G.I. Joe action figure probably would not be purchased.
This is probably true, so companies aim their marketing at kids. When kids want something, they're like relentless piranhas, picking and nibbling. The kids then nag their parents into buying the products. The "nagging factor" is what encourages companies to advertise directly to kids instead of the parents.
Another reason that kids are targeted instead of adults is because of their vulnerability to outside influences. Companies spend billions to advertise their products to children. Recent estimates put these figures at $15 billion annually. This amount represents a dramatic increase in marketing dollars aimed at children and youth.
The advertisements are found everywhere, including but not limited to, the internet, television, and magazines. That, coupled with a ridiculous amount of peer pressure and the desire to be ‘cool’ or have the ‘coolest stuff’, leads to children frantically trying to acquire the latest cell phone, the latest action figure, the hottest clothes, the coolest material possessions possible.
Peer pressure and the media coerce children of all ages to go out and buy company products, even if it means forcing their parents to buy for them, all in hopes of achieving that intangible happiness and popularity.
Things seem pretty bleak for kids today. If they’re like this now, imagine what their future purchasing habits might be like. This is the strategy. Companies hope that when these young people grow up they will continue to consume. They won’t be able to ignore the impulse to buy the latest car, the latest insurance, the biggest house, and acquire the biggest financial problems. Thankfully, given the right information, kids won’t go blindly into the world of commercialism. There are things that can be done.
First, get kids (or if you are a kid reading this) off the computer and the TV. Almost any activity that doesn’t involve sitting in front of a screen is a good activity. Take a walk, read a book, volunteer at the library, find a job, mow the lawn, write a newspaper article, play with a Frisbee or football; anything but sit in front of a screen
Next, teach awareness. There is no such thing as too much information regarding advertising. The wiser you are, the better. Parents and kids should be aware that advertising companies want their money. They often don’t care about happiness or success; many companies only care about their own happiness and success. They usually don’t care much about consumers. Smart consumers question any claims made by advertisers. If you mute the TV when commercials come on, you might be on your way to becoming a smart consumer.
Another good strategy for parents is to encourage kids to understand why advertisements are on TV and why the advertised products are often not as shiny as they appear in commercials. Teach kids money management. It’s all part of developing those all important financial literacy skills. Basically, the more information young people have, the more questions they will ask. Hopefully we will all begin to understand that commercials and advertisements aren’t always completely true and we should al make smart spending decisions. We don’t always need the next hottest thing around. Happiness isn’t sold as a toy, an electronic, a pair of shoes, or food. With any luck today’s youth will begin to be smart consumers, able to make logical and rational decisions regarding advertisements. Polly Pocket Dolls
Mattel launches designer Barbie clothes for women

NEW YORK (Reuters) —

Toy maker Mattel Inc, known for Barbie fashion dolls, is expanding the plastic icon's domain to include high-end designer clothing and accessories for adult women. The merchandise, which includes jeans, shirts, handbags and jewelry, is designed by well-known fashion designers and will sell under the name Barbie Luxe. Using Barbie as their "muse", designers like Anna Sui, Anya Hindmarch, Citizens of Humanity, Judith Leiber, Nickel, Not Rational, Paper Denim & Cloth, Stila and Tarina Tarantino have added Barbie-esque touches to their designs, such as pink stitching on jeans or a retro silhouette on a cameo pendant.

"Our target market is the fashionista," said Richard Dickson, senior vice president of global consumer marketing and entertainment for Mattel Brands. "From teens through adults in their 20's and 30's. It's not Mattel's usual target audience."

Weak sales of Barbie dolls, a lackluster retail environment, and strong competition have hurt Mattel recently. The company is working to raise Barbie's non-toy profile as well as tap a grown-up fan base as part of a long term plan to reinvigorate the toy brand.

There will be a series of promotions to publicize the Barbie Luxe brand, including underground campaigns, launch parties and Fashion Week interviews.

The El Segundo, California-based toy maker is launching the line exclusively at Fred Segal Flair in Santa Monica next week, and some designers will carry the merchandise in their own boutiques.

Mattel is hoping that the clothing and accessories will catch on with trendsetting teens and women and that popularity will trickle down to Barbie the doll.

"When a teen or 20-something is carrying an Anya Hindmarch, Barbie bag it'll reinforce Barbie as as relevant, cool brand for little girls," said Dickson. "Little girls are growing up faster than ever and looking to adults and teens for inspiration, and Barbie is their aspiration."

The items aren't cheap, with jeans priced at $176 and a 3/4 sleeve hooded sweatshirt at $140, and this helps add to the cachet of the brand, which is designed to be "aspirational."

Dickson said Mattel is making a point to keep Barbie Luxe as a specialty collection and the prices a bit out of reach.

Mattel has a similar clothing line in Japan, where it has Barbie boutiques, and earlier this year it announced a girls' clothing collection called Barbie loves Benetton. The toy maker also has a high-end line of collectible dolls — geared for adults — many decked out in outfits created by designers like Lilly Pulitzer, Cynthia Rowley, Versace and Kate Spade.

"Barbie has a special relationship with women," said Dickson. "It takes them back to being a little girl and fantasizing about what they're going to be in the future."

Read more: Mattel launches designer Barbie clothes for women - the Fashion Spot,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=c7fec8890f99dfa5&biw=946&bih=665

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...6FRunning head: HEALTH CARE ACCESS SB 810 THE CALIFORNIA UNIVERSAL Health Care Access SB 810 the California Universal Health Care Act Polly Ankenbauer Grand Canyon University Health Care and Economic Analysis HCA 255 Barri Mallin August 12, 2011 The purpose of this assignment is to choose a legislative proposal regarding health care access and discuss the current program as well as ways the new legislation will improve access. The proposal chosen for this assignment is, State Senate Bill 810 authored by Senator Mark Leno; a Democrat from the city of San Francisco and presented in March 2011 as The California Universal Health Care Act. This landmark legislation establishes a modern universal health care system to cover every California resident with comprehensive benefits for life, building upon the well-tested principles of our popular Medicare program that American seniors have relied on for decades. SB 810 provides universal care without increasing overall health care spending in California (One-care 2011). Currently residents of the state of California are either privately insured through employer benefit, private pay, or enrolled in either the Medi-cal or Healthy Families Program and a large percentage are without health insurance. SB 810 is a “Medicare for All” style single-payer health care reform plan. Single-payer is a term used to describe a type of financing system. It refers to one entity acting as administrator, or “payer.”(Mclaughlin & Mclaughlin...

Words: 1402 - Pages: 6

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The Inconvenient Duchess

...Christine Merrill Chapter One ‘Of course, you know I am dying.’ His mother ex- tended slim fingers from beneath the bedclothes and patted the hand that he offered to her. Marcus Radwell, fourth Duke of Haughleigh, kept his face impassive, searching his mind for the appropriate response. ‘No.’ His tone was neutral. ‘We will, no doubt, have this conversation again at Christmas when you have recovered from your current malady.’ ‘Only you would use obstinacy as a way to cheer me on my deathbed.’ And only you would stage death with such Drury Lane melodrama. He left the words unspoken, struggling for decorum, but glared at the carefully arranged scene. She’d chosen burgundy velvet hangings and dim lighting to accent her already pale skin. The cloying scent of the lilies on the dresser gave the air a funereal heaviness. ‘No, my son, we will not be having this conversation again. The things I have to tell you will be said today. I do not have the strength to tell them twice, and certainly will not be here at Christmas to force another 6 The Inconvenient Duchess promise from you.’ She gestured to the water glass at the bedside. He filled it and offered it to her, supporting her as she drank. No strength? And yet her voice seemed steady enough. This latest fatal illness was probably no more real than the last one. Or the one before. He stared hard into her face, searching for some indication of the truth. Her hair was still the same delicate blonde cloud on the pillow...

Words: 82622 - Pages: 331

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Mattel Annual Report

...2013 Annual Report Financial Highlights Diversified Portfolio American Girl Fisher-Price Other Fisher-Price Friends Other Barbie Latin America Asia-Pacific North American (US, Canada & American Girl) $7.1B Fisher-Price Core Entertainment Other Girls $7.1B Europe Wheels 2013 Gross Sales by Brand Source: Mattel 2013 10-K 2013 Gross Sales by Region 2013 Financials At-A-Glance $7,117.8 $2.58 $7,052.6 12 $6,841.1 11 $2.22 $2.18 13 11 12 13 Gross Sales Source: Mattel 2013 10-K Gross Sales History (in millions) Gross Margin Operating Margin Earnings per Share Total Shareholder Return (TSR) (For the Year Ending December 31, 2013) Mattel, Inc. S&P Source: Thomson Reuters 1 Year 34% 32% 3 Year 28% 16% 5 Year 29% 18% 10 Year 13% 7% 2013 Annual Report MATTEL, INC. For nearly seventy years, Mattel has been inspiring imaginations, fueling the innovative spirit and creating the future of play for millions of children around the world. Today, Mattel, Inc. and its family of companies comprise the world’s largest toy company with a strong portfolio of brands and toys that children and their parents have cherished for generations. Our portfolio includes some of the most iconic toys of all time, from Barbie® and Hot Wheels®, to American Girl®, Fisher-Price® and Thomas & Friends®. Parents trust Mattel to deliver hours of fun for their children, and our shareholders trust us to bring long-term value to...

Words: 60668 - Pages: 243

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Mattel Cases Study

...Mattel Recalls 2007 Communication Implications for Quality Control, Outsourcing, and Consumer Relations [ABSTRACT] In August 2007, America's largest toy manufacturer announced the first of what would become five recalls involving 21 million toys—most of which were manufactured in China. This case study and teaching note examine a corporate response to a global crisis and consider the unique communications challenges facing a corporation that operates in an international, crosscultural arena. The teaching note critiques the response’s suitability to the level and impact of the crisis and recommends alternatives. It illustrates that communicators should be cognizant of their international stakeholders and should proactively manage global issues of public concern such as outsourcing and product safety. An example would be that to avert future recalls, Mattel should work closely with its Chinese suppliers and government agencies to implement realistic quality control solutions for which it can be held accountable. The company must reassure stakeholders that outsourcing to China does not mean sacrificing quality. Regaining consumer confidence and controlling the dissemination of product safety information requires strong corporate communicators who can delicately and deliberately balance complex relationships. Table of Contents I. Case Study 1. Overview 2. Company History 2.1 Beginnings 2.2 Reorganization as Mattel, Inc. 2.3 Products 2.4 Accolades for Ethics 2.5 Financial Performance...

Words: 11242 - Pages: 45

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...Executive Summary Mattel, Inc is the world’s largest toy manufacturer product line includes such household names as Fisher-Price, Matchbox and of course Barbie dolls. The company was founded in 1945 and has grown remarkably since with global revenue approaching $6 billion per annum and counting on 31,000 employees to fulfill the toy needs of millions of children. Mattel began their initial Corporate Social Responsibility program when the idea was still in its infancy for many companies back in 1997; they released their first GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) in 2003 and have done so annually since. In the summer of 2007 the company went through a social responsibility media nightmare after the revelations that various toys in their product line exceeded the safety levels for lead which resulted in the recall of over 18,000,000 products. At the time it was a huge story that naturally impacted the company in a negative way but if there is a silver lining it would be that the company has subsequently fully revamped their testing and auditing processes for all manufacturing. The company’s more robust position in 2011 demonstrates that huge business mistakes can be overcome if lessons are learned, which appears to be the case for Mattel. Introduction Mattel, Inc. was founded in 1945 by Ruth and Elliot Handler and Matt Matson. The company had its headquarter in El Segundo, California and was well-known in the world as the leader in the design, manufacture, and marketing of family...

Words: 3303 - Pages: 14

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...Dubliners Joyce, James Published: 1914 1 About Joyce: James Augustine Aloysius Joyce (Irish Séamus Seoighe; 2 February 1882 – 13 January 1941) was an Irish expatriate writer, widely considered to be one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. He is best known for his landmark novels Ulysses (1922) and Finnegans Wake (1939), the short story collection Dubliners (1914) and the semi-autobiographical novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916). Although his adult life was largely spent outside the country, Joyce's fictional universe is firmly rooted in Dublin and provide the settings and much of the subject matter for all his fiction. In particular, his tempestuous early relationship with the Irish Roman Catholic Church is reflected through a similar inner conflict in his recurrent alter ego Stephen Dedalus. As the result of his minute attentiveness to a personal locale and his self-imposed exile and influence throughout Europe, Joyce became simultaneously one of the most cosmopolitan and one of the most local of all the great English language writers. Source: Wikipedia 2 Chapter 1 The Sisters There was no hope for him this time: it was the third stroke. Night after night I had passed the house (it was vacation time) and studied the lighted square of window: and night after night I had found it lighted in the same way, faintly and evenly. If he was dead, I thought, I would see the reflection of candles on the darkened blind, for I knew that two candles...

Words: 68296 - Pages: 274

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How to Do It

...CASE: GS-63 DATE: 09/15/08 UNSAFE FOR CHILDREN: MATTEL’S TOY RECALLS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT We apologize to everyone affected by this recall, especially those who bought the toys in question. We realize that parents trust us with what is most precious to them—their children. And we also recognize that trust is earned. —Robert Eckert, CEO of Mattel, Inc.1 On August 2, 2007, Mattel announced a voluntary worldwide recall of 83 products in its Fisher- Price toy lines, including characters such as Dora the Explorer, and the Big Bird and Elmo characters from Sesame Street. The recall, which applied to approximately 1.5 million toys sold worldwide after May 1, 2007, was due to the use of excessive lead paint.2 Over the next month, Mattel announced six more recalls that covered toys with lead paint, as well as small magnets that could become loose and be ingested by children. In October, Mattel made yet another recall for lead paint contamination.3 All of the toys recalled had been manufactured in China. Two weeks after the August 2nd recall, the owner of the Chinese factory that had used the lead paint committed suicide. This series of recalls attracted widespread publicity, as well as political and consumer concerns that sometimes bordered on hysteria. Newspapers and television networks jumped on the story, interviewing concerned shoppers and showing toys being removed from shelves and parents bringing toys to stores for lead testing. Mattel‟s brand image took a serious...

Words: 9114 - Pages: 37

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The Last Leaf

...that I value more bite the dust. This is not an unusual experience for an artist. Rachmaninoff used to groan because he was known mainly for a Prelude in C Sharp Minor which he wrote as a boy, while the works of his maturity never got into the programmes. Kids cut their pianistic teeth on a Minuet in G which Beethoven composed only so that he could detest it. I have to go on living with A Clockwork Orange, and this means I have a sort of authorial duty to it. I have a very special duty to it in the United States, and I had better now explain what this duty is. Let me put the situation baldly. A Clockwork Orange has never been published entire in America. The book I wrote is divided into three sections of seven chapters each. Take out your pocket calculator and you will find that these add up to a total of twenty-one chapters. 21 is the symbol for human maturity, or used to be, since at 21 you got the vote and assumed adult responsibility. Whatever its symbology, the number 21 was the number I started out with. Novelists of my stamp are interested in what is called arithmology, meaning that number has to mean something in human terms when they handle it. The number of chapters is never entirely arbitrary. Just as a musical composer...

Words: 61684 - Pages: 247

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Rebel Angels


Words: 132783 - Pages: 532

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...В.А. Кухаренко ПРАКТИКУМ ПО ИНТЕРПРЕТАЦИИ ТЕКСТА Допущено Министерством просвещения СССР в качестве учебного пособия для студентов педагогических институтов по специальности № 2103 «Иностранные языки» МОСКВА «ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ» 1987 ББК 81.2 Англ К95 Рецензенты: кафедра английской филологии ЛГПИ им. А. И. Герцена; кандидат филологических наук, доцент МГПИИЯ им. Мориса Тореза О. Л. Каменская Кухаренко В. А. КЯ5 Практикум по интерпретации текста: Учеб. пособие для студентов пед. ин-тов по спец. № 2103 «Иностр. яз.».— Просвещение. 1987.—176 с. 4309000000—608 103(03)—87 Пособие предназначено для студентов старших курсов факультетов английского языка педагогических институтов. Оно написано в соответствии с программой по данному курсу и состоит из двух частей. Первая часть пособия включает 6 рассказов и образцы их интерпретации. Во второй части даны 16 рассказов, представляющих различные жанры короткой прозы писателей США, Великобритании, Австралии и Новой Зеландии, предназначенные для самостоятельной работы студентов. ББК 81.2Англ © Издательство сПросвещение», 1987 ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Настоящее издание представляет собой практическое пособие по интерпретации текста. Оно предназначено для студентов факультетов английского языка педагогических институтов и написано в соответствии с Программой МП СССР по курсу языкознания. Цель пособия — научить студентов не только умению глубоко проникать в художественный...

Words: 80382 - Pages: 322

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...explanation for the reason that without it many readers would suppose that all these characters were trying to talk alike and not succeeding. THE AUTHOR. Free eBooks at Planet  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Scene: The Mississippi Valley Time: Forty to fifty years ago  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Chapter I Y OU don’t know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain’t no matter. That book was made by Mr. Mark Twain, and he told the truth, mainly. There was things which he stretched, but mainly he told the truth. That is nothing. I never seen anybody but lied one time or another, without it was Aunt Polly, or the widow, or maybe Mary. Aunt Polly — Tom’s Aunt Polly, she is — and Mary, and the Widow Douglas is all told about in that book, which is mostly a true book, with some stretchers, as I said before. Now the...

Words: 115104 - Pages: 461