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Megaevolution Research Paper

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Pages 4
Correct. Incorrect. These are two answers that individuals in today’s society hope to achieve when searching for the truth to a problem or controversial question or situation. A controversial question that has been in existence for the past 157 years is the question of evolution and the origin of life. Is megaevolution correct or incorrect? Did megaevolution every take place on earth’s history? I believe that megaevolution has not and will never occur. As a creationist, I interpret the data found for this controversial topic through a worldview that believes in the existence of an Intelligent Designer.
Megaevolution is defined as a change that is a relatively large and complex. A few of the topics that evolutionists argue on include the concepts …show more content…
This is a question that is asked for over many decades and centuries by both sides of the party—Creationists and Evolutionists. “The Big Bang,” is accepted and supported by evolutionists to explain the beginning of the universe for a number of years. Evolutionists have had countless number of attempts to create genetic materials in the same manner the Big Bang did to replicate life from the same conditions that the universe was from its original state. Although the scientists were able to replicate their experiment to achieve the results in their search for the mystery of life’s origin, a flaw for their experimental process is that fact that the experiments were controlled tightly. A second flaw that can be seen through the experimental process done by the scientists is that the energy source required for the reaction to be completed would deteriorate the products at a rate that is much faster than the formation of it. A third flaw of the experimentation is the unlikelihood of the correct combination and reactions would take place in a simultaneous fashion. I find it hard to believe that the correct components necessary for life to begin spontaneously came to be without a Higher Power who

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